Yas Forums tells you game is shit

>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
>play game
>game is really good

Why does this always happen?

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>listening to shit Yas Forums says
there's the problem

It’s a fun game but the depression plot and the brown skinned man trigger Yas Forums

>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
the problem lies with the fact that Yas Forums says this about every game that isn't 20 years old mainly because if you shit on a classic you get 100 (You)'s from nostalgiafaggots

Celeste is a great game, but I understand why people write it off without playing it. I did the same at first, because of the bad pixel art and percision platforming. You can't make people understand how good a game plays from trailers, even if you show actual gameplay.
still, it's the most fun percision platformer I've ever played, and the only one that didn't feel like a chore to beat, at least until they dropped chapter 9

>shit game: Yas Forums doesn't talk about it
>mediocre game: Yas Forums hypes it, then stops talking about it
>good game: Yas Forums furiously shits on it

Madeline is so cute she makes me genuinely angry

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Yas Forums just doesn't like GBT stuff in their games
they sure do love L though

T-Virus game.

>Chapter 9
The moon? Fuck that level. Everything else was like a stove set to 5, the last few levels that are locked with a handful of crystal hearts maybe being a 6. Then you get to the moon and it's like you're on the surface of the sun. I busted my ass making it through the whole thing and what do you get at the end? Whoops, sorry you need 15 fucking crystal hearts to get to the end meaning you have to beat every fucking nightmare b-side to see the true ending.

>they sure do love L though
Years of mental conditioning.

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>not Badeline

First 8 chapters: Fun and engaging gameplay with an actual good story

Chapter 9: Let's retcon her to be trans and also despite it being the main story and not side levels let's make it the hardest levels in the game

Just don't play chapter 9 and its amazing

If you believe that Yas Forums is populated by a vocal majority of video game elders wearing robes with great critical thinking skills and unbiased opinions who you should definitely listen to, you're in the wrong place.

This place is a petri dish of toxic behavior and bad-faith opinions because nobody outside of this community is allowed to like and show enthusiasm for games.

The Undertale fanbase has absolutely nothing on the cringe that comes out of the Yas Forums userbase. Let that sink in.

Anyway yeah Celeste is great.

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desu the only thing i liked about the game was the music

>Let's retcon her to be trans
You know they never actually did that right? It was just twitter trannies claiming her as one of their own because she had a 10 pixel tall tranny flag on her desk in the final art screen along with a homo one. Not everyone who brandishes those things are trans, otherwise 90% of twitter would be.

Because Yas Forums says every game is bad so it's no indication about its actual quality.

in this case it's because they write the game off with one or two words that have nothing to do with the plot. At all. There's a brown man and a trans flag somewhere hidden in a cutscene somewhere, so automatically the game is every buzzword Yas Forums can think of, from pedo-bait to SJW to pro-communism or something. I'm exaggerating but only a little.

I'll tell you a secret user.
That's not even close to the end of the level and everything after that is way harder than anything else in the game



>tranny game

People hate it because the dev had a friend working at IGN and so they gave the game a solid 10/10 and was even a goty contender despite just being a super meat boy clone

I haven't played this in a while, I think this will be my game of the day for today. Post save slots.

why not both, baby?

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Forgot the damn picture. Time to get those last strawberries.

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yeah it's about having an abortion and also the devs came to my house and killed my dog

Thanks for telling me so I can finally drop this shit game.

Game is about conquering self-loathing, and gitting gud at platforming

Anons can do neither of these things and hate the game for reminding them of that

It doesn’t. Let’s see, what games have Yas Forums recommended
>Outer Wilds
>Fallout 76
>Metal Gear Survive
All dogshit. All unbearable.

major cope
after that gate, the chapter becomes incredibly fucking difficult and takes fucking hours to beat
chapter 9 was so much fun, i love that now i can beat each level in one or two tries

>the characters in this game are shortstacks
Yes hello, excuse me where is the porn

are you esl or did you not read the OP?

Pretty much this, there may have been a time where Yas Forums was enthusiastic about video games, but that day has long passed. Even the "good" video game threads get pulled down by shitposting troglodytes eventually.
There's really no reason to take, or engage with anything Yas Forums says seriously, just observe from afar and form your own thoughts without them and you'll live a much better life.

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You don't get to put a trans flag in your game and then complain about people calling your SJWs. What if it was a Nazi flag instead? Would you still everyone to chill out, it's just a tiny graphic in a DLC cutscene that has no bearing on the rest of the game?

