
He was right, you know?

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Was he? You could argue betraying his countrymen and king at Ostagar made sense but everything he did after was retarded.

is he any worth to save to have him in inquisition?

This. He was right about Ostagar but then he sperged out by siding with a guy who wiped out a noble family, used a blood mage to poison Eamon then sold elves into slavery for some quick coin. What a retard.
Great voice actor though. I love his angry speech when the Landsmeet sides against him.

shitty game, cringy characters

Not really since he was trying to fuck over the one group trying to stop the Darkspawn

This. I really wish BioWare was better with paining with shades of grey, they should’ve left out the retarded evil stuff and actually have him behave competently post Ostagar

How was he right? Loghain is the direct cause of the civil war by retreating from Ostagar, then refusing to take responsibility for doing so and trying to blame the Wardens. He refuses to accept any option where he's not ruling Ferelden even though Anora is an adult and doesn't require a regent, and he directly precipitates the civil war by trying to assassinate Eamon, also for no good reason.

It's not just the retreat at Ostagar, the entire game is a progression of one retarded decision after another from Loghain
>claims he retreats from Ostagar to preserve the lives of his troops, who he then wastes fighting a pointless civil war he caused while doing nothing about the Darkspawn currently ravaging the land
>blames the Grey Wardens for killing the king rather than taking responsibility for his own actions
>tries to have the remaining Wardens murdered even though they're the only ones capable of ending the Blight
>tries to have Arl Eamon assassinated for literally no reason, for which he murders templars to free a known blood mage
>makes a deal with Uldred and promises freedom to the mages, precipitating a civil war that without the Warden's intervention would've killed the entire Circle when Ferelden could least afford to lose them
>trusts Howe even though he murdered all the Couslands, conveniently removing the main obstacle to Loghain seizing power, and is an obvious psychopath
>best of all when confronted with all his obvious mistakes and how badly they've fucked the country over he refuses to see what he did wrong, just like you're doing now

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He was a cunt and edgelords pretend like he's based and smart because he joins your party.

What’s even more hilarious is that Howe, as insane and sociopathic as he is would probably have turned on Loghain in a few weeks too

The Darkspawn Cronicles proves he wasn't. He should have tried harder to stop Cailan from rushing into battle with the Darkspawn if he wanted to do the right thing or swallowed his pride and accept help from Orlesians. He made for a great villain tho.

Pleb filtered

He is supposed to be wrong though. If he was competent then what would be the point of starting a civil war against him?

Cailan was a faggot.
Orlais is not to be trusted.

The fact BioWare give you the choice of letting him into your party shows they were trying to make depict him as nuanced, which he clearly wasn’t given all the heinous things he does

They should’ve left out all of the evil shit like the elves and Howe

are "muh country" niggers the worst type of villian hero?

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>stopped the Orlesian troops at the border so they couldn't participate at Ostagar
>this prevented Orlais losing several hundred soldiers to the Darkspawn
>so not only did he stop Orlesians dying pointless deaths in the place of Fereldans, he also left Orlais in a stronger position to conquer Fereldan after the Blight like he fears they're going to do

He let his countrymen die in the place of Frenchmen. Seems pretty wrong to me.

Loghain was made to watch as a child as his dog was brutally murdered by Orlesian cowards

Fuck them

They can be pretty complex when done right, no.

>sabotages army and lets his country get overrun by demonic invasion
>muh country

>m-muh Orlesian
fuck Loghain

It was not his right to abandon his king.

hey don't ask me man, ask fuckin Loghain about his dumbass flawed thinking.

More like Lowgain.

He was right about ONE THING, went overboard solving it, and proceeded to use it as an excuse to do whatever he wanted the rest of the game

>why yes i let loghain impregnate morrigan while i watched how could you tell

Loghain's excuse for the Blight and Grey Wardens is that he thinks the demons are just a bunch of beasts and the blight is a fairy tale and the wardens are just glorified soldiers, he's an athiest in a world of magic and demons and gods.

>tries to have Arl Eamon assassinated for literally no reason
Eamon is the most respected nobleman in the land next to Cousland and Loghain himself, a relative of the King and as it turns out someone who wanted Cailan to dump Anora. Loghain was personally and politically motivated to put him out of commission because Eamon was the most ardent anti-Loghain man in the kingdom.

The whole scene is fucking hilarious



that's fucking retarded since anyone with functioning eyeballs can see the blight is real. he was there when they attacked

Was he right? Does Morrigan fuck her own son? Both questions have the same answer

No, you molested retard.

The game establishes that the last Blight was so long ago, on another continent no less, that most people have started to doubt it ever really happened or that the Darkspawn are even real.

That and the Wardens had been kicked out of the country for decades so no one had been there to constantly remind people that the Darkspawn existed

why does everyone in dragon wear the exact same white-silk underwear?

>install sex and nudity mod
>visit Ostagar again

Isn't Orzammar or whatever it's called teeming with darkspawn?

Sound.. the retreat.

