Is Code Vein better than Dark Souls and Demon's Souls?

Is Code Vein better than Dark Souls and Demon's Souls?

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are you a shill who needs to sell more of one or the other? or a retarded little kid without money to buy both?

only if you're a coomer

Yes, GotY.

I wouldn't say better but if you liked DS and like weebshit it's worth a try.

No until it has a tiddy slider.

Fuck no. It completely misses the point of the "genre". Enjoy your minimap, walls of dialogue and cutscene spam.

Fuck no, especially with that shit environment design, but the magic system is pretty fun. Too bad many Gifts feel the same

No, but it’s still a good game. It differentiates itself from other games in the genre to remain pretty unique.

The actual gameplay is a strict upgrade but everything else is much worse. Too bad From can't into functional hitboxes.

That the DLC is just God Eater is profoundly disappointing.

not op but i'll guess i'll give it a try.
it's been in my backlog for a while anyhow

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Not even close. Coom Vein is mediocre in every way.


I loved Code Vein and it was one of my favorite games of 2019 but no, Dark Souls is still the superior product.

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it's the first setting offered to you in the character creation screen

The level and enemy designs are incredibly bland and uninspired.

Very similar to and better than dark souls 2 in every way.

it was pretty decent, but one thing that ruins the flow of the game are the constant memory sequences which break up gameplay.
the ps4 version also crashed fairly often

thats a pitty slider
its not tiddy unless i can make mommies

No but oonga boonga builds are legit fun.

You should be ashamed to even mention Code Vein after the DLC

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I think the labyrinth could actually have been a decent level if it actually bothered to add some environmental diversity and points of interest, the unlimited copypaste works became unbearable by the time you got to that point.

was disappointed i couldn't make the tits bigger

I stopped caring about the DLC as soon as I read up on the contents of the first, were the bosses decent at least?

>day1 crack
lets how long user gets to play the game

don't tell me there's people who actually pay for DLC/season pass before the exact content is revealed


Code Vein is the first game I've bought from those developers so I took a gamble.
I lost the gamble but that's how life is.

I didn’t like the companions so I played solo and I’m not a big anime fan so I could only make it until ‘not Anor Londo’ before getting real bored. The tone was pretty neat but the levels felt kinda boring.

I actually just got laid off, have about $500 in my bank account but gotta save that for car payments.

>better than Dark Souls
>and Demon's Souls?

yknow with gambles there's a risk-reward ratio, and while most gambling is rigged in favor of the house they at least show you the upside

what's the upside of buying a DLC pass early?

feel free to redirect me to a more recent patch, i haven't found anything later than a day 4 crack

Risk: I get a shit product
Reward: I get a good product.

there is none.
pretty much abandoned for now.

cracker are either died from corona or are now playing the wait game cus they got salty Empress didn't get much of a financial donation after cracking AC OD

Doesn't GE get free updates that add new scenarios?

I like the skills

Yes but that's due to Shift actually loving and caring about God Eater.
Code Vein was made at gunpoint and they want absolutely nothing to do with it anymore; they want to go back to God Eater.

It still sold too well. Bandai Namco will hold the gun to their head as long as soulslikes still sell gangbusters.

yeah but there's no added upside to putting money down early when you don't know anything

>buying the DLC only when it gets announced and i evaluate the contents
risk: a couple extra dollars spent
reward: a good DLC

No, the gameplay, enemies, characters, music, atmosphere, bosses and environments are all much worse. Even the story is worse because it's incredibly long winded with characters I dont care about.

There is also like no weight to the weapons, which makes sense since I had this same problem with God Eater.

The character creation is great though but I don't know why they have this arbitrary limit to how many accessories you can put on a character.

It was a new ip with a concept that appealed to me so I decided to take the risk and give the developers a big chance
I won the gamble with the main game but lost it with the DLC content. Now I know that I can trust the next base game and instead wait for the DLC to be cheap.

Better than Dark Souls 2 at least
But since the game becomes really easy after getting some better classes it's not really good
Then again maybe because I played as str build with Zweihander and I got to just kill any bosses before they could do anything

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no, I don't hate Code Vein but it's mediocre compared to fromsoft's offering. the combat lacks that sense of weight and it's almost an achievement how a came this packed with cutscenes and traditional storytelling elements of a cinematic game still somehow manages to have a less coherent story than Dark Souls.

now the character creator, graphics and overall aesthetic are nice but it's world lacks the genius of Dark Souls. the areas are more mazelike but less full of unique things to see.

Nah, but it's pretty fun.