How do journalists finish games?

How do journalists finish games?

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they dont

>PC gamers

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Is Sekiro worth 40 yurobucks bros? Monkey inflation tells me not to pay over 35 for a computer game but I'm tempted.

All From Software titles are worth full retail price on launch, even DS2.


Why do those "game journalists" look all the same?

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I paid that much and was not disappointed

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just fucking pirate it retard, only suckers pay for games they can get for free. cue corporate bootlickers and shill crying.


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Pirate if you're a poorfag, but don't tell others to do the same. You'll understand one day, little nibba.

t. actual corporate shill.

college kids that studied journalism to fight the powah but now write about video games because no one else will hire them
they have no passion for their job so they write about anything they possibly can except the game, like "why is game so sexist?" or "why does game have so much gameplay?" in the hope someone else will hire them

i don't think they often do
you see giantic drop in quality and effort put after first level way too often

Bought it yesterday and I've been having fun. Seems to be worth the price.

Yeah, pirate singleplayer games and only pay for multiplayer ones, so the devs realize it's only worth making shit for casuals like LoL, Dota and Overwatch.
10/10 plan, lad.

Most of them try to beat the game in the easiest and quickest way possible so they can write their day one reviews before embargos lift. Its why I never read reviews from them and instead wait for user scores.

So wait, is the characters name wolf or sekiro? are they interchangeable or is sekiro just some japanese wordplay nickname that isshin calls him?

I suspect a lot of the time they either don't or rush through on the easiest difficulty. I can imagine that the time pressure to get articles and reviews written, handle all the other shit from the day job AND play a game to completion within the space of time between getting a review copy and the embargo lift date that there's simply not enough hours in the day to play on the hardest difficulty and spend the time to truly master a game's systems.

if you are on the fence just pirate it, it's fully singleplayer and you won't lose out on anything

They don't. They read firsthand impressions on forums and Yas Forums, watch some videos on youtube and just cobble together a review instead of playing the game.

1. They don't
2. They play on easiest possible difficulty and rush through asasp to bash a review out

>They read firsthand impressions on forums and Yas Forums
I'm sure you meant reddit.

They barely play the games at all. In fact, it's probably they watch some youtuber first.

Isshin came up with the name Sekiro, which means "one armed Wolf"
But people like Scultpor, Emma and Kuro still call him Wolf.
Rice loli calls him Shinobi of the divine heir.

So it's up to you to decide what his name is.

They don't, they steal random no name youtubers' reviews then add some irrelevent shit about politics

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

What the fuck, I think I've seen this thread before. With similar posts and shit.

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you know the newer "story" mode most games have, where you basically can't lose and often auto-win by mashing? Yeah that's game journalist mode

what gaem?

200k in debt private school journalist majors take these jobs. The work shows they suck at their own job yet still keep it because no one else wants to do it.

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There's enough suckers around to pay for the games. Everyone had a flashcart on the original DS and it was still the most profitable handhelrd ever. They absolutely don't need your money. Cry louder, shill, hope you are at least getting paid for your marketing.

they watch lets plays

It's called game journalist mode for a reason, if there isnt one they complain about the game being tedious. Respect for the leeches has fallen off a cliff, they won't exist in 10 years

I play them journalist

Tbh, I couldn't finish souls like games either. I just hate how combat works.

>PC gamers can't beat the final boss at 240FPS
>I beat him on 30fps on a TV on PS4

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Good thing Sekiro isn't a Souls game :)

They don't
On a side note, if you have to read/watch a review of a game instead of coming to your own conclusions, watch those that came years after a game's release. Then you can be sure it wasn't rushed out just to get the most clicks

They don't. Schreier admitted once on Resetera to only having completed 2 storylines out of 8 in Octopath traveler.

Some times they even give games bad scores if they get filtered due to the challenge.

I do feel a bit bad for game journalists at times.
They're widely disregarded and mocked as being the lowest form of journalism, not being much better than regurgitating marketing pieces at times in order to get exclusive or early access to a game which they NEED to have any hope of getting people to click on their shit.
Once they get a game, it's a race to finish it as fast as possible (or not if you can't beat it in the time they have, or if something more urgent comes up), because people aren't going to read the 4th or 5th review about a game that's out.
Playing a ton of shit that doesn't appeal to you is going to suck the soul out of you even if you really like games as a whole. Even if they do stick around with a game for longer, some guy on youtube who has played it 100 hours in the first week of release will have better and more content on it, and there's dozens like him.
Everything a game journalist does is largely better served by other sources nowadays.

That being said, those that turn to politics and/or ideological point scoring to make clickbait deserve all the scorn they get.

>and I feel fine

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Yes nigger play it already

Dumb wage cuck thinks he has rights to shit on poor people

>there's enough suckers around so I'm going to tell everyone not to buy anything or call them corporate shills XD
you never were very good at math, no wonder you dropped high-school

It literally says in the image

>dustforce 2

ah fuck, I thought "PixelJunk Sidescroller" was a pejorative. kek

well, now that we're over beating the dead horse that is OP's post, let's discuss about the game
What's the reason for the Headless existing? Why do they have hair coming out of their necks?
I've read the description of the Spiritfalls, but they don't explain why it was THESE 5 warriors that exclusively got reanimated into Headless
I understand that they are

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>Everyone had a flashcart on the original DS and it was still the most profitable handhelrd ever.
It still took some effort. Remember the PSP? Where literally anyone could pirate?

They take tips from the tutorial and then it becomes "their" essential tips

Vidya journalism. Vidya journalism never changes.

tbqh this

Chances are, they haven't even studied "journalism", but "gender studies" instead, and no one but the news would hire them.
Conversely no one else would apply for a job at a dying news company these days.

it's not like no one else wants these jobs
it's that you need to be part of the right tribe to get the job


>dabbing on the autistic losers who get mad about others cheating in single-player games
Yeah, I'm gonna say James Davenport is based.

They play just enough to write a review and get their check before they move on to the next game.

Previously wrote for multiple sites, I can vouch for this being pretty close. Personally, I always started on Normal and if applicable, I'd try to put around 10-20 hours in multiplayer if it had it to get an idea for how it feels. Multiple others writing for the same site used a similar method or played on Easy, and I imagine it's even more common at bigger more relevant sites like IGN. This user also hits the nail on the head as to why I quit, I made so little at the sites I was at because reviews simply don't bring in the clicks compared to guides, top 10s and other trash content.


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You don't get it. Game journalist are basically just average journalist that happens to write articles about games. They are not, dare i even say it, gamers.
They are not enthusiastic people that want to write about vidya, they are trannies with mass media bachelor degree.

pc fags unable to play any games even though they can use the easiest input devices. Thank god i left that cheater trannies

I remember reading i think a official play station magazine and it had a import review section and reviewed the Shaman king game and i was pissed at the review because their big minus was that there was no versus mode, but there was they just didn't finish the game to unlock it.

Is this even English?