Is there ANYONE who can defeat him?
Is there ANYONE who can defeat him?
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He's a self admitted cuck, seems like he defeated himself
The height requirement at any rollercoaster.
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Blaire White, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, Baked Alaska, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>BTFO TheAltHype so hard it turned him from a white nationalist to a neoliberal
>Styx pussied out of a debate
>Richard Spencer fears his name
>Ben Shapiro can't handle his facts and logic
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.
Him getting bullied by Jesse Lee was AMAZIN
Newfag here. Who is he?
Stand and deliver.
Unironically no.
literally who
Even God himself fears him.
I will never understand what people like about this guy?
Why does he have fans?
Ex sc2 semipro, undisputed debate God standing undefeated at around 2000 wins, educated polymath in every field known to man, 21st century Casanova chainfucking girls globally, future Congressman, millionaire streamer, the question isn't who he is, but who he is not.
He admitted that he only argues to win and that's a really unhealthy mindset to have.
He also admitted to being a cuck so he clearly hates himself.
didnt this faggot compare dog abuse to eating animals or someshit?
yikes destiny go bathe your child
Jim embarrassed him
>Is there ANYONE who can defeat him?
apparently a söymilk carton can defeat him
Martin "Pharma bro" Shkreli rekt him HARD
its amazing how since the end of that big youtube debate era he has now fallen back into irrelevance
Destiny fucked him in the first half though.
>plays PoE
he already lost to the Jews at GGG lol
I feel like G-d has already done the job.
even Brittany Venti completely owned him epic style
When did that debate happen?
he literally doesn't debate knowledgable people, that's the entire shtick of his kind
Jim didn't just embarrass him, Jim predicted his entire future as an utter cuck that rationalizes it by claiming he's 2bigbrain for 10,000 years of human biological instinct, while also calling him the manlet he is, was and shall always be.
Jim really had the only right way to deal with Destiny, mockery. We all know Destiny has openly admitted that he doesn't go into these discussions in good faith and will deflect, tub thump and tantrum if he thinks he can't win the argument honestly.
So, the only way to deal with that is to treat him like the shitter he is. No respect, no 'Oh you are my opponent', he's a faggot and should be mocked like one.
>Abandons son to try to bang girls in California
>Meets a foreign slut called Melina
>Gets in an open relationship with Melina where she can to fuck anyone she wants while he sits at home jerking off
>He pays for all her stuff giving her everything she wants for free
He defeated himself.
>gets incredibly uncomfortable and defensive when you point out he's rich
He's literally a kike in spirit. He recoils just like they do when you expose their true intentions.
>encourages political violence
>still debates people and crushes them anyway
hes fucking unstoppable bro
It wasn't a debate, Jim was trolling most of the time because he's afraid of Steven.
>a bunch of eceleb
wake me up when he debates someone with actual history of debating
huge fucking cope
>she can to fuck anyone she wants while he sits at home jerking off
It's ok to be jealous
Am I the only one who thinks that he goes full autism sometimes?
I mean that literally. He fails to recognize basic cues and takes everything thrown at him at face value.
a kid could probably make him cry uncle
why are righties so bad at debating? can they ever win anything?
2 or 3 years back now
>jim now hiding like pussy in his bunker after their debate
its really enjoyable seeing a man flee for his life after losing to your debate
seethe more jimbronies
He does that whenever he realizes he's losing.
>>BTFO TheAltHype so hard it turned him from a white nationalist to a neoliberal
Not really.
how does he do it bros
to be the coolest dude for her
meanwhile she painfully struggles with juggling with her relationships with other men
Isn't Destiny a black grils name?
It's difficult to "win" when screaming NUH-ZEE is considered the winning condition, something that lefties love to do by nature.
I will never forget that Jontron debate. It really showed just how utterly retarded the average meme spouting Yas Forumsirgin is
the entire twitch drama miasma and its audience is appalling. a few months ago I was unaware of the whole thing, but somehow I fell into a youtube clip black hole and I took so much damage. get back to playing video games, on a scale of embarrassing time wasters, its a much better option than watching these leeches.
I don't even care about politics, but I consider him to be the lowest of scum for one very simple reason: HE WAS A PATCHZERG!
hate the game not the player
Is he even rich though
Athene would.
he's extremely well off, not sure if I'd call him rich
Are you serious? Dudes a multi millionaire
Everyone does at some point during a conversation. If you're being talked at rather than talking to the person eventually you will boil over
He already "debated" athene. It was a total waste of time because athene is legitimately fucking crazy.
Just from fucking StarCraft?
who is this faggot and what the fuck are you niggers talking about in this thread?
Mostly from streaming, like donations and sponsorships.
You mean in a debate? Tons of people have. Jim simply had a different opinion from him about Trump, wouldn't allow the manlet's trolling techniques to effect him, and it made him go fucking ballistic. Sargon made him look like a fucking idiot. Yes, SARGON did. Ryan Dawson schooled the fucking shit out of him concerning international politics. Even the MGTOW Undead Chronic debated him on feminism and equality and Destiny just dipped out because he knew he couldn't continue the debate without pissing off his mostly SJW audience. I also remember him having a gun debate where he got wrecked by some expert who kept making fun of him for being such a little piece of shit lol.
