Why can't we get any good new Star Wars games?
Why can't we get any good new Star Wars games?
Three more years of EA holding the license, on tip of Disney being complete kikes and Lucasfilm being run by feminists
why is this even allowed?
>EA exclusivity
>Lucasarts being dead
Let's move on. This franchise is dead. All we can do is move on and hope Corona-chan will kill off Disney in two years.
That's capitalism for you.
We got Fallen Order, that's something.
>game made for kids
why do people call fallen order a good game I found it to be shit.
It's Star Wars. It was made for kids from the beginning.
Fallen Order was great.
Fallen Order was bargain bin Sekiro, which makes it still alright.
>linear story shit with average gameplay
There is no purpose to Star Wars now that Lucasarts is dead.
Jesus just remaster the rogue squadron trilogy and put it on switch. That's all I want...
because people are that starved for good star wars game
its literally the only star wars game that isnt battlefront since?? the whole decade?
You are retarded Fallen Orded was great
But there are Star Wars games developed outside of EA, Vader Immortal and LEGO Star Wars for example. How does it work?
It's janky but good.
Yep. Lucasarts may have not made 11/10 games, but they were all good in their own ways. There was nothing the people from this studio didn't touch in pursuit of trying something new. Now look at the state of SW. In a happier, better timeline where Disney didn't buy Lucasfilm, we would've had stuff like Jedi Knight III with an even more improved Lightsaber combat mechanic, Empire At War II with probably a 4th faction playable, an actual KoTOR III with you playing a Padawan running after Ancient Sith Lords or even Imperial Commando sequel to Republic Commando.
BUT NOPE. The only genuinely good SW game we've got was Fallen Order and even then it's a combination of different games, not only Dark Souls. And Battlefront II? After all the bullshit that happened it did finally turned into a genuinely fun game, but the damage has been done, there are barely any new players in it and it's because of EA's raging greed-boner and fetish for inserting lootboxes that ruined something that could've been a fun game from the get-go with a massive following.
>3 shekels have been deposited in your disney+ account
We just got that pod racer game on Switch
I had it with the SW fans they are the most irritating pieces of shit ever existed FO was w good game you will never get a sw game above 8/10 stop asking for miracles fags.
>omg a Star Wars product for KIDS!
>not pathetic manchild faggots like MEEE???
Put a gun in your mouth. Now.
seeth about it, unreal is the best engine ever made, drone
no, that's x-ray
there are barely any new players in it
That's not true. The playerbase skyrocketed about 30 percent after the Celebration Edition relaunch.
You guys always make shit up and just hope nobody will call you out on your lies. Fuck star wars fans.
It's not 2006 anymore
>ask for proof
>get this as a response
I feel as if I've been attacked.
What a pleb opinion
Game is a 5/10 at best
Nobody is going to fall for this now that we have all played the game, friend
Fall for what? Do you honestly think Fallen Order offers anywhere of a fraction of the exploration of the Force that Kotor 2 did? It's an utterly generic story, with boring characters and awful dialogue.
Worse exploration, better combat and storytelling.
>Image is clearly trying to trick people into thinking the black girl somehow bests Vader
>"Fall for what? ;)"
? That's not what I was talking about, so why would you assume that. Why don't you address the point I raised? The game makes Cere your Jedi mentor, but she never does or say anything interesting. The whole story of Fallen order is nothing more than a lazy movie tie-in.
>this creature is supposed to be a jedi master
>"luminous beings are we, not this crude matter"
The series died the moment Disney bought it, just let go and move on user.
Cost mostly. The film franchise's drift towards visuals over substance means that anything coming out under the IP will have to sink time and effort into bleeding edge visuals to appease the E3 tech demo troglodytes who will put the game down forever once they've played 3 hours and have seen everything. Plus people making it have to care about the details of star wars's setting for the game to be compelling and the current state of the IP doesn't have a lot of that. That dearth is never going away either considering how much of the IP is pre-internet media.
Shadows of the Empire wouldn't be made now because the goal in its creation was to see what could be done with the IP outside of film and within the limitations of other media. Now that AAA games are overlong cinematics with gameplay extra, innovative gameplay and storytelling solutions are off the table.
You're unironically better off playing other games with star wars mods.
Star Wars before Disney was awesome
why can't they just make an open world, open ended star wars rpg with a good story? is this too much to task for?
>Cost mostly. The film franchise's drift towards visuals over substance means that anything coming out under the IP will have to sink time and effort into bleeding edge visuals
>"bleeding edge visuals"
>why can't they just make an open world, open ended star wars rpg with a good story? is this too much to task for?
who would make it? ea's only rpg studio is bioware, and do you honestly want them to make an rpg nowadays?
yes, autist, I am aware of EA's sloppiness
>republic commando
we can never go back lads...
Why are Star Wars fans such fucking babies?
>Boo hoo sequels bad I'll never be happy again
>Why can't star wars games be as good as [year I was conveniently growing up and have unparalleled nostalgia for]
t. Star wars baby offended by liteterally everything.
Was Fallen Order actually good? Looked like Uncharted with Dark Souls combat.
>I'll keep responding! That will show him how ineffective his bait is!
What the fuck happened to this board
The sequels are better than the prequels. Seethe.
There's nobody out there who is making quality open world, open ended RPGs with good stories.
You make it sound like it's the simplest shit, and you can just take an existing property and slap a Star Wars skin on it, but there's literally nothing like what you're describing in existence right now.
Assuming your standards aren't in the gutter, anyway.
If you want it to exist just for the sake of it, regardless of potential quality of gameplay or vision, then I'm afraid you need to find a new fucking hobby because all you're asking is for increasing saturation of the medium with some flashy IP shit painted over what will effectively be no better off than American Eurojank.
I can already see it now. Outsource the IP to Poland, "The Jedi"
Featuring established characters acting like retards, blatant recycled plotlines, combat that can only functionally be described as "fine", and a growth system that consists of three skill trees; Blue (Jedi), Gray (Jedi), or Red (Sith), none of which has any bearing on anything outside of the aforementioned combat.
I'd rather just play Midochlorianborne at that point.
Open world is fucking awful when it's the world that's open to the player in a world that doesn't interact with itself and just waits for (You), and that is never not the case.
Why are you unbearable plebbit faggots even here
>I'm not an incel I swear
To make you seethe?
It felt really shallow to me at least. The graphics were decent barring some characters, and there were a few bugs, but the feel of swinging your own lightsaber made some of it not too terrible. I wish you didn't have to switch to the double saber, though.