Can we get a late night VN thread going?

Can we get a late night VN thread going?

What are you playing?
Favourite VN?
And can you help me choose a girl in Clannad? They are all too cute.

Attached: __fujibayashi_kyou_fujibayashi_ryou_and_botan_clannad_drawn_by_cross_crossryou__1ea649c9b6ab6170b532c0cd86c2f74b.jpg (723x1023, 179.03K)

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choose a girl?
In order to access the final and best route, you need to clear all the others. It takes a fair while but it's worth it.

may i make a suggestion?
dies irae

Bros i still can't find my Nagisa

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Playing Summer Pockets, need to finish the route I'm on and I'm gonna try another VN for a bit. Don't really want to read it and dragging my feet is just hurting everything else in my backlog.

Favorites are FSN or Grisaia, judge me on which one you like less

Nagisa > Tomoyo > Yukine > Ryou > Kyou > Kotomi > Misae > Fuko

Attached: Dies Irae What I Expected.png (2240x994, 1.46M)

I know to leave Nagisa last as she leads into the epilogue for some reason, but I can't say no to these fuckers and I don't know how to get onto routes to begin with, let alone in which order.
I've only read Planeterian so far, which by the way that was not cool game.

>That defeated tone Nagisa gives you when you try to blow her off
Not gonna lie, it hurts a bit.

Sorry I am into fluffy stuff goody two shoes stuff or sad stories, not edgelords out edgelording each other.
Not that it's bad to like that or anything.

right now reading subahibi
it drags out a little
katawa shoujo

>katawa shoujo
The only good route was Rin's.

From the image you've used, choose Kyou.

She has a canonically big butt.

I'm a Botan man though?

I only remember like 4 of the girls from Clannad. It was my first VN. I liked Tomoyo and I even played the spinoff game she had.

You want to fuck Botan?

Finished utawarerumono MoD and MoT couple of days ago. Everyone there had animal tails and ears/wings, why did nobody care about MC's lack of these?

Nah, I want to have a Botan to pet without a 50/50 chance of suffering severe domestic abuse with every stroke.
A Botan joke route would be amazing though.

Sunohara is best girl

Aah. Okay.

Anyway, who here like Kyou's big butt?

>Download 2 VNs, Euphoria and Maggot Baits
>both wont launch
>apparently you need run it in japanese locale
>download japanese locale app
>start game with japanese locale
>both games give me at start different error window ....

Fuck VNs, shit cant even be installed

Attached: 71yiDGF6wlL.jpg (1073x1500, 241.51K)

>euphoria and maggot baits
Someone here likes to ride the ryona and scat train.

Going to play baldr sky
Utawarerumono 1

I dont like clannad so can't help you. Never liked the slow drama in it.
Is making lovers any good?

>japanese locale app

What error does it give?

Still busy with Making Lovers. 9.5/10, pure love romance VN, would recommend.

I've been playing 彼女が俺にくれてもの but I'm just not feeling it.
I like two of the girls, the childhood friend and sister; I really like the eyes but the story isn't that great.
The vn i played before this was 神が造りもうた少女たち。I really liked that story despite there not being anything major.

Currently playing Subahibi. Just started chapter 3. Chapter 1 & 2 were... something.
Favorite vn is Ever 17. It is not perfect but I love it.

Finished it's my invention route on SubaHibi. Don't really understand much and it's got a lot of sex scenes which take me out of trying to understand the plot. Other than that, it's an alright VN

I'm mostly guro guy, scat is shit

error which i cant read

Attached: muh.jpg (684x321, 28.33K)

Don't use a locale app, just change the locale of your computer. Former still leads to bugs.

Currently playing Majikoi A3, Stacy a best

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>tfw no route

Attached: do it for antoinette.jpg (1400x1000, 487.41K)

Just started Fatal12. MC has stupid looking Yu-Gi-Oh hair but I like the designs of all the other girls so far.

