rev up those fishing rods and cry yourself to sleep over missing sakura recipes
Animal crossing thread
Any southern chads gonna open their gates for shark fishing?
>got my town hall building today
>seems to stop the fishing event from happening
I guess I should be thankful, it seems like shit
it was inevitable
So, who'll open their gates for a big Yas Forums fishing get together? I'd do it myself but I'm in the middle of terraforming so the layout's complete shit
I'm in the exact same situation. Just Made my flag
Do you have to catch 300 fish or get 300 points?
I like how you don't even need to change the main room for this. The casting couch meme is so obvious here that there's simply no way this couldn't have been intentional as a joke. There's simply no one no one working on the game would have been aware of it.
>expected comfy fishing for big boys all day
>it's just speedrun autism
>actual casting couch
what did Nintendo mean by this, lads?
basically get ready to catch a fuck ton of fish
>easter sucks
>sakura alright but ruined by easter overlap
>fishing contest sucks
yeah not a great start to these online events.
So if anybody wants a Tybalt in the next two hours let me know. The things I'm missing are roses in general and bamboo bench, speaker and any spa related stuff to catalog or donate. Anything helps!
is there any list of all items you can get during the fishing event?
dude just fucking google it
>that feel when I got all of them
Always happy to help craft stuff for anons tho, provided they bring the materials.
user, I have bad news...
sorry bro i dont like viewing clickbait articles bro or webpages just explaining one thing like that.
are you retarded?
>user, I have bad news...
>Anchor Statue
>Fish Doorplate
>Fish-Drying Rack
>Fish Ponchette
>Fish Print (?)
>Fish Print Tee
>Fish Rug
>Fish Umbrella
>Fish Wand
>Fishing-Rod Stand
>Fresh Cooler
>Marine Pop Wallpaper
>Marine Pop Floor (?)
>Tackle Bag
100 points overall for bronze trophy
200 for silver trophy
300 for gold trophy
Sharks are gone from the game until June, when the Northern Hemisphere gets them.
The whole world has shitty fishing right now.
>The whole world has shitty fishing right now.
End my fucking life...
why are 90% of my friends females
are they genuine chicks or dudes in disguise
fuck off retard
>select male as my chosen style
>game still gives me dresses and makes me pose like a twat when I change clothes
is this a bug?
Fucking lazy faggot can't even click like 3 links to find your info
Use this website they always have good lists
fuck you
>spoonfeeding literal retards
Fuck anons help a fella out, can anyone with decent selling prices post their dodo? I didn't have my turnips go over 94 all week :(
My tourney doesn't start for another 2 and a half hours, what's the goal for this one? Please tell me there's a temporary water egg reprieve while the tourney is ongoing.
>Please tell me there's a temporary water egg reprieve while the tourney is ongoing.
The spawn rate is lowered a bit.
catch as many fish as you can in 3 minutes
Eggs are still there but they're rarer, like 1 in 50.
so im basiclaly fucked since my sleep schedule is 7am or 8am to 5pm on weekends. oh boy i cant wait to get to 300 points in about 90min if i wake up at 4:30pm. just great. reality is ii wont even be able to get the bronze trophey! when CJ normally arrives, he is from 5am to 4:59am but this tournament is from 9am to 6pm?! come on 6pm is just too early to end this event man...
or why the hell couldnt it have started at 6am to 6pm? i already did everything starting at 5am today so i can only focus on fishing when i wake up
My very first catch was a water egg.
The game is completely gender neutral now so it doesn’t make any assumptions based on what you look like
Fix you fucking sleep schedule.
>I'm a degenerate! Why can't the world cater to meeeeeeeeeee!!
neck yourself, retard
There's not something I have to do in order to spawn sakura recipes, right? I've been at this for going on 5 hours now and I only have 3 new recipes and 1 dupe for the sakura blossoms, 7 total out of 14. I feel like I gotta be doing something wrong here.
Stop crying so much about such a non issue jesus christ
If you don't like the event time them just time travel a few hours back
Or, you can just set your system clock to 9am when you're finally able to play, and not be a bitch about honoring the time mechanic, since there's clearly no repercussion to abusing it.
Lets say you get 300 points, do you need 300 at the end or can you use them on random prizes and it still counts nd gives you gold trophy?
Do the trophies stack? If not, there's no point going for gold on this one whne you can just wait until next time and not have to deal with eggs.
