Square Enix is back, senpai.
Square Enix is back, senpai
Two good games and one shit game.
oh shit which one is shit user please i need to know this is very very important to me
There's one good game in this image.
I'll give you a hint, it's only one that's both on the right and on the left.
uhh uhh
Only DQ11 Switch and Nier Automata are based. And both weren't made by Square, but by Enix and outsourced to PlatinumGames respectively.
Fuck ANYTHING Square touches.
Remove FF7R and I'll agree with you.
lets hope it
Do you think they will make a FF8 remake as well?
Thanks doc
By the time they'll finish FF7 they will be able to outsource FF8 to their team on Mars.
DQXI is Armor project + bird studio and Automata is Bokkoro + Platinum Games
We can only hope. FF8 is already the greatest game ever made.
true that
a continuation of Nier would be nice too
I want a Drakengard HD remake, but I don't want to get monkey pawed here.
would be cool too i guess
Should come to all consoles and PC
FF8's team was the same as 7, so 9 has more chance to come first desu
It will depend of good the Nier remake will do, probably.
But to me a simple port in HD would do, I just want to play that game.
Call me when they make a new Dragon Quest Monsters.
what would you think about a sequel to FF8?
I'd more interested in a prequel that explores the past of the sorceresses, maybe Laguna/Adel's story more.
sounds good to
I’ll even settle for DQ Monsters gacha.
Call me when Front Mission gets a sequel that isn't outsourced action game garbage.
3 > 1 > 2
Forgot that one but also good. I’m excited for YoshiP’s XVI.
DQM would be really kino right now
that game was oddly difficult as well
FFV was the game that both nomura and Kitase explicitly said they wanted to remake in interviews, suck it FF8 fags
FF5 would be fine too