Still waiting for things to get really fucked up.

Attached: F12.png (1272x712, 1.39M)

Just finished reading Farther than the Blue Sky.
It's not amazing, but it made me reminisce about making hobby rockets with my uncle.

Attached: bikinana.png (1280x720, 1.51M)

>download japanese locale app
Just go into control panel my dude hahaha what are you doing?

>scat is shit
You don't say...

Kotomi/Tomoyo the drop it and read tomoyo after instead

From what I can tell it says "読み取り専用メディア…または書き込み権限のない___(i dont know this kanji) から起動です。"
I'm dont know japanese that much but it somewhat means "running as read-only media or write permissions have not provided" I guess?
So basically running it as adminstrator should solve the issue.

I like the No valid string, please make a ticket translation more than the official.

> Running nip apps as admin


well it didn't work.....
does changing locale change my language?
i don't want to have my PC in nip, i couldn't find a way to reverse those changes

This is the screen in windows 7

Attached: Capture.jpg (471x549, 43.52K)

it's 環境

Currently finishing up Summer Pockets and starting Making Lovers

Anyone play WagaHigh? For anyone who doesn't like DFC, every route has a heroine with huge breasts.

well i tried it tho it have same effect as locale emulator
any idea where else i can download it besides sukebei? maybe its just version problem

Fuck Clannad and fuck KEYshit

Just to clarify you are using applocale and running as administrator(Japanese) right?

Started Ever17. I don't understand why Tsugumi is being such a bitch and I don't buy the horrible tsundere act.
Favourite VN is Higurashi, Chapter 3 best chapter

Holy shit it out ????

i changed locale in windows and than just run it as admin, are you supposed to run it through emulator as well?

Yes user it's out, it's finally fucking out

Attached: 1393567109621.jpg (848x666, 570.37K)

Yep you are supposed to use a locale emulator.

Zettai Jotei Toshi
I thought the gameplay would be more strategic instead it is much like a flash game atleast the porn is good.

well, it still doesn't work.....
can you give me something similar to try, so i see if its PC problem or just this game?

Attached: 1579960122682.gif (480x480, 1.46M)

Did you download it from a proper release or through some shady site?
This is the one I used it worked fine. Usually in mangagamer releases, you don't even need to change the locale

When I first played Clannad, more then a decade ago, my favorite girl was Tomoyo. But now years later I realize that Kyou was the better choice.

After you've finished and your feelings have recovered, play Little Busters! Now that was a wild ride, still not completely over it.

Attached: continue forever.jpg (1920x1080, 404.11K)

well i have same version and..........

Attached: muh.jpg (612x252, 37.43K)

Finished Rain's route in Baldr Sky a few days ago. Since Rain is best gir l have no drive to read the other routes and, due to the nature of the story, it feels like it would've been better if it was only one route with a "pick your girl" format.

after i deleted save i get this, tho it leads nowhere....

Attached: muhh.jpg (611x316, 54.95K)

All I can suggest is to delete the game run the setup using applocale -> run as administrator (Japanese) or you also could try using ntlea.

>"that" moment in refrain
I still prefer Clannad over Little Busters, but damn that was so well pulled off

>what are you playing
>favourite VN
Dies Irae

My personal opinion is that LB! is the best Key game, with Rewrite coming in second. Called Game was one of the best turning points in a visual novel I've ever read and everything leading to and evolving from that point is kino.

Picture related is the only other VN moment that beat LB!'s twist. And it sucks that not enough people played it.

Attached: plot twists.png (450x337, 318.59K)

Look at the size of that butt.

Attached: 8B08D64F-F250-4050-83A8-59AFC9AE563D.jpg (1136x640, 50.85K)

>that Favourite VN

Never ever seen this talked about even though it's the sequel to babby's first vn, am I the only one who has read it?
I love time-space shenanigans and this one was the best in the series

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In case the game folders name has some Japanese characters, try renaming it and then starting the game.

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