R.I.P Gus Rodriguez

For people who doesn't know who's this guy

He's the reason why Nintendo is so big in Mexico, he was the one who brought Club Nintendo Magazine here and several Nintendo vidya shows

Even Charles Martinet is saddened about his death


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A quien le importa?

Mira hijo de la verga, vas y chingas a tu puta madre culero.

una vela?

And nothing of a value was lost

Vete a la mierda hijo de la gran puta. Respeta a los mayores.

Esto, literalmente quien

Burrito taco quesadilla!


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fuck off

Kill all Mexicans

>Un Mexicano muere
>Sus compatriotas arman un escándalo como si fuese algún tipo de tragedia mundial

Ni siquiera los Argentinos son así de petulantes

Fuck off to Yas Forums

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who the fuck cares about a 3rd world country?

Primer post mejor post

>He's the reason why Nintendo is so big in Mexico
he runs pirate website or something?

I assume Mexico isn’t a large portion of NOA sales so he’s mostly irrelevant.

Gus was a great guy, extremely talented, clever, fun, and also humble and friendly. Truly an example to be followed.

So is this the day when Mexico take over Yas Forums, finally? :D

Awevo, estos perros gringos 12añeros que van a entender

De acuerdo a su página de Wikipedia, el difunto no era nada mas que un shill de Nintendo.

Gus promoted Nintendo back in the 90s with his magazine and TV show, sharing news and content that would have otherwise been inaccessible back then. He was essentially the cool uncle that liked videogames for the entire nation.

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"Nada mas un shill" que tenía una exitosa carrera escribiendo comedia y trabajando en diferentes proyectos ajenos a los videojuegos.

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Well, shit.
Sorry to hear. Didn't know of him, but RIP.

kek Miyamoto looks so uncomfortable
>"Is this Spic trying to steal my wallet?"


Don't know him at all, but it looks like he was having fun when Nintendo was at their best. Good for him. Also, never would've guessed Martinet was blonde when he was younger.

el var sinson....

Los mejicANOs piensan que el resto del mundo les importa que murio un indio narizon.

Fuck off to .

Seriously, why are the all such annoying cunts.

>A dios amigo
>A dios

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I understand why some boomers actually feel for him, since he gave tips and tricks on TV back when internet access was at early stages. But tbqh, he didn't do anything groundbreaking, or even good...

He just wrote cancer comedy for the worst cancer comedian like Derbez, while in 2019 he hosted an extremely outdated and boring retro game show. Club Nintendo was a nice magazine for 7 year old kids but it honestly had very shitty content. I think the attention he got was very undeserved

This is a vidya topic. You fuck off.

>the voice of THE Mario says his farewells

No this is a /ck/ topic. I don't give three shits about some bean.

Who cares who voiced Mario. Woohoo, wow amazing voice acting

Didn't even voice Mario, just had a boner for Nintendo

Charles Martinet speaks Spanish? What the fuck, where is he from?

Yas Forums is an English imageboard and the guy wasn't even a vidya dev.

dios mio........

Nah, he said "a dios" instead of "adiós."

>Charles Martinet didn't voice Mario

I didn't know this guy before, but R.I.P.

what? hello?

based mario knows only catholics get into heaven

Culero nalgas miadas

I care, and you should if you like vidya magazines.

If you actually liked vidya magazines, you would know mexican Club Nintendo was unremarkable shit

Why should I care about a Mexican magazine?

Fun fact: Shigeru Miyamoto has a fetish for big booty Mexican women. That's why there's so much Mexico pandering in Nintendo games recently.

He looks like mexican Nardwuar.


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Shiggy's Mexican girlfriend would be more important person than this guy


Oh no, noooo no no, he goes to Tijuana and makes a beeline towards the cathouse.

Sóplame la vela

The real question here is: Who were Axy and Spot?

Exterminate all Chicanos.

God, I fucking hate chicanos in this country and I'm one myself.

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All Mexicans are repressed libtards.
That's why the always vote blue in America.
Spics and their enabler Ronald Reagan ruined California forever.

Apparently kids that got baited into "playing games as a job". They collaborated for pretty much shit money, wile the magazine and the tv show where doing good. Carqui confessed it years ago on a podcast

Por que los mexicanos son un puto grano en el culo allá donde van?

Fuck off, drug cartel.

t.argentino viviendo en cdmx

It's just one obnoxious Mexican faggot.

>add something "ethnic"
>50% it's considered racism/offensive/cultural appropriation
>50% it's considered inclusive

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zoomer de mierda

In several interviews perse, but what I really meant is if we will be able to know their faces and names