What's vidya like in the early 2000s?

what's vidya like in the early 2000s?

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You'll never know.



magical, adventurous

Honestly I wouldn't know all I played was CS and team fortress.

It was gold.

Pretty based. It was LAN oriented so lots of LAN games at the time. Some good multiplayer experiences like CS and Halo. One of my all time favorites is FarCry Instincts Predator though because of its mapmaker tool. That was the best Far Cry game bar none and its multiplayer hasn't been replicated since.

>going out with the bros, use allowance to go to pc gaming cafe
>rent computer's for like 5 hours
>play any of the great land games: cs:1.6, half life, warcraft 3,age of empires 2, halo, etc
>also play rakion, gunz, runescape, metin 2, mapple story, boombang, etc.
It was magical... sad that most of you zoomers will never get to experience what is like to game with the bros face to face in lan.

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It felt a lot more social I guess, not nearly as many people played video games back then so there was a sort of camaraderie that doesn't exist anymore. Other players also felt a lot less transient you would run into the same people sometimes, you would stay in contact with them if you liked them, etc...

Things are different now, not worse in every way, but the social aspect of games back in the early 2000s was something that I will always miss.

A good game would get released at least 6 times a year instead of once every 5 years

you could be toxic as fuck and no one gave a shit because there were no faggots or women to cry about it.

- beige
- Unregistered Hypercam 2
- Counter-Terrorists Win!

what else am i missing...

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It felt a lot more welcoming than now. People talked about how welcoming the community for Overwatch was at launch, but I honestly felt like some people were nicer on games like Day of Defeat.

>those times where you were popping off in any fps and a crowd would just watch from behind almost breathing down your neck.
Good times

It was pretty magical, I remember I would play Halo and Melee with my friends for hours on end and it never felt boring to me.
Nowadays it’s hard for me to stay concentrated on a game for more than an hour or so.

>be me, 13-ish, playing DoD for the first time
>enter a server
>everyone greets me friendly
>do surprisingly well, never get raped like I did in CS
>team always says gj when the round is over, win or lose
>play the same server for months
>eventually realize that I was playing against bots all that time

>windows xp
>actual contrast and black levels

it's just nostalgic boomers with their nostalgia. 2000s gaming sucked ass, internet was bad, computers were bad everything was limited and bad. Were games more pure back then? Yes. Were they better? No,

I just played a ton of wildtangent free trial games growing up. it took years to remember the names of all of them

i had this realization but like a month ago when i was playing war thunder. and just when i thought i found a game i was good at.

>Were they better? No
Zoom Zoom

I'm not a nostalgia junkie you weeb. Please tell me how HL1 death match is better than any shitty arena shooter you can get today for next to nothing

Vidya was amazing, tech kinda annoying.

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>dad take me to a gaming cafe for the first time as a kid
>doesn't even tell me that i can play games, so i had no idea i could
>end up wasting that hour he paid for the both of us just staring at a dude playing GTA:SA with cheats and killing everyone
>would randomly annoy him by going "WOOOOOW THIS MUST BE LIKE THE COOLEST GAEM EVEEEEERR WOOOOAHHH" whenever he shot rockets at oncoming cars and caused explosions
>when time runs out, dad just comes to me and says "the fuck u doing, you not playing videogames?"
>"w-what do you mean, i could've used the computers?"
>"Yeah but not anymore, now, time's up, we're going home, your fault for not getting on them."
Only now I realize how obnoxious I must've been to that guy who just wanted to enjoy his game, but then again, how the fuck was a little dumb shit like me supposed to know I could be using the computers if nobody told me I could?

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nowadays its replaced with a viewer count in the top right corner and cheers are replaced with the chat spamming POGGERS

You could talk shit without PC bullshit

It was so easy to make friends online back then
Nowadays I'm trying to be the nicest motherfucker around and I can't even get regulars from the servers I visit every day to remember who I fucking am

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it was good.


I loved my 9800

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The esports scene was basically all cs 1.6,UT2003 and Warcraft III (Dota) and some trackmania

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kino rpg's

it was like a wild west, internet was still pretty new and everyone was trying different things. There was no big companies like facebook,google,apple,microsoft owning everything.

it was great

You don't make friends by being nice now.
You make friend by being as loud and retarded as possible, commit yourself to vocal shitposting, make people laugh or even cringe at whatever you're vomiting out your mouth and maybe then they'll remember you. That's how things work now.

It's not about being nice anymore, it's about making people laugh because everyone else is fucking miserable and the only way to distract them from that shit is to be the one retard who could say something to make them laugh.

