Post em

post em

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The hype is dead.
Byleth ruined it and though I personally loved ARMS, its about the most anti-hype thing to start with, not to mention they just announced it like, oh yeah, it's an ARMS character but we wont say who, oooooh so exciting. Yeah no. 2nd wave is gonna be a bust.

I don't understand why they couldn't just tell us which ARMS character it is, it's definitely going to be a safe pick like Ribbon Girl

They want to circulate what little hype there is by getting us talking about it. The ddwnfall with that is immediately after no one gave a shit and starting talking about the next next character.

>Paper Mario
>Neku Sakuraba
>Dr. Eggman
>Lanky Kong
>Phoenix Wright
The hype is fucking dead anyway and ironically enough, hype culture is what killed it.

>Eggman AND Lanky Kong
Holy mother of based, Batman

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This is a first party nintendo character who shouldnt be left out

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r8, h8, masturb8

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Shit to the extreme.

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>Min min
>Rex n' Pyra
Hello, based department?

Master Chief
Phoenix wright
Don't really care
Obligatory Pokemon rep

Give me a Square/Enix rep from the SNES that won't jew us on music tracks and I'm happy.

>Metal Mario
>Pink Gold Peach
>Dark Dark Pit
>three more Fire Emblem Characters (and they're all Marth clones)

Mask Link - cycles between deku, goron, zora like Poke Trainer. Never actually plays as link.




Camilla from Fire Emblem


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I get that representation is important, but instead of vidya celebrities, we should be asking for characters who make for good fighters.

user, they made functional movesets out of fitness instructor and the dog from Duck hunt.

Garet, Mia, Felix or Sheba from Golden Sun, Paper Mario, Lupus from Jet Force Gemini, double dash baby Mario bros, another rep from wherever captain falcon is from and bandana dee

>Paper Mario
>top of the list

Who's the bear and why is he posing like Akira Yuki?

What premium Mii costume do you guys want?
>Candyman (Lethal League Blaze) - Mii Sword Fighter

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>Hatsune Miku.
The music and she seems like fun to use

>Master Chief
Cause his OST is Godlike and can work as a fighter

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Imagine having this shit you dare to call your taste

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Post your 5 + your arms choice

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>Hatsune Miku
50% Cringe
>Master Chief
50% Based

41 Hornet
Sir Daniel

Gimme the twins already you hacks

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How come Sega hasn't been crossed out?

good moOOOOOOORNING Yas Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Master Chief is Microsoft’s mascot! He’s gotta be in! “No!”

Sorry Chief-fags, but the second Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a character that has literally nothing to do with them over the marketing potential of the highest grossing game of the 21st century? The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Master Chief are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Wrong again, stevefag. He's in.

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Why would it? What happened?


you really believe we're getting another sega rep?

Not necessarily but no one expected an Arms character either

Yeah buddy, imagine not contributing to the topic. Fucking casuals on my Yas Forums

see Just replace either Crash or the TF2 team with Dr. Coyle