At first I hated how Valorant looked, but it's growing on me. It really is like CS

At first I hated how Valorant looked, but it's growing on me. It really is like CS
>the package or whatever, is the bomb
>electric/fire walls etc, basically smokes
>flashbang type nades
>some wallhack thing like actual CS hacks, cute
>bullets actually kill people when you shoot them in the face, nice and smooth too
>clean graphics, there is too much bumps and random shit in CSGO
You would need a squad/homebase, so start adding people on CS and shit.

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watching pros from CS play it, they just call out the same shit most the time
>he smoked short, i'm flashing long

Valorant is fucking awful. I even got a group of friends to play it and it still felt like i was eating pile of steaming shit the whole time. It's like people developing it were like "ah, we'll just steal everything from cs 1.6, overwatch and make new maps, should work fine" but it doesn't work that way.

It's literally the best game in over 20 years, even better than mine sweeper! I SWEAR!

>felt like i was eating pile of steaming shit the whole time
Seems they captured the basics of both CS and OW.

>got a group of friends to play it
sure ya did buddy, i know big streamers who cant even get a key but you and your rando mates just played it and hate it
if its console and you played that version it doesnt count

The thing I hate the most is you can shoot through literally EVERYTHING.
Some things, sure, boxes? fine.
3 feet of solid concrete or giant metal boxes? what the actual fuck

people LYING on MY Yas Forums?

>only valorant thread up
>thread completely dead
well this game sure died fast

there's a /vg/ thread now, most people who actually want to talk about the game go there.

>limited to a smoke or a flash based on class pick
>cant be robbed of a flash or smoke if you dont pick the hero first
>foots steps heard on literally half of the map
>economy is so fucked you can buy an AK/full armor every round even if you die and get no kills
>ADDED A FUCKING HEALER/REZER IN A CS CLONE you do know that youve just made a fucking hero that you will never be able to balance because her concept alone is fucking busted??!?!
there ya go chang gtfo outta this board, take this back to your tencent masters AND DONT COME BACK UNTIL YOU MAKE A GOOD FUCKING GAME

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This game will be completely filled with people camping on top of boxes thinking they are smart and original.

That's actually the weakest part of her though. Its the wall and slow that's so damn good on her.

This is how you tell who hasn't played the game.

The only redeeming feature of the game is the movement. Csgo's movement is a step down from 1.6. Other than that it's a shit game that only shills and lol fanboys like. The fighting game they are making will be even worse and that will actually flop.

>be me
>popular streamer
>cycle thru weapons
>stop at knife

>ADDED A FUCKING HEALER/REZER IN A CS CLONE you do know that youve just made a fucking hero that you will never be able to balance because her concept alone is fucking busted??!?!
Doc in CSGO can heal teammates and a lot of people consider him mediocre. Rook can also negate like 30% of incoming damage and no one considers him vital either. Her revive only works on one person, and it takes a while to charge and can't be used every round, and you need to be near the body and have to stand still for a while to activate it. Too many of you retards look at stuff on paper and go "yeah that's so busted" without actually seeing how it works in game.

Her wall looks insane, seen people saying the shit is mad busted on pistol rounds, like no one can break the thing.

Stay off the weed

>Doc in CSGO
what the fuck are you talking about retard?

Freudian slip, meant to say Siege. Either way, sperging about limited healing in a 5v5 round based game kinda proves you don't know what you're talking about.


I love how this game makes all the VaIvedrones seethe with rage


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>it still felt like i was eating pile of steaming shit the whole time.
How do you know what that feels like user?

Not him but I got a key and two of my friends did as well.

it's just CSGO with a more broken economy and gay abilities instead of buyable utility. it's going to be a bitch to balance and it's less reliant on pure skill and more about a team comp with all the broken heroes
i can't understand why anybody would want play this

>mfw Cypher
>mfw I catch an edgelord main trying to sneak up on us with a tripwire and send him to hell with a shotgun
Never doesn't feel good to see someone get snagged and panic as I casually walk up with the Judge to get rid of them

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>it's less reliant on pure skill
a team of cs pros got absolutely destroyed by valorant devs

>cs pros
pretty sure they are failed user.

well obviously, since the maps are different and the weapons work differently
>washed up >NA CS players

.01 cents deposited into your chink bank account. 1 point possitive to your social credit score.

Honestly the wall isn't SUPER OP, its just really strong, especially since you can use it to boost people which is the big thing.
You can shoot it down relatively quick, but that boost and the temporary block is a huge deal. And i don't think it goes down with time (or at least it lasts most the round)

But yeah I was trying her out earlier today. And while I suck with the whole ability thing, I had a hard time finding time to use her ult because
>teammate has to die in a safe position that you can casually run up to and use it
>teammate has to die near you because you're not going to have time to run across the map to do it
>you're still expected to be a player doing frags and pushes, meaning unlike doc you're not sitting in base waiting around for hurt people to run to you
>even if you rez someone 90% of the time they afk after they die so they just stand there

I don't get why heal is a big deal either in a game where most people die on first contact with the enemy. Its nice, but considering 1 taps and awps, its not game breaking.

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here's your washed up NA CS player bro

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>disproving that abilities >> skill by posting the devs, who know the game abilities inside out, destroying cs pros who rely on skill
big brain argument you got going right there

>Valorant Devs
who are also ex- cs pros.
Also to be fair, Rook and Doc were considered high tier for a long time because they had ACOGs, I haven't played siege often lately so maybe tiers have changed, but those 2 were actually kinda big deals. Not for the abilities but for their loadouts.

I'm not a fan of Cypher desu, he seems kinda too strong with all his wall hack bullshit.

dont forget that every map is CT sided

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but Yas Forums told me valorant devs are tencent chinks

Watched it for 2 days and now I am watching anything but it, it's so goddamn fucking boring and slow, even more so than counterstrike

>Why isn't this game full of cinematics like my fighting games?!
>What do you mean its a slow paced tactical shooter instead of a cinematic experience?! This is SHIT

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Did you guys sell it at ridiculous price for wannabe streamers at least?

The animations are the worst

CS sucks anyway, only good rounds are economy rounds because it's actually about extended fights and accuracy instead of getting blown away in one hit after random bullet spray patterns refused to hit your opponent.