Are u hyped?

what class will you main?

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do people even know this is coming out?

wow is dead move on. getting embarrassing now

uninstall wizard

WoW has been dead, but still turning record profits, so it's going to get talked about. It's the only MMO that's even worth playing, not that the genre has a high bar.

>blood elves are niggers now
>adding asian race
>bring back old characters for pandering
No buy.

Red Mage

the uninstall wizard

>tfw i didn't even know wow is getting an xpac
when this trash is supposed to be released

>>adding asian race


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>2h frost deals smaller crits than DW

Uninstall wizards unite!

Profits don't mean huge playerbase though. Blizz is great at milking all these whales.

what an epic joke my fellow redditors, heres your reddit gold my epic meme bros.

I'm surprised you people still have money to hire shills.

kill yourself blizzard bugman

>wow is dead
Why do you think the new expansion is taking place in afterlife lol?

Demon hunter

There’s still 1.5m-2m retail players and a few hundred thousand classic players. I don’t know 14’s numbers but this could still be the biggest sub count for an mmo.

>stop liking things i dont like
kys zoomer

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i feel bad for you

>not skipping BfA

>few hundred thousand classic players
classicfag here
l m a o

Been saying this for over 10 years now, every expansion, hell almost every patch, its just embarrassing at this point.

ret pali, same class I've always played

>WoW is chinked
>ESO is a Bethesda game
>Black Desert is boring
>FFXIV is weeaboo jerk-fest
>Guild Wars 2 ???

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So you missed Blizzcon, haven't noticed the ad on the launcher and the daily threads on Yas Forums? You're either lying or legally blind.

Heavy gunner

>haven't noticed the ad on the launcher

Don't feel like paying and too lazy to grind gold for tokens.

wow private servers

ESO literally isn't a Bethesda game though, it's made entirely by their parent company

Do you think there are more or less?

If we don't subscribe maybe they would make WoW 2

Well, guess it's pointless to think about, WoW 2 would be just as shit.

Maybe I have spend too much time in FFXIV but people in this game really are the worst.
I was just kicked out of a Wailing Caverns group and I can only guess it was because I grabbed the quest flowers before the tank, this guys now that there are more than enough for all of us right?

>needing WoW 2
>in 2020
You as bad as those wanting Warcraft 4.

>Profits don't mean huge playerbase though. Blizz is great at milking all these whales.
When classic launched it amassed more players than the history of its existence.

Monk, Druid and still undecided on third.

Shut up nigger. WoW 2 would be good if made by a talented team.

No, it really is just teeming with dickheads that are somewhere on the autism spectrum.

Retarded to want a WoW 2 when they can just make more expansions unless it's a reboot.

WoW 1 is shit on a shit engine, it's on life support with hacky coding

Make it good with a proper sequel for today's standards

There's literally nothing wrong with WoW's coding.


That's funny.
Now do the one about Bluther and nig elves.
Anu'belore del'a SHIEET
Man, those three jokes are the best. Laugh every time they're so great.

>16 year old game wouldn't improve from a modern day upgrade
>people believe this

watch your skin tone with me, boy

>making a new WoW just because of an engine
Waste of money and time.

enjoy your dead game because you destroyed 15 years and counting of sunken cost shackling addicts to this game

will probably play it for a month or 2 when it launches and then drop it until the final patch where i'll play for another month

hunter even if they suck, as always

>Negro elves
>They also get blue eyes
High Elf fags must be seething.
I still haven't seen any reason to come back to WoW yet, I just find this shit hilarious.

Game still runs off one core.

If true, that explains a lot

Furious Blizzcucks pls go

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The only thing keeping wow alive are chinks

Dont you mean /vg?
They admitted hat they are hopeless coomsoomers

ebin joke, reddit :DDDDDD

Not hyped just hopeful, changes seem to be a step in the right direction. But nu blizzard is what it is, they probably fuck up in some way or another.

the core ilvl stat system and grind time gating is still in

>So you missed Blizzcon,
Why yes, I did, in fact, miss what is essential a days-long advertisement YOU have to PAY FOR. Because I still have working braincells.

Yeah, I'm hyped. It's looking genuinely good now.

I'm also hyped for TBC Classic, and will play both.

Suck my nuts, Yas Forums .

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>human male ret paladin wearing DK gear is a professional shiteater
and not a single soul in this world was amazed


What a fag

>shop helmet
seek help, addict

worst job

You missed all the Blizzcon threads on Yas Forums and it being plastered all over youtube for free? I doubt your claim to having any braincells.

The only Blizzcon threads I remember were people expecting Blizzard to shit the bed again just like they did the previous year with "NOT HAFF PHON?"

cope and seethe, Yas Forumsermin