It wasn't THAT bad

it wasn't THAT bad

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Blow it out your ass.

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Maybe it wasn't but it was mediocre as fuck and completely forgettable. Nothing would have changed if this game never came out.

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Is there a point all developers should just stop trying to push a game out the door and accept no one will ever care whether or not it lives or dies?

yeah it was that bad, It played like fucking Unreal 2 except without the good graphics

It was very bad but not Sonic 06 or Colonial Marines bad. Which still isn't saying much.

I genuinely hate Randy Bobandy

the game was realistically a 7/10. deal with it

Make it 6 and I'll take it.

>was realistically a 7/10. deal with it
Not even the biggest shills in vidya journalism were able to lie to themselves this much Randy.
You should, he's a legitimately awful person.

randy didnt even work on the game you tard

Even when released at the time of the games it mocked it still would've been a pretty mediocre title.

EVERY 10's FPS is mediocre and forgetful

No no. It really was that bad.

I defend Randy Pitchford and praise him because it makes people angry.

its easy to dismiss because anyone who defends him is a retard or a troll

If I take a shit and someone else fishes the turd out of a bowl, throws it in a bag, sets it on fire and puts it in front of your door do you blame me or the other guy?

No, it wasn't THAT bad. I was just happy to finally get that game after 14 years.

My only gripe was just how modernized it became and some of the low budget animations. Like the pipebomb throwing animation, jumping and the flipping switch animations are so fucking bad. So was the 2 weapon only crap.

i beat this game and only remember the first like, hour of it. they put a lot of effort into the football stadium and duke's house. i can't even begin to imagine what the rest of the game was like even though i played it.

He refused to pay his employees their bonus user.

He once assaulted one of his VA's for talking back.

Im pissed I cant fill out the crib. Only people who play it are autistic euros at certain times of the day on mp.

yes, schizo, randy is trying to desperately defend a forgotten game he didnt work on and who no one blames him for

I liked it, but I read a lot of complaints that it was too hard and the loading times were long. But since I played it on PC I assume they were console players.

The same thing happened with Max Payne 3.

The gameplay itself, apart from a couple of set pieces, doesn't get past mediocre but where it really goes wrong is just how fucking unfunny the whole thing is. It's like Borderlands levels of pathetic. Like what is with the strip club dream sequence? It was just really boring padding. Only a twelve year old whose parents won't let him use the internet unmonitored would have gotten any entertainment from it. The game felt like it was made by people who have nothing but utter contempt for its audience and so they completely missed the mark. Things like how they don't really see the difference between Duke and a genuine misogynist. Just because a guy likes hot girls doesn't mean he has no respect for women and will crack jokes when they get horribly killed. That's not Duke, that's what a crazy feminist thinks Duke is.

Well I would beat the shit out of anyone who would dare disrespect me to my face too.

It was certainly playable, but it had the production value of a fucking half life 2 mod made by one guy at times. The fucking truck sections for example, what the fuck....

Wrong. It's a 4, maybe a 6 at best if you include the dlc.

post wrist

You're right. it was awful.

But Max Payne 3 was shit, even on PC.

It wasn't. But it was really bad for what it was supposed to be.