Deus Ex Human Revolution is ba-

>Deus Ex Human Revolution is ba-

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lmfao I love how you can see slapping chad’s cum out of those roastie mouths, cock carasol isn’t free cunts

Have sex

Remind me why they're having riots?

man, these grafxs were so bad even at the time

It's Detroit

Riots in HR are in the entire world.
Yes, the whole planet is rioting because of a philosophical issue

god the writing was so low IQ

not enough black cock for everyone

Were they? I didn't actually play too many games from that time, what were the best looking games then? Bioshock Infinite/ME3?

does anyone have a webm or gif of the female talk animation where they start violently karate chopping the air

nice cutscenes
which movies is ?

if this doesn't make you want to go out and flip over cars and set trash cans on fire then i don't know what to say

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nice cutscenes
you missed Yas Forums sadly

nupoz aint free


Because Jesus hates robot arms, or something.

Which makes zero sense because in the real world you'd wait for other to get augs and see what happens to them.
The neuropozyne problem would come up much MUCH earlier than when everybody has them

By the way in the original deus ex only soldiers got mechanical augs. No sassy black women with mechanical legs everywhere because it's """"deep social commentary"""""


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because writing that makes sense is not politically correct and therefore you need evil bad whites doing evil bad things

Use your words, ESL-kun.

fucking best post in the thread holy shit

Why were people so against augmentations to begin with? They wouldn't offer THAT huge an advantage in the job market.
And how come almost everyone was augmented? I refuse to believe 50% of the population had accidents in which their limbs were amputated, so most people amputated working limbs to replace them with augmentations and then had to live on their lives dependent on an anti-rejection drug manufactured by one company. Sounds pretty dumb.

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I kek'd

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Americans frequently believe that their societal issues are universal.
Comes with the imperialism.

More like comes with their media being compeltely pozzed

>We's right snoggered now, mum

Yes, that never happens. You’re very bright.

In the original Deus Ex mechanical augmentations are becoming obsolete. People have augs in HR because their employers either get them or because competition becomes hardcore when people can get a social enhancer

ok when did it happen

Ok what about mechanical arms and legs, which literally everybody in the streets has? Why do cashiers and waiters need those?

I should replay HR. It was way more fun than it had any right to be.

Why do cashiers and waiters need iphones?

>Deus Ex Mankind Divided is b-

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Answer my question first.

No one said the game was bad. That was MD

HR was fucking shite, what are you smoking?

Hello? Based Augmentations department?

d compare to the first two games. Fuck S-E.

dxmd is actually good though


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They can walk faster, stand longer, balance plates better etc

>spend billions of dollars to outfit a guy with cutting-edge technology and life-long neurozopyne treatment that gives him superstrength to let him carry goods
>a forklift only costs 15 thousand dollars
>augmentation is the source of societal conflict, riots, heated political debates, etc. because people are afraid augmented people will take their jobs
>we are supposed to take this seriously

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>le cinematic cutscene takedown
Pathetic. It's embarassing they couldn't even manage to have as fluid gameplay as a 20-year old game.

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too goddamn short

mistah jc denton

Iphones don't require you to pay millions of dollars, pay for an expensive drug for the rest of your life and CUT OF YOUR LIMBS, retard.

Is this supposed to be impressive?

Unironically hating women, cringe bro.

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The Chinese are portrayed far worse than the whites in the game, why are you pretending to have played the game?

It's more impressive than Human Revolution or Mankind Divided, games which couldn't even handle the gameplay concept of an aerial assault, so they just play a cutscene of icarus landing instead.

Dumb zoomer.

>Iphones don't require you to pay millions of dollars,
No, but still too much. Also, neither do single part shitty chop shop augs, you absolute fucking retard.
>pay for an expensive drug for the rest of your life
Yeah because dumb, poor people will NEVER go into debt because they want to buy a phone or tv or car or anything, right?
Those are augs, what is your point? Are you implying that appletards would NOT cut off anything if they could get the newest product?

that's not augmentations that's called powerlifting for one month


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Why don't the new games have cool augmentations like this? Heck, the only 'new' idea Mankind Divided had was ripping off Dishonored and copying the Blink move (icarus Dash).

that's terror

It's literally stated in game it was illuminati manipulating the media with constant AUGMENTED MAN BAD propaganda.

How did they get away with it?

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A realtor can just as easily buy an edge by impressing clients with a $200,000 supercar and having $16,000 tailored suits made, but they don't, because it's not cost-effective. Normal everyday bullshit prosthetic limbs today already cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The point is that the only jobs that are really going to be replaced are manual labor ones. Even that will be limited, really, because even a superhuman cyborg is still going to be more limited than what a forklift or SpaceBot can do. Your cyberlegs aren't ever going to be able to replace a 10k, sorry.
I can't think of a single augmentation in any of the DX games that was used to make people smarter. Malik has improved reflexes, which is about as close as you can get to being improved mentally. Augmentations improve your physical capabilities, and that's it. Your IT guy, your programmers, your university professors, your STEM nerds, none of them are going to be replaced by augmented folks. In fact, in DX:HR, you only come across two people who have a CASIE mod, and one of them is your pilot (for some reason). Everyone else just has cyborg legs and arms.
The motherfuckers who work at LIMB aren't even augmented. It's a robot that does all the surgery, not Edward Cyborg Scalpelhands.
Cybernetics would have the largest application in military and maybe extremely hazardous industrial applications (like deep-sea welding or astronauts). Beyond that, who the fuck is going to get a million dollars worth of augmentations and a crippling life-long dependency on a drug just so they can carry beer kegs from a delivery truck? And even if they did, are you really going to have riots in the street because all the cyborgs took the beer keg carrying jobs?

they do that sort of stuff all the time, like with vaping, doesn't make people riot

HR and MD are two of the best games of the 2010s. yes, MD too, even with the actual illuminati plot cliffhanger, even with Squeenix's corporate meddling

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the new games would've been better if they had swimming. this is why the first game was the best

The media doesn't create false flags about vapers going on mass killing sprees like they do augmented people though.

What a dumb example. Poor people are by definition not cost-effective, you autist.

the non-lethal typhoon firing brap pellets everywhere was cool

And who is going to loan them that money? It's one thing to 'loan' hundreds of dollars for a cellphone plan, it's another thing to loan millions to have cyberlegs.

Sometimes augmented people with backdoors can do harm even if it's not their will.
So they being casted off for having augmentations(and writers retarded enough to not make invalids without augmentations)

>>Deus Ex Human Revolution is ba-
-sically disappointing on a fundamental level

because your expectations were unreasonable

It's basically just a fancy version of a glas cloud that knocks people out. Hardly what I'd cool.

And really, that's just retarded. Homogenizing stealth as being identical to combat, to the point that you're farting out non-lethal cannonballs, is just retarded.

Mostly this, no one is going to pay millions for one person to do cheap manual labor, when most people are bitching about housing prices and those aren't even as much as augmentations. Realistically at those prices it would just be new money with a tech fetish and rich amputees.
Are you stupid or something? There's a huge difference between a nig getting $500 sneakers and trying to get million dollar robot arms. No bank would lend the money.

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Do you have any source on your claim that such a backyard aug costs millions?

Yesterday I finished the first Deus Ex, can someone explain to me how destroying the world's infraestructure and letting old men control everything again even compare to letting a benevolent ai with no ambition or pride deal with what's best for it? JC is it its side and he is a pretty cool guy, so only good things can come out of it instead of potential bad stuff with the Illuminati and complete chaos with Tracer's plan.
The only negative I can see is that JC basically loses the argument he had earlier with Morpheus.

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Unironically based.