Resident Evil

>Hardcore is for babies, Inferno is the only true diffic-

Attached: lmao just walk.webm (1240x698, 2.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Speedrunner figures out which zombies are locked in an animation and which aren't.
People copy said speedrunner and feel some sort of rush by pretending they're intelligent.

damn guess it's REALLY faithful to the original

>just don't fight any zombies

This is the best Resident Evil remake. Fight me.

Attached: REmake 2.png (600x600, 161.95K)

It’s good, but REMake 1 is clearly better.

I would but I haven't finished all of them yet and wait until I do because I don't want to form my opinion on the basis of what someone said on Yas Forums and would rather form my own opinion instead by playing all the games.

REmake 1 is not only the best but the example of how do to a remake right that has never been bettered.

inb4 the lying zapping autist from last thread enters again.

It's good but RE1make wins at the end of the day as a much more faithful remake. And i'm not even a fixed camera angle purist faggot like some people are in this fandom.

Can't say I trust guide users, that shit was bringe
(Not the B instead of the other letter, Bloodz 4 lyfe)

what do we mean by the best remake?
the most faithful one, or the best one that also happens to be a remake? if 1: REmake, if 2: RE2make.

I meant 2. The best game overall.

REmake 1 is a better remake. REmake 2 is a better game.

Attached: 1549307763328.jpg (700x490, 122.5K)



now tell us how long have you been practicing this to show Yas Forums how much RE3 lives rent free in your head?

If we're talking strictly gameplay then I can agree with this.

I can get behind this.

You know you can pass the entire city section of the original RE3 without shooting a single bullet right?

Fuck Crapcom. Voth doesn't need them. She's doing fine.

Attached: 1586599313519.jpg (700x700, 153.25K)

and in RE4, RE5... and probably the rest. There are areas like that in probably all resident evil games that aren't rail shooters.

OP is a huge faggot who never played any RE game before RE2 Remake

I was really enjoying Nightmare’s difficulty until Carlos part 2. The hospital is plagued with Hunter betas and lickers, and handgun/machine gun don’t feel like the right tools for the job.

You can shoulder bash and counter punch them, sure, but due to the weird anatomy of the Hunter betas: you can’t take advantage of the weak point auto-target feature that comes immediately afterwards. Worst of all, even if you resolve to use a flash grenade on the Hunter betas: they slash around violently, preventing you from running past them unscathed.

Just punch them and run past. If you know where you need to go the only hunters you have any extended interaction with are the two near the tape.

Hunters are annoying faggots in every game they're in.

Please stop using that word. It fosters a hostile environment on a board that is supposed to welcome all types of videogame enthusiasts.

H*****s are annoying faggots in every game they're in.

the game is a cheap cash grab with sjw redesigned jill




Attached: RE3 - Jill boob jiggle - model viewer.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

I dont fight children

can we talk about how birkin sounds like the default text to speech voice in the original RE2

The ones by the tapes are the ones I’m currently at. I’m not sure how to deal with them yet.

That's not RE 1

REmake 1 is better remake
REmake 1 is better game*

based and truthpilled

Attached: 0cf6707f7b9a87361130d99a0db71f0a.jpg (260x300, 17.45K)

>Equip all medals
>And the book
>And the infinite launcher
>S clear for inferno
>Shitpost on Yas Forums with it

Attached: 1494658151147.jpg (1000x963, 190.23K)

that's true actually

There is no clear way to distinguish a run without special items

how stupid

I thought special items dropped your rank?


Search on youtube RE3 S rank inferno clears and be amazed how many infinite rocket launchers you see. Fucking Arranged mode is harder than that.

How to fix RE3 demake

>remove assisted difficulty
>remove autosave from hardcore and above hardcore
>add ink ribbons to hardcore and above hardcore
>remove DA (difficulty adjustment) from Nightmare and Inferno
>add S+ rank which can only be achieved if the story is completed without any shop items used (regular restrictions like save limit and time limit still apply)
>reduce ammo availability from hardcore and above
>on nightmare zombies can now triple lunge, on inferno they can quadruple lunge
>lower frame activation limit for perfect dodge by half
>increase flamethrower nemesis health considerably on nightmare and inferno
>give nemesis the ability to perma-sprint on inferno
>give nemesis the ability to throw zombies at you on Nightmare and Inferno, if you get hit by a zombie they will instantly bite you
>if you ever die to Brad the game will automatically uninstall and ban your steam account from ever accessing RE3 remake again

Attached: jill valentine.jpg (934x831, 326.89K)

>Hardcore is for babies, Inferno is the only true diffic-
why do you talk like donkey?

I don't know what's worse. You posting this in way too many RE threads, or you thinking your post is good enough to warent the copy-paste treatment.


If I want these things implemented there is no reason to retype it you fucking sperg. Of course I'm going to copy-paste it.

You realize that RE3 and RE in general has always had easy mode, right?

Yeah. Which is why easy mode shouldn't exist so these infinity launcher spamming S-rank cheaters would have been filtered years ago.

Your autistic spamming on Yas Forums won't help implement anything faggot.

>If I want these things implemented
Yeah, I'm sure Capcom frequently look to Yas Forums for feedback

Well clearly they do. They send the Capcom defense force shills here.


how much are they paying you? A lukewarm coke an hour?

Hahahaha you're so funny

300 women per year

Looking forward to blasting through Inferno with the infinite rocket launcher the same way I did hardcore and nightmare.

Attached: kirk.jpg (550x416, 45.85K)

Did you feel any shame getting your S-rank with cheat weapons?

Why don't the models have a movement animation like RE2?