What the fuck. They did it again. Fuck you and your NTR fetish, Takahashi. Melia wasn't enough.
What the fuck. They did it again. Fuck you and your NTR fetish, Takahashi. Melia wasn't enough
I guess that would be X's greatest asset. Can't have romance when the main character is a fill in the blank puppet.
there's a canon harem end, in ten years Pyra and Mythra will be having orgies involving every female blade bonded to him plus Morag and Brighid because the royal bloodline's gotta be continued somehow
Good. Nia doesn't deserve that bullshit.
Organised by Sheba
False, there is a monogamous ending where Rex ends up with Pyra/Mythra but they're one person anyway.
What user is talking about is the NG+ joke screen where Nia muscles into the title screen, which somehow Niafags interpret as Nia suddenly having equal standing with Rex's wife.
This ending screen happens only in NG+?
pyra and mythra are two distinct people with their own bodies and personalities at the end of XC2 and Rex is still going to fuck both, that's the definition of a harem end
>Joke screen
>Muscles into
You could argue that it's a retcon or something, but Nia's all but invited into the group handhold by everyone else there, get your head out your ass.
>never confessed to Shulk
>was passive the entire game
>didn't listen to Sharla
She didn't get NTR'd. She was never in the running.
Believe it or not my only impression of this game comes from the "BAKA SLEEPING IN MY BED" WEBM, Rex confirming NTR status for Nia, and the awkward dancing WEBM. Never bought the game after learning all this. Shame, the combat looks good and KOSMOS is in it, but I can't support the better girl losing to the blondeshit ANTA BAKA shit personality.
What a completely original thread
Melia/Niafags are absolute cancer.
Get your head out your ass. What does being invited into the group have anything to do with it? Nia (and Roc) are also Rex's blades. It doesn't change the fact that Pyra/Mythra is Rex's love interest and Now isn't. Catfags need to learn your place, you're worse than Meliafags.
the redhead and blonde both win. They're two halves of a mecha god that get separate bodies at the end
You don't know what NTR means, dumbfuck. Stop refraining from posting on Yas Forums.
If you can't understand context that obvious then there's no reason to try and convince you further, you're simply too stupid.
Hey, it's new to me. I wasn't here for the original shitstorm.
>Stop refraining from posting on Yas Forums
So... post more?
You missed it, you're just gonna have to life with it.
That's good. I can keep her all for myself, because I'm not a dumb orphan that needs a surrogate mommy like Rex.
Don't worry, she becomes the harem cat later on.
Post the kitty cat dance
Any Mario game where Bowser is the good guy is automatically God tier. Prove me wrong.
What's wrong with NTR?
Don't know what this has to due with the thread, but it's better than XC2 porn dumps
What's with the Japanese lately and all these passive beta harem male MCs? This idiot, Cloud, etc. It's no wonder so many people are getting into NTR out of sheer anger for this shit.
this kills the catgirl
Wish fulfillment for beta otaku. Some timid loser gets all the girls surrounding him and he gets to have his fun with dates and romance with all of them.
>passive beta harem male MCs
Not only there's no harem, but he wants Pyra's pussy from the get go and works towards tasting it. Way to show you didn't play the game.
Why do people whiteknight a shitty character like Rex so hard?
He fucking forgives Jin of all people, what a cuck.
>best girl looses yet again
Why are japs have such a shit taste in women?
Rex literally impressed God so much that he gave him his two hot daughterus
And XC2fags will still deny he's a mary sue.
Same way one could ask why do people spread lies about Rex so hard.
I don't think it's lies, they probably project a much better character on him because he's so bland and boring he barely has one.
Post more Nia pls
This shit is not even remotely new.