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Yes, but dwarves are reclusive and don't really tell anyone anything.

It’s just, what they do man, you know. Lay off

How large were the losses in the end? He let an entire army die, would they have stood a chance if he hadn't retreated? For all we know they could have dealt a large blow to the blight right there and then.

If you destroyed the anvil you’re a silly, silly person

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This is retarded though since Loghain and everyone at Ostagar encounter Darkspawn.

No, he was forced to watch as his mom was raped and killed in front of him. His dog was taken away from some Orlesian Noble and forced to breed with the Orlesian dogs, then dumped by his house a year later on the verge of death and died in Loghain’s arms.

The archdemon wasn’t on the battlefield, it was pointless and the dark spawn can easily recoup their losses compared to the living

Wrong answer, try again

Of all the things that Loghain fucked up, this wasn't one of them. Orlais was poised to take back Ferelden. Cailan was about to marry Celene but if he had died (and he did) there would have been nothing stopping Orlais from making Ferelden a "protectorate until this whole darkspawn thing blows over".

Several characters claim that Ostagar was a lost cause from the start, even one of Cailan’s royal guards. It’s why Cailan ordered his half brother to go light the tower.

I can understand doubting it BEFORE the blight happens, but denouncing a blight as its happening in front of your eyes is just silly. Then again, does Loghain even see the trolls and the other huge monsters, or does he just pussy out without even looking at the enemy army?

Oh. That’s much worse than I remembered, fuck the orlesians

There’s been Darkspawn Incursions before. Hell, even Cailon had his doubts about it being a real Blight since there was no Archdemon.

This schizophrenic fantasy is stupid since Orlais could have easily invaded the second they heard the Blight was over.
>a nation which extremely recently fought a bloody waris now too weak to fight and is prime picking
>don't invade

>is a half-elf with dragon blood
>looks completely human
What did Bioware mean by this?

Historically, all the Blights have been massive invasions which took years to deal with, with a horde lead by a dragon at the vanguard. The only people who know for certain that it's a Blight and not just a big army of Darkspawn come to ravage the surface because they got bored of the dwarves are the Wardens, and the Wardens wont ever explain they know it's a Blight because the darkspawn blood they drank lets them hear the Archdemon calling them to war.

That the Fifth Blight only took a year from start to finish is a miraculous anomaly and even after the event people question if it was a real Blight at all. When all you've got is some sketchy order of knights telling you that the end of days is definitely upon you, you'd have every right to doubt them at their word.

Orlais was in the middle of a slight civil war themselves. The Masked Empire confirms that Celene was going to marry Cailan so she could use Ferelden troops against Gaspard, but that didn’t work out.

I hate "muh greater good" characters that use the excuse to just kill everything in their way and act as if they are innocent.

those who destroy a technological marvel are sissy faggots that can't handle srious decisions

destroying it being portrayed as the good action without any negative consequence only shows how much of sjws fags bioware always were, shame we didnt see it back then

It’s ridiculous. For as insane as Branka is the anvil is the only thing keeping Orzammar from destruction seeing as how the darkspawn are pretty much set to overrun it

Just because they didn't do it doesn't mean they couldn't have. Loghain played it safe which wasn't the wrong thing to do with the information he had at hand.

Exactly. In the books, everytime Loghain abandoned logic and assumed it was just an Orlesian Plot, he was right every time.

Especially since it’s implied the Titans were the beings who gave Caridan the vision to create the Anvil in the first place. If those things thought the Anvil was necessary then I’m not gonna be the one to break it.

>information he had at hand.
All he had was his own personal bias and revenge fantasies.

ITT: DA characters you would fuck
Starting with a obvious one

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If you side with Harrowmont she goes off the rails and seals herself off from dwarven society and if you side with Bhelen he goes crazy with power and dumps all his political rivals into golems.

Meanwhile if you side with Bhelen, who recruits the Casteless to fight, and are a dwarf who gets Alistair to send human troops to help Orzammar, the dwarves can push back against the Darkspawn without needing the Anvil at all. The issue keeping the dwarves down is their ridiculously stagnant culture that would rather watch itself die than accept the help it clearly needs, not the lack of mind controlled supersoldiers.

Based as fuck, I love how much it makes that pussy incel Alistair SEETHE

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This. The Anvil is a trap made by the Titans.

yeah the reasoning for it being bad is absolute ideological demagoguery

"but it uses lives, it is evil", but in orzammar the dwarves kill each other for almost anything, the nobles can outright marry casteless sluts because they need to pump out children non stop since they are so self destructive.

this series is an absolute paradox, it is redpilled and bluepilled at the same time

Which was a retarded decision by BioWare, how were the dwarves pushing back against the darkspawn without the Golems when it was made pretty clear that they’ve been fucked in the ass by the darkspawn for the past few years?

Loghainfags SEETHING a good guy rules and not their schizo old man.

It's almost like they found this convenient source of extra manpower that they'd never thought to use before because of their retarded, backwards culture...