Nope. It's entirely RNG. Any non-easter balloon can pack a DIY, and while the game does have a weighted scale to favor giving you DIYs you don't have, you can still get dupes, as you see.
Best you can do with those is try and trade them with other anons. 1:1 is pretty fair for Sakura DIYs, but they're about to get crazy expensive for those who don't want to time travel and grind it out anyway.
Thanks lads.
>Check clothes in stock
>Thick-stripes shirt
>Cargo pants
>Double-bridge glasses
This game actively wants me to become Chris-Chan. I'm scared.
i already work night shift, sorry
i didnt say any of those things. who are you quoting?
time traveling?! never suggest that again, time travelers are worse than scum. i cant time travel to the past IRL so no time traveling in the game
When do I get a DIY for a proper looking park bench? Like what was available in new leaf.
>grinding the tournament for furniture and trophies
>get cast master
Huh, I thought eggs reset the counter. I'm sure I caught at least two water eggs recently and I caught less than a hundred fish after that since I didn't even get the bronze trophy yet.
Did they change the way eggs fuck up the consecutive catches stuff? Did they also unfuck the lack of balloon spawns after popping 300?
When I use an amiibo card is it guaranteed that I'll get the villager?
I have 9 at the moment and am gonna use an NFC chip to put one villager I really want in the game out of desperation, I went to like ten billion islands but couldn't find anyone cooler.
When I scan the chip and they go to my campsite, I'll make sure to open a new property with Nook. Should I make sure the property is marked before scanning it? And are they gone forever if they leave or can I keep scanning it to try again?
Pls help I'm getting desperate
kill yourself
When it's eventually drip added to the game, because the Splatoon team has mastered that art.
Can always just "stay up late" this one time since its a weekend.
Nah, CJ said you'll get something in your mail tomorrow, spend as many as you want.
How do I get my trophy? In the mail or what? I assumed I had to come back after 6 but now CJ just only says how the next one is in July.
Don't they just not count towards the counter and you it counts again after you get a fish? You know, kind of like trash.
Are you telling me that there's currently nothing in the game that resembles this?
Quit fishing for (you)'s you nigger
So even if i spend the 300 i still get gold then?
You should.
There's a DIY for this
You're a fucking faggot loser, if you're so dedicated to avoiding time traveling even a few hours so your schedule doesn't fuck with you gameplay then you can stop crying like a little bitch over these problems you are in complete control of fixing.
>T-TIME TRAVELLING??? Don't EVER mention those words around me you worthless scum, I am above petty Time cheating
Fuck you.
's the closest I've seen to a proper bench. I've not even gotten that DIY card yet.
Fuck yeah, thanks
Why can't I use 2 gold fishing trophies for Feng Shui?
They should have the lucky property and double yellow
Looks great. I need to get lucky with recipes then so I can finish my plaza area.
That's the one I've been looking for, Isabelle keeps nagging me over the island scenery and that's the only piece that I want to add at this point without things starting to look tacky.
just want to confirm, do I need to hoard points to get the trophy, or can I redeem them for swag?
>NFC chip wont get to my place till late April with free shipping
>Overnight shipping is $60 for $1 item
>name my town after the town from Sora no Woto
>someone mentions I need a military uniform outfit yesterday to go with it
>one shows up in Able Sisters today
>there's even a green one, though the colour is a bit bright
>a helmet too
Well shit. Insta-bought.
Are there any marble style benchs?
My chips have been in one city for a week, FUCK chinks on ebay and FUCK their lying practices telling me it ships from the US
I wish your mom could time travel back and swallow you instead you pathetic little bitch.
>can't place items on the plaza or bridges or any shit because it might get in the way
what's the point of the lost and found box then
I have it .
LMAO get a load of those angry beta virgin cheaters
Well done!
Just spend everything after 300
Fucking Gulliver only gives me hats.
3 hours and not worth shit for farming
extend the fucking event
So i need 300 bait for this yes, since its 10 bait per go to get 10 fish. Then i have to do this 30 times
rent free
I hope the "no item on the plaza" thing gets patched down the road. It's a pretty large space that you should be able to dress up, and certain things like the phone booth only make sense to me in that area. Plus I think it would be neat to be able to do things like construct rope fence waiting lines on election days.
I wish i could watch you fuck my mom UwU
You sure showed them