
It's going to be a fucking trainwreck.

Attached: wow shadowlands.jpg (1600x900, 209.46K)

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Remember when Yas Forums tried to hype up Legion as the next big trainwreck all throughout alpha and then it ended up saving WoW


>saving WoW

>saving wow

kek, keep trying

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It was very popular and overall quite well received compared to BFA and WOD

cope zoomer

Attached: berniebros.jpg (789x645, 35.57K)

>hard cap on aoe where you can only hit up to 5 targets at once

it's dead before it even arrived

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Kinda true. Legion got me to play WoW consistently for more than a month which I hadn't done since wrath

I started playing day 1 of WoW EU. I didn't like legion but you can't deny that overall most people liked it.

People who still play a 15 year old mmo arent zoomers retard

Cata shit
Mop good
Wod shit
Legion good
Bfa shit
Shadowland good


Do you know when legion came out? are you fucking stupid

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>it ended up saving WoW

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>"Most people" like dogshit. Smarten up faggot

t. seething classic cuck

do you know when wow came out? are you fucking stupid?

Holy fuck theyre still developing this game? And people still play it? Fucking lol.

Keep coping. I'm sorry you have a high tolerance for poor content.

Overused AOE is one of the many reasons wow went to shit.

>moves from legion shitposting to bfa shitposting
how does that work when the original comment was legion being good?

He's a schizo retail player, just ignore him

I think you'll find the real reason is the current devs are incompetent and its never been a problem before now.

Howcome you never said that before Blizzard decided to make this silly change?

Most people who still play WoW have been playing for 10+ years and have a sunk cost fallacy mentality. They keep playing hoping that all those thousands of hours will eventually pay off and WoW will surpass its past self when the player still considered the game to be great. For many of these people, WoW has become an integral part of their life and they can't let go, even if they don't really enjoy it that much anymore.

I don't play retail you ratfuck
Nice projection though

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>doesn't even know what projection means
ok schizo

>ignoring the comment and instead addressing unrelated video clip

I kinda hope this is true

Don't even pretend you didn't know about the expansion.

>ignoring the comment
You mean your shitpost that had nothing to do with any argument?

smarten up faggot

Attached: frustrated fernando.png (496x541, 309.74K)

cata shit
mop shit
wod shit
legion shit
bfa shit
shadowland shit


Attached: Grebnedlog.jpg (660x330, 21.17K)

Over abundant scenarios that are broken by AoE are the problem. I'm pretty sure they tried a soft AoE cap before and it didn't work.

Many people were vocal when they read the Lich King patch notes and correctly predicted that the tanking changes would lead to mindless mass aoe in dungeons. The game has never really gotten away from this game design since then.

The only correct opinion on the matter

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These guys are literally me, any space games for this feel?

is the shadowbringers chink shit clone?

>it's going to be [Spoiler]fun[/Spoiler]

>RNG Legendaries

That has nothing to do with the power of aoe, stupid
