Monster Hunter

This event sucks, why even roses and other gay shit

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not even AT Nami

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>no leviathans
>no amatsu
>no gog
>no both kinds of zamtrios
>no early gen 2 bullfangos and melynxes
Why is world such a mistake?

>fight Raging Brach with LS
>can't hit second part of foresight because he jumps around
>can't finish spirit slash combo to get my gauge lvlup

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So when's MH5? It's been like 6 years since 4 came out.

Bow that faggot
nothing else feels right with the erratic Brute skeleton movesets

world 2 is next year

It's probably just on ice, like mega man was for a while until we got 9 out of the blue. I'll try to stay alive to play MH5 one day.

>He doesn't like yaoi events

kys faggot

i want that fucking female rose armor as layered armor. Capcom wtf

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That's what the vip tickets are for, right?

there is a layered version already in the game and you need 5 VIP full Blossom tickets to craft it

oh fuck really? I'm an idiot I'm gonna go grind for it right now.

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Someone asked me last thread what SNS I was using.

I just used this to turn the Safi SnS model into that really nice Charge Blade. Just have to rename the files to change the weapon.

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>same shit for every event before it
>he still doesn't know


>hammer's slide spin2win deals like 1500 damage
>even the standard triple triangle combo deals like 800 damage against head and 500 damage against legs

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>hammer charged up jump attack

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nah, that's probably a matter of gitgud.
I had same problems with FRajang before

>put Steamworks on x10 output
>it shits out 10 celestial prints randomly

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>30k fuel
>gone in few seconds
>all these armor spheres
>time to upgrade armor
>enough for 2 sets only
Well fuck, managed to upgrade safi and silverlos with few odd parts from other sets. Good I had like 22mil.

why cant these retards actually break safi jiva parts i swear having 3 retards only being able to break one leg is frustrating while having destroying the wings the back and the head if one them didnt have the great idea if bringing poison

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Hey I saw some dude posting HH set with silverlos set for thunder element in last thread. If you are here, how do you go for fire element? You go for 2 alpha pieces or 3 alpha for lv6 fire just from gear?

It's always the frog posters


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I'm kinda ashamed about the sheer amount of LS uses despite the fact i still feel myself incompetent with this weapon
But then again, 80% of them were during the progression of both the main game and iceborne.

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Do it faggot

Fuck off with your stupid virtual babie Guild card circlejerk you tranny coomer

Did you try communicating with them?

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2 alpha is enough

No one cares about your shitty card. If you want to show off, post killscreens.

Can someone spoonfeed me the rajang HBG build? I can't think up anything better than i already used for zorah HBG

Does the argosy ever start stocking MR items?

This event is great retard, check your shit taste. Now that astral shit that we had before was terrible, the armor for that sucked ass

>trying to knock out the lynian researcher requests
>need plunderers to use ivy trap
>nothing but gajalaka and every other cat tribe
>need boaboa order an attack
>nothing but gajalaka and ivy traps

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can you actually do iai slash on nami's nova?
if yes what is the timing for this shit

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I hope for you that the angle for the ivy trapped isn't bugged anymore. Took me like a dozen tries to get a fucking acceptable pic.

I know I'm retarded. For whatever reason I assumed since there was no new layered armors to forge when I went and checked there wasn't a event layered this time

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based and hammerpilled

Not him but what mission do we need to do? Or do I need to go catch more fucking penguins

you get them randomly in your quest rewards, you can up the chance of getting one by wearing the full brossom armor

world is mainline

it will probably come at the same time Nintendo stops selling chinese fisher price tablets with the processing power of a smartphone to manchildrens soon as Snoy will stop selling overpriced laptops with laggy software and payed online.

I managed to get it in the first shot I took
Took a second pic just in case it wouldn't accept the first

>It's called Monster Hunter World because the entire world can play it and not just bign bing wahoos

Capcom likes pottery