The devs came to my house and fucked my ass. Didn't even give a reach-around either.

embarrassing, the b-sides are the best part of the game. 5-b and 6-b are masterpieces of platforming design.
all the b-sides also have killer music.
>core strawberries
those are kind of obnoxious iirc
and finding all the summit ones takes a bit of work. lots of alternative paths.

Please stop using words you don't know the meaning of just because you see them used in shitposts.

people were bitching about the game before a trans flag was in it

Yas Forums just wants another Tortanic. The Old Republic RUINED this board forever.

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People called the game SJW shit long before that flag got thrown in.

And who the fuck cares? Its a flag in one place. Just pass it up and play the fucking game. It's a fantastic game.

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Yeah the summit is a piece of ass because it seems there are strawberries you can skip by choosing one route. I try not to look them up though even if it is a bit tedious.

>if i just say two flags, its an equivalency
here, i'll go for the opposite extreme.

You do get to put a trans flag in your game and then complain about people calling you SJWs. What if it was a UK flag instead? Would you still everyone to chill out, it's just a tiny graphic in a DLC cutscene that has no bearing on the rest of the game?

the answer is yes because people who freak out about flags in games are mentally ill

The fact that you're equating a nazi flag with a trans flag just proves there's no point in arguing with you since you're gonna be disingenuous with your arguments. Feel free to call me a tranny faggot, post context-less statistics, call out the jews, or continue to bait someone else into giving you (you)s some other way though, it'll keep the thread alive for more Celeste discussion.

Yeah man, the devs strafed my house with M61 Vulcans

I do know the meaning of "cope." I was using it here to express that you're coping by blaming your inadequacy on poor design of chapter 9 to relinquish responsibility.

So she is an annoying SJW, then.
What a trade off, makes sense thought, since she hates herself and has anger issues.

I didn't look them up either and it didn't take too long. Thankfully there's lots of checkpoints.

>the vitriol in this post
>calling someone else self-hating with anger issues
like pottery

Be honest with me anons, you looked up how to get the blue Crystal Hearts right? Nobody here has a galaxy brain big enough for some of those puzzle solutions.

I did, but that was because I wasn't playing celeste for the puzzles

Nah literally everytime Yas Forums says a game is shit, its literally always shit
>Outer world
>fallout 76
>the entire nu Bioware game
>Path of Exile 2
And especially Celeste
The reason why retards itt are pissed at Yas Forums is because these retards literally came from reddit subs and encountered opinions that are not from their echochambers. That's literally it. Do these retard actually give opinion and concrete reason as to why the shitty games their defending is good? Absolutely not as seen itt. And so they'll keep on coming to Yas Forums hoping to change the narrative but it'll never work as they are addicted from the (You)s and validation that this entire site provide.

>animefag post2016 election tells me game is bad/good
>disregard his opinion and assume the opposite because I know he's a tranny with an agenda
I miss when animefags where the oldfags, fuck all you animetrannies from today

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Use a thesaurus

I dropped it at the parts where the dark bitch chases you. I like platformers but I suck at them, having someone chase me while also trying to do precision jumping was too much pressure for me.

They're pretty much similar ideologies at this time. Dogmatic and retarded.


Doesn't the game literally have a cheat menu built into it?

until Yas Forums approves it, I can't

>Yas Forums tells you game is shit
>Yas Forums tells you game is good
>consider the available information and make an informed decision
>end up making the right choice most of the time

She only goes where you go. You can cheese her a bit by constantly moving since she copies your movements exactly, including pauses.

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>Yas Forums is one person
>listening to people on Yas Forumss opinions on games that have "disapproved politics" in them


>Anything with nazis or alt-right is absolute pinnacle of vidya, 11/10 here is my $59.99 + Tax + Tip. If oyu hate this you're a fool and must have the IQ of a goldfish. Seek help.

Never change Yas Forums.

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>SJW anything ina game means the WHOLE THING IS FUCKING RUINED GARBAGE

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Is it cheating to look up the solutions of some of the rooms on youtube? I can physically do them but some of the times I have no idea where to jump or what timing to use.

Depends, if you have tried tons of times and honestly can't figure shit out after tons of tries, I can understand.

If you're walking into te room and just go "I dunno wha tto do" then look it up without trying you're a fucking faggot.