Imagine being called out by a Zack & Cody twin of all people

Imagine being called out by a Zack & Cody twin of all people

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About the only time "Easy mode is too easy" should apply is in regards to Medium in Rock Band 2, which made it was too difficult to transition to Hard.


He's a famed Yas Forums/Twitter shitposter so it isn't surprising that he'd blow the fuck out of slowtaku

He is Also Yazora In Kingdom hearts 3. Let that sink in for a second why don't you.

Normal mode is too easy, kotaku wouldn't know that tho

and its actually a pretty good case of voiceacting too.

The Sprouse twins have been based for a while.


Literally who?

But they told me it was okay to play on easy mode.


more like forever, The kid who won that danimal yogurt contest and got to hang out with them still keeps in touch. They've talked about it on twitter before./

That guy has always been based.

I think one of the Nickelodeon thots got nudes leaked to the public and he tweeted at her.

"Hey, it happens."

was probably him who leaked them

Isn't one of them banging Barbara Palvin?

Stop sucking yourself off dylan

Why are they seemingly the only child stars who are normal? If I remember right one of them has a masters in some shit and runs his own business and the other owns a meadery. Were they just on the only show that didn't have some pedo on the staff?

that and they arent women or crackheads

Nier Automata can be played with just one hand in easy mode.

Honestly, if they bother with easy modes might as well just make them as easy as possible, they're made for people who have no patience to play through the game and just want to see the story.

disney/nickelodeam boys got off better than the girls

I like how they do easy mode in automata with the auto chips, it makes the game require fucking no input but it makes sense in the game world and it lets complete brainlets feel cool probably

Their peers went on to do drugs and live social lives. The Sprouse twins went on to browse Yas Forums, read manga and play videogames.

If I'm playing on easy I don't want to feel cool, I want to see the story and be done with the game.

Don't have much time to spend on videogames anymore.

I think you don't really enjoy video games

Hilary Duff is also doing well

I jack of to his character on Rivendale.

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>Don't have much time to spend on videogames anymore.
Learn to manage your time better you fucking retard.

It's a story heavy game with mediocre gameplay, I don't feel like twisting my thumbs just so I can watch cutscenes. So I'm thankfull that the easy mode is as easy as it is.

I like challanges, I've spent a quite lot of time with shmups (and no, Nier isn't one)

only the girl actors get trauma's at Nick
simple, pure, coincidence

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The only way to manage time correctly with vidya is by sending yourself to Venus, the days last longer there than they do on Earth.

Spending more than one hour with videogames is already far too much.

Someone probably told them the child actor thing usually fizzles out and they should have a backup plan.

>Easy Mode is too easy

if it weren't Kotaku writing this you would all agree.

I want to fuck blondes.

I only follow Dylan on Instagram and yes, hes pretty normal. Watches anime, plays videogames, has a model girlfriend. Not sure why most of the others turn to drugs and their lives fall apart.

What's this guy's name again?

Bad parenting is what ruins the others is how I'd take it. I'm guessing their parents were responsible adults.

>If I remember right one of them has a masters in some shit and runs his own business and the other owns a meadery.
That's all Dylan, lmao

Dan Schneider
It's a pretty hard to remember, don't worry


blew my mind when i realized she wasn't asian

What does Cole do?

Cole plays Jughead on Riverdale and Dylan owns a meadery, they actually worked out pretty well for child stars

More like Zak and Cloudy

I mean he isn't normal but Gibby from icarly has a surreal youtube channel

lmao that guy is based and is guaranteed to browse Yas Forums

The transition to child actor and adult actor is difficult. For many of them, turning to drugs is a way to make themselves feel adult when the world can't see them mature. There's also the fact that their life as a shild actor often gets rigidly controlled in what they can say and do for their image, which can break them from the stress, which would also be a big reason to get into drugs. I shit you not, part of Britney Spear's rehabilitative process was to indulge in Anime, since growing up she wanted to wach anime, but wasn't allowed to be nterested in something so "nerdy".