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fucking this

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i played delta force on that fucker


>tfw friends computer had a turbo button

Don't worry bro, we all where there
>see cool older kids playing a cs clone but with werewolfs
>just watch from behind because too shy to ask for the name of the game
>in present year i finally found the name
Too bad the game is dead tho

>trying to suck up to some online fags

expansion packs sometimes, no DLC
mostly no game launchers, so you had to download patches/updates manually
mods and custom maps
server browser instead of matchmaking (in general a lot less organized competitive play and more playing for fun)
going on IRC to find clan matches
using AIM/MSN because no friends lists until xfire/steam
higher barrier to entry so fewer retards

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>Unreal tournament land
>cs 1.6 surf maps and VIP craziness
>bananaphone and chocolate rain VIP spammers
>cs condition zero custom maps like super power mods and zombie mods
>early dota1
It was pretty based

i actually remember playing that game at some point in time, was pretty cool but i think i got bored of it once i found something else to play

here's your (you), you sad pathetic being, spend it wisely

You could play with who you wanted how you wanted and cheaters were removed in 30 seconds

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you could say faggot and nigger and nobody cared

Fun. No internet connection or DLC. You popped the game in played.

every multiplayer game had proper servers

It was a better time. Shout out to Gunz

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>someone mentioned the science & industry mod for half-life the other day
>rush of nostalgia rushes in
same with lesser known mods like action half-life, firearms, the specialists, etc.
definitely got more value from half-life 1 than any other game purchase (maybe battlefield 1942 second with mods like desert combat)

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>get invited to a LAN
>ask specifically what games will be played and what the rotation will look like
>faggots end up playing nothing but COD1 for the entire evening

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that games loading music got me pumped as fuck, I remember watching the intro movie every time.

>that 64 man grenade fest at the start

>and then we got 2142
so many good times

this. just all this. take me fucking back.

fucking this

>watch CS1.6 montage from the mid 2000s
>Pendulum starts playing

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>2GB of ram
>Geforce 6

surprisingly little kids weren't as annoying back then as they are now.
>playing siege
>"anyone got mic"
> "lmao pistols only XD"
>"YOU SUCK(he is bottom of leaderboard)"
>"r/siege memes"
Holy fucking shit.
Why isn't there a report underage button?

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It wasn't as graphically impressive as it is today but it was way more fun

>Just install the game and hop online to play against anyone
>Games had proper servers instead of dumb matchmaking
>Cheaters were banned instantly but were also pretty funny and didn't ruin s many games as they ruin today.

Going to an internet café and playing the shit of cs, battlefield, gunz and the various gtas was fucking amazing.

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>surf maps

Mah nigga.

Pretty sure it's just that we didn't notice, being stupid kids ourselves

>the surf map with that 1x1 pixel of water
>try 1000 times to land on it
>can never


Damn I miss that game

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TVs were still in standard definition, games were still regulararly at 60 FPS, Creative 3D platformers were still being made and finally had the best control layouts now. and games still waited for you to press a button before the character responded or checked something because dev's new the importance of giving the player control of the character.

>friday 1999
>get out of school
>friends talk about that new matrix movie
>we all agree to go to cinema on way home
>get blown away by it
>go home
>panty is already loaded with snacks
>fire up some goldeneye 007 4-player with friends
yep those were the days

This is so true it hurts. I don't even relate to modern people on the internet now. What happened to everyone talking and the occasional scammer? Now every single person on the internet has to shout out every new "le reddit meme" every 5 seconds or you can't fit in. What the fuck happened?

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I remember being impressed that you could roll while being prone for some reason
And played the demo version that had custom maps for some reason

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Na, kids now a days have access to internet thus can spout more dead memes and cringe.
Before they would be just a little annoyance if they were one of those that sits behind you and says something everytime something happens ingame.
Also styling on someone with the k-style in gunz and having the little bros treat you like a god was awesome

Dedicated servers. If you never got to experience this then my sincere condolences. Custom maps, custom rules, custom soundboards... god I miss it.

Zoomers will never experience the joy of Deus Ex multiplayer. At its peak it might have had as many as 100 simultaneous players, half of whom funneled into Funline/Partyzone roleplaying maps, which was kind of like VRChat without the VR.

I fucking hate modern matchmaking and what they took away.
Consoles are to blame for this 100%.

>400kg montage with soad playing

cod1 was the shit tho

just watch pure pwnage

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nah, there was this kind of respect for older guys in the community
sure there was the odd annoying kid but mostly it was pretty civilized


If you have never played CS 1.6 with your university classmates during a hot summer afternoon, you missed out tons


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