Name a better franchise than the Souls series. You literally can't

Name a better franchise than the Souls series. You literally can't.

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>souls franchise

As a franchise souls kinda sucks. Theres constant problems that are never fixed between every single game, they move away from better aspects, or they'll introduce a cool aspect then ditch it in the sequel. Every single one feels unfinished in some way. The parts are actually greater than the whole.

You're an idiot

>NPC Patches from DeS, DS1 and DS3
>Moonlight Sword from DeS, DS1, DS2 and DS3
>gear from the NPC Marvelous Chester from DS1
>Gascoigne literally says Umbasa
>not Souls

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i cant

DS2 was shit.
DS1, DS3, and bloodborne were great though

>Moonlight Sword from DeS, DS1
Found the zoomer secondary, by that logic Bloodborne is King’s Field.

as far as I am aware this is one if not the only franchise in which all the games are good at least.

souls is the japanese equivalent of cod or asscreed.


and also Armored Core

>Gascoigne literally says Umbasa
No, he doesn't


Ace combat

He did in the Alpha did, retarded boomer.

Souls as a series isn't that good.

DS3 is boring and mediocre with no soul
DS2 has so many flaws in gameplay, reused assets, weird shaders, but some soul.

DeS and DS are very good. But I can't call it a "best franchise"

honestly, all franchises suck.
See Rayman post 3
See Deus Ex after Deus Ex
Half life alyx

fuck franchises, new IPs rule

>I don’t know what franchise means
Are Xenogears and Chrono Trigger the same franchise too, retard?

>the right handed squad

>durr let's pretend like Chrono Cross doesn't exist
Seething boomer.

So in other words, he literally doesn't say it.
Thanks for proving my point.

But ds is just vidya Berserk

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Armored Core

DeS was a good game. Dark Souls was an OK game with several glaring issues that people started hyping up as "the hardest game ever" and basically became such a meme that it is hard to take anyone seriously when they say it is their favorite game or that it is game of the year. Dark Souls 2 and 3 tried to get some of that magic and ended up being worse. 2 was so shit that 3 was at seemed ok. Bloodborne was at least different enough to warrant some praise.
There is nothing more obnoxious than a Souls babby.

>starts good, turns shit halfway through and never stops going
when you put it like that...

Legacy of kain, zelda, doom, assassin's creed, splinter cell, metal gear, xcom


>legacy of kain
my nigger

Where is Sekiro?

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>Where is [Tenchu game]?
Here's your (You). Don't spend it all at once.

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not really, the games dont come out yearly and the series is on hold for now, with sekiro being something different and elden ring probably as well

But Sekiro and Tenchu are different games.

Yes, I can. Took me 0.1 microseconds to think of it.

Armored Core is a better series.

Fuck From software's crappy fantasy games. Fuck them fuck them fuck them. I'm giving them another cent until they go back.


souls (without the sequels) series

Indeed. Just like Berserk, Souls turns to shit the longer it goes.

>I'm giving them another cent until they go back.
generous of you. Not sure what they'll spend all that cash on though