He went back to acting, also does archaeology or some shit

Cole is the one who still has an acting career. He's Jughead on Riverdale and was recently in a rom-dram feature film.

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I'm sure there are dozens of exceptions but it feels like Disney genuinely tries to keep a clean ship and tries to keep the degenerate Hollywood shit separate from their child actors (Britney Spears and etc. being the exceptions). The ones from Nickelodeon tend to get fucked up, though that might be Dan Schneider's fault more than Nickelodeon's.

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Why do people still call them journalists? They’re advertisers. Journalists pretty much don’t exist today.

His Sam Hyde/MDE inspirations are a little obvious, and he outright admits it too, but still kino.

Based Zack

source with britney spears? I just see her posting art her kids made and a music video but I do believe it

well he does have their book in the background of this video

Then why not just watch Long Play's?

BASED Dylan.

>I'm gonna play on easy mode because I don't want a challange!
>wtf this is too easy! Why is there no challenge?!

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>I only follow Dylan on Instagram and yes, hes pretty normal.
>Watches anime, plays videogames, has a model girlfriend.
>pretty normal
that's like ideal life

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>I shit you not, part of Britney Spear's rehabilitative process was to indulge in Anime, since growing up she wanted to wach anime, but wasn't allowed to be nterested in something so "nerdy".

Uh.. wow. Never thought I'd see Britney Spears and anime in the same sentence. I bet she's into Inuyasha.

Also his dick is probably uncircumcised because he was born in Italy or whatever.

Tweet is probably right. Normal mode in FF7R is absurdly easy.

>imagine being forever known as a zack and Cody twin all this time later
Must suk

They're also known as the guys that Tyler the Creator wants to fuck.

It can't be worse than the poor bastard who was only known for being kid Anakin.

Britney Spears invented anime in 2007 for her music video, Break the Ice, from her Blackout album.

Yes it is. Lucky bastard.

I guess by "normal" I mean, not fucked in the head like most child actors tend to be. Just look at Lindsay Lohan for example.. she's a mess.


It wouldn't suck if the show were a fun experience. They're doing quite well for themselves.

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wasn't Frankie Muniz in some band and got kicked out because they didn't want to be known as the band with Frankie Muniz in it.

reminder that they are nintentoddlers

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Imagine your introduction to Hollywood is you and your brother crossdressing

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i wouldn't mind being forever known as a zack and cody twin if i got to be rich and have a qt gf

I don’t give a crap about Star gays but that’s at least a big name film, they are forever stuck known as child stars from some dumb kids show that only ran for a few years

There was nothing they could do, the transition to having to slide your hand to hit the 5th button is always going to be a big learning curve. I guess they could have added a couple notes here and there in the harder medium songs.

you know that Cole is on riverdale and is argubly the most loved character in there right?

>Frankie Muniz
Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in forever isn’t he from Malcom in the middle or something

>Every game should have an easy mode!
>Noooooo that's too easy!!!
Make up your minds, journos

Yeah, he doesn't remember that though because he had like 4 strokes

I have heard and don’t care about some tumblr show

He also literally cannot remember the entirety of filming Malcom in the Middle

both of them, or just one will do???

Her son is the mighty Lord Frieza.

Haha that sucks
>known for one show
>have stroke
>people come up to you and are like haha I remeber you in that onebshow
>have no memory of it
An actual living hell

they like to cheat on women. thats it. their only vice. same as the rest of us


Well considering episode 1 is (was until disney wars) the most hated title in the series, and people directed all of that anger onto kid Vader and the guy who mocapped Jar-Jar, running on a disney live action show would certainly be better than being part of the crew that ruined star wars at worst and the character with the most annoying lines at best.

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His has always been one of the most unique child actor stories I've heard. Everyone remembers him for something he can't.


>JRPG with an easy mode
I don't understand.

Journalists know all about the water mode and it is wet.

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