Destiny is just a faggot who talks fast and reads a lot. He's exactly like Ben Shapiro, they're both gishgalloping mousy little kike finks who are good at annoying people into submission if they aren't good at debating, but anyone who isn't a complete sperg knows exactly how to handle guys like him.
what videogame is this?
You're not sure if you'd call someone with a net worth of $500k rich?
lol no he isn't. He's a half-millionaire.
He does that when he knows he's going to lose otherwise. It's a tactic.
A streamer who debates e-celebs
insanely based
lmao, did he forget that trump supporters are the ones with the guns while the opposition wants them banned?
I'm dealing with you having my dick lodged in your throat pretty well, actually.
except nearly every thing jontron said is correct and he only lost because scummy destiny baited and inexperienced debater into saying stuff he could retort
>leave Steven to me.
>destiny got btfo'd by this.
Lack of Adderall
How? Jontron was just stating facts and Destiny played it off to make him look like a huge racist, when it's still a FACT that Black people commit more crimes than Whites do.
>this thread stays up
>my tifa thread got deleted
All in protoss can
Didn't destiny try to kiss a pornstar while she was drunk?
why does he do it
Bi, actually. Now use less teeth, unless you want to use a crowbar to pry my monstrous dick out so that you can actually address Destiny being a faggot that got WRECKED REPEATEDLY by Jim, Sargon, Dawson, Undead Chronic and that one gun dude.
Until then? Guess I'll just have to cope with getting my dick drained.
>poly relationship
>allowing your women to fuck others
Thats one gigantic YIKES from me. Man what happened. I remmeber the days when he was a pretend pro and used to cheese idra on sc2.
Jontron said verbatim in that debate immigration is bad because the gene pool would get polluted, which is obviously racist. To clarify, the racist aspect isnt the factual statement that the genepool would change, but that it would be a bad thing if it did. To clarify even further, I don't think being a racist is even necessarily bad, but to try and defend that position is not racist is idiotic and will definitely lose you any debate.
Are you kidding? For the money. Why do you think he still goes to the Killstream? He fucking HATES the killstream and everyone on there, and even said as much. It's the same reason the Gunt had him on. Money.
i would agree to be a cuck too if i was able to fuck all those thots at the same time
what do you mean "by this", it's peak male performance in current year
>tifa hot xd
wow i wonder what happened bro
he probably fucks more girls than his gf fucks guys tbqh
tthis 40+ boomer still going? i lowkey miss him
Not sure if a guy that is impossible to talk to due to being a complete schizo counts
>chainfucks his way through the US
>Yas Forums calls him a cuck
I don't really give a shit about JonTron being a racist or not, fuck Blacks and their plight. I'm talking about how Destiny uses his obvious ass "fake outrage" tactic when JonTron stated that FACT. "Oh my god, I can't believe you said that, that's so racist" HOW ABOUT YOU TALK ABOUT THE CRIME STATISTICS THEN, FAGGOT? HOW ABOUT YOU DISCUSS
Oh, I know why. It's because Destiny could not possibly give less of a FUCK about having an actual discussion about anything, all he cares about is making himself look smart to his donors.
Catboy is swole as shit.
I can't believe he just fucking DIED.
Reminder that he’s said that the reason he’s the person he is today is because he played FF7
but hes already put his money on investments a long time ago
he was within that healthy bubble of esports long before companies tried to make it this big fake ass corporate shit
He's been covering the coronavirus for the past few months.
NTA, but "enriching and diversifying the gene pool" is a common argument to support mass immigration, even though most mass immigration comes from countries with highly inbred genes that cause mental deficits ie. Arab countries. Jontron didn't bring this up, but I believe that's what he was talking about.
This thread has nothing to do with video games. 30 day IP ban would be swell for OP.
>because scummy destiny baited and inexperienced debater into saying stuff he could retort
The Destiny Debate™ isnt a debate, its making up hypotheticals that never actually happen and having arguments about those. Its like playing baseball with someone who gets up to bat and just jumps in front of the pitch to guarantee he will get on base
Fuck, Jontron said that? Based lad.
what's killstream, who's gunt and how the hell does someone make money out of doing this kinda debate shit online
>some washed up meme streamer
ZvZ is the most run matchup
jontron said that rich blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites
which was 100% false and racist
Destiny is a master at debating. The key thing that people don't get is, you can be that and still have no good opinions or anything worthwhile to say. Debating is all about making the other person walk into your traps and letting them fuck themselves over while controlling the flow of the conversation. The second people like Jontron go on the defensive after the "racist" comment and try to damage control, they lost. At that point, Destiny isn't required to put in a shred of his own opinions or factual knowledge, he just needs to keep pushing and watch the person self destruct. That's most of his debates.
Worst case, he goes full emotional mode, starts bobbing screaming and seething some bullshit, until the person gives up or becomes confused. Then he capitalizes on those and keeps fucking with his opponent from the standpoint of outrage.
Literally reduces the alt left and right to mumbling moral fags that argue off of feelings not facts.
>This thread has nothing to do with video games. 30 day IP ban would be swell for OP.
Aren't his fans leftists who need a champion?