Gimme Dark Souls 4

Gimme Dark Souls 4

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its the last miyazaki game, hopefully tanimura doesnt fuck up 4 if he tries.

journalists should be raped for spreading fake news

dark souls mecha game

But it literally is the last game. They haven't released a new one yet.

I'd be stoked if they gave Tanimura a full game and not just the remnants of Dark Soul's Last Jedi.

Gimme Armored Core 6 first

Let DS to rest, it is time for Demons Souls 2 or Bloodborne 2. Hell, even that Mayan inspired game would be welcomed.
Stop on Sekiro forever tho

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DeS remaster or reboot when?

I just want a port.

Dark Souls is Demon's Souls 2 dummy.

Souls meme needs to be fucking put down already. Every third person action now has to be soulsshit because it is popular and easy to balance.
>lmao fuck complexity in combat just wait for an attack, dodgeroll and then counterattack
Even old God Of War had deeper combat, and that game was thrashed by both DMC and Ninja Gaiden fags for being braindead.

A spiritual successor in a different tradermark and Universe/Lore is not a sequel, dummy, I guess you calle Bloodborne "Dark Souls 2.5" or Demons Souls 4"

yeah just put hack'n'slash combat in a third person game with realistic movement, or else it's bad combat

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Miyazaki has physically said that there will not be any Dark Souls games for a long time. Someone internally will have to give him very good reasons to make it.

>Let souls rest
>It's time for sequels
No. Fuck you. We don't need sequels, we need fresh new games.

>Stop on Sekiro forever tho
Fuck you, bitch, I'll fucking cut you, I swear to God.

We are getting a sekiro 2 and there is nothing you can do about it

It's jus the same game over and over. Even COD has more variety in the series

Miyazaki-san here.
No Sekiro for you, whittu piggu.

It's jus the same game over and over. Even COD has more variety in the series

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well COD has had plenty of variety in the recent game so not sure what your point is

>wanting a sequel when every sequel is worse than the previous one

Dark Souls 4 is old news.
Dark Souls 5 however, now that's what us gaymers need

If you think that DS3 is worse than 2 you're a mongoloid retard and your opinion should be disregarded.

thats the only excepction, like dmc2 being worse than 3

why did we let Souls become a, ironically, soulless annual franchise

The devs are a one trick pony

Dark Souls 3 should be the end. There's no real place for them to go with a game about entropy that pretty much ends with complete entropy.
Bloodborne 2.
Demon's Souls 2.
Armored Core 6.
That's what need to be made.

The worst part about Dark Souls 3 was that it wanted to spend its whole time cumlapping DS1 and started fanfic-ing it's already murky story. DS4 could potentially fix that, but yeah, I wonder if there would still be other problems like linear world design. Elden Ring makes me think maybe not.


fuck you., go ruin armored core if you want your franchise ruined let the others dead

1 has the best atmosphere and story, but 2 has a better combat system and less janky enemies.

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>tfw when Nioh came out and shat all over fromsoft's combat system
I can't go back to fromshit games anymore.
Elden Ring is just going to be dark souls but OPEN WORLD LMAO.

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well COD has had plenty of variety in the recent game so not sure what your point is

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>Nioh came out and shat all over fromsoft's combat system

It didn't, Nioh combat simply fails in a Souls-like world.

demon souls was fucking shit, too. I'm surprised they made a sequel. far worse than DaS2.

>It didn't, Nioh combat simply fails in a Souls-like world
The fuck is that even supposed to mean. So the slowness and clunkyness in dark souls is OK because it's dark souls?

Here's your (You), you degenerate ESL third worlder. Spend it on learning to write legible responses.
Do not expect another one.

No such thing, it controls just as it should be. I'm talking about that stance shit, and other bullshit things that take away from the level design. Souls isn't about moving like a fairy, it's about level design.

>i know i'll attack him because i'm retarded and want sequels to ruin franchises
drown in a bag of dicks faggot

Shut the fuck up E.T. you can't even play video games. You can't even phone home.

>mommy didn't buy me a ps3 only a 360

> DS4 could potentially fix that
No, it couldn't. It'd just add more bullshit for no benefit. I don't know why anyone wants sequels from Miyazaki when it's clear that he doesn't want to make them.

>stances and combos take away from the level design
>Souls isn't about moving like a fairy, it's about level design
Nigga you sound like an absolute brainlet.

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Gimme Dark Souls 2: 2

That sentiment comes from him talking about why he doesn't like the concept of DLC from during DeS's development, which he's come back and said he doesn't agree with anymore.
If you want to say "well I didn't like DaS2/DaS3 as much as DaS so that means he didn't like making them", sure bud, but it's gonna be all in your head.

No, I played through it.
False King Allant and Flamelurker were the only fun bosses, the stages were purely gimmick shit that would kill you once then you'd move on, most other bosses besides those two were also purely gimmick.
Infinite consumables, the worst pvp I've seen in a game. Horrendous.

Filtere by ogre?

Isn't Tanimura the dr frankenstein who stitched what was left of ds2 together? or was he the one that fucked it up in the first place?

he was the only one directing it, he had all the right ideas but he butchered the game in development.

>DS1: Hide behind shield while jabbing at enemy
>DS2: Hide behing shield while jabbing at enemy
>DS3: roll, roll, roll, jab, roll, roll, jab, repeat
>Nioh: Use a combination of dodging, blocking, stances, attacking and comboing plus ki-pulse system to fuck over anything
Souls combat is pretty shit m8.

You sound like an absolute brianlet, you don't even know what Souls is all about

Get the fuck out.

>scholar of a lot more sins

Yui Tanimura was Dr Frankenstein. Tomohiro Shibuya was the director originally in charge of DS2.

Yes, combos, have you even played the game?

>journalists should be raped and killed

>playing with a shield
keep following guides retard

>i'm saying combos are stupid and look stupid and don't belong in a game like souls
>you post a video to prove my point
Thanks I guess.

I would rather they stop making Dark Souls and experiment more with standalones like Bloodborne and Sekiro but w/e
I don't think dark souls is really the right series to have loads and loads of sequals

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I did not play that game because it looks like they force you to only play as one character with the same build every run, a ninja guy.