Create your character Yas Forums

Create your character Yas Forums.

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Low INT, Hi CHA near-immortal goblin with a massive dick and ability to crush heads like peanuts

I'm Vegeta

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how does this work?

Are the grey bits free points? They don't count towards the 30?
In any case the penalties for low stats are so fucking bad that it looks like you should put at least 2 points in every stat.

The last tiers are meant to force you to sacrifice a lot to gain them. The grey areas are free points and don't count within the 30 points.

Psychopaths can be quite charismatic.

This seems like it's all about identifying critical boundaries in each stat.
Take a look at beauty, for example. One point spent takes you from 15% to 40%, whereas before that there were only 5% increments. The sensible choices are to be right down at "disfigured", to invest as far as "pretty", or for a specialised build to go to "divinity". Any other choice is poor point allocation honestly.
Anyway, with greys as free points as per >ST: 4
>DE: 3
>ME: 3
>CH: 4
>IM: 3
>AD: 4
>HG: 4
>SE: 1
>BE: 4
Seems like a decent all-rounder build. Bad at sex but that simply isn't a big deal.

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This is me IRL, uses 32 points.

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you have no idea how much i wish i was asexual.

Immortal and Charismatic enough to where other stats shouldn't matter, rather be smart and able to open jars than have a 4in dick.

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Me too ()
32 point allocation but 5.5 are completely useless because of terrible charisma and beauty. Basically a 26.5 build just because I'm not asexual.

>constantly horny but it serves absolutely no purpose because it's not like I'll ever have the opportunity to procreate
fuck you evolution

that's funny. I actually do agree with the 32 points thing. It makes it more fun.

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i'm actually 5'4" but i didn't know what to spend the last point on

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>average joe

>tfw already

Well, I just didn't give a shit about the points cap and made myself.

>less than average joe

>>average joe


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not even that.

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Anti-social bishounen. Probably a musician or something.

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Tall sex god with decent STR, DEX and INT. No point in wasting points on CHA and adipose just means I can't heal with food items. An extra point in immune would be nice though.

Suggestion: Height stat should be breast size for female characters.

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>Suggestion: Height stat should be breast size for female characters.
yes, i'll make that change


- ugly fat dwarf
- 11 inch dick, half my own height
- smart and charismatic enough to convince anyone to suck my dick on the spot
- can lead the fourth reich to purge the world of subhuman filth once I get bored with all the fucking

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The sex dwarf is back

Strength frail
Dexterity basic grasp
Memory note taker
Charisma loser
Immune rugged or maybe even vigorous
Adipose lean
Height between tall and basketballer (doesn't reach basketballer)
Sexuality between procreation and recreation based on p size
Beaty on civilian

Don't give a shit about points, that's the way it is

Smart and charismatic are best stats

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STR: 2
DEX: 3
MEM: 4
CHA: 2
IMM: 3
ADI: 4
HEI: 3
SEX: 4(six inch but virgin)
BEA: 3

28 points, if I could add extra points I would put them into sexuality and beauty

are you a ryona hentai protagonist?

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Rate my rapist dwarf

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How can he rape if he is a vegetable? I'd take off a few points from dexterity or immunity and put them to memory for at least 2-3 ranks.

OH, and immune to STDs

Ditzy tomboy incoming

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This is literally me

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Chad IRL reporting. I know I used more points. I don't care.

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I'm asexual. It doesn't mean you lack horniness or desire for company, it just means you are not attracted to anyone. If you're straight, think about how you feel about the same gender - you can identify if they're esthetic but you don't want to fuck them, and wouldn't consider sex with them (if you would, you're not really straight). Now apply that to all humans.

So basically it suck ass

That's aromantic, not asexual.

be my wif-
so close to perfection, yet 6 inches too short

I was the same as you until I found someone I loved.
It was the first time I felt real attraction.
I really don't think it's asexual if you still get horny though

world-changer build

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OP you dumbfuck fix 6.2 on the height section to say 6 foot 2 inches

>stats not maxed
yeah, I'm thinking you're a fake

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Nope. Aromantic relates to romance. IE two people can have a relationship without sex (imagine two people dating because they're waiting for marriage, they go on dates, they cuddle, it's something no one would consider a mere friendship -- except instead of waiting for marriage, it's just indefinite)

Asexual is completely about attraction.

I'm 30, not a kid. I tried romantic+asexual relationships but that didn't really interest me either, especially since every time the man/woman would say they were okay with the idea of not having sex until they realized it was legit and not something I would get convinced into later.

>I really don't think it's asexual if you still get horny though

The entire asexual community disagrees with you. Asexuals that don't experience any arousal at all are exceedingly rare (unless it's related to something like medications or health conditions), and ones who have 0 attraction regardless of libido are more standard.

>He doesn't want a short scrappy tomboy
Your loss

How is being a psychopath bad? That's like an automatic 10 Charisma.

based psycho

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It's just a Fanta sea.

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the gender world sure is complicated

Oh fuck didn't see the height category, fixed

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his sole existence is to rape.

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literally me.

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I have a suggestion,speed

I will rule this earth. a giant lumbering ogre

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this smooth brain trying to say hes got a super computer mind but cant even use microsoft paint to fill in a box.

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For me:
Str 1
Dex 1
Mem 6
Cha 6
Imm 4
Adp 1
Hg 3
Sex 1
Be 4

Mini dick and no strenght but i can get anything i want with my mind and charisma

I totally agree.