Is anyone excited for Bowlbo?
Is anyone excited for Bowlbo?

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As long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release, it'll be a day one buy from me.

Looks sleek as fuck.
Which means it probably won't work on my toaster so nah.

alright good to know

He won't. That's why he's /ourguy/.
I used to like dingdong but he got too SJW. I don't support anyone who thinks videogames shouldn't get made because they find them offensive.
>but it hurts my feelings!
Too bad, faggot.

"It's not rape is they're stronger than you." - Julian Mickey Mario, 2018

Dingdong was against a SJW shallow virtue signalling game, he was objectively in the right

nice videogames

clearly Chris was inspired by Ratboy Genius' style for his game

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Straight people aren't allowed to make a game with homosexuals in it? Go tell the yuri board that they better stop enjoying VNs about lesbians unless the people who made it were lesbians themselves.

The abssolute state of GamerGaters

Ugly newgrounds shit by egoraptor 2.0 who built a fanbase of obsessed lonely losers who live through him and his circle of friends. Hard pass.

Looks like it could be the Tombi 2 that we all deserved instead of the shit we got.

I agree that DD being offended and "upset" about that game was fucking pathetic and reeked of being SJW, but he was literally virtue signaling. Name one other time when he game a shit about the "gay community"
Isn't it amazing that the one time he stands up for the "gay community, the community that me and Julian are a part of, our community" is also the one time he gets to bitch about people he has to work next to.
I can't even call him a SJW because he clearly doesn't actually care, but that does make him a virtue signalling faggot.

Dream Daddy claims to be a gay VN but all the characters are bisexual with children. It's targeted towards the tumblr crowd who want to pat themselves on the back for supporting something LGBT, it doesn't appeal to actual gay people at all

So the gay people who did like it just don't matter because dingdong said so? Gotcha.

The alleged gay people who did like it are bottom of the barrel consoomers who like game grumps in the current year, so no they don't matter

>Dream Daddy claims to be a gay VN but all the characters are bisexual with children
It's a game about fathers who fuck dudes. Of course they're bisexual and have children.

Listen to yourself. You literally just complained that the characters in Dream DADDY have children.

Nah, im #TeamArin so i will continue enjoying game grumps modern masterpiece Soviet Jump Game instead on Oneys toxic and problematic attempt at a video game.

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>supporting something LGBT, it doesn't appeal to actual gay people at all
do you actually expect me to believe that your main issue with dream daddy is that it wasn't gay enough? you're arguing in bad faith and we both know it you disingenuous faggot

>this is a tumblr game!
>it's not gay enough!
>it doesn't do enough to support REAL lgbt themes!
Sure user.

Tell me how you would make a gay daddy dating game with no bisexuals and none of them have children. I'd really like to hear how you envision this.

A game that markets itself as being a "Gay VN" not actually being a Gay VN but a Bisexual VN is a valid criticism.

It's not a gay daddy dating game, "gay daddies" as in actual fathers of children literally don't exist, only bisexual daddies

What kind of fucking thread is this where a game made by actual california SJWs gets defended by Yas Forums and people who criticise them are called SJWs instead?

did it market itself as a gay VN?

The character designs are an actual insult to my eyes.
Fuck you for posting this rancid feces of a pile of turds.

This threads proof none of you can make OC. You only complain about culture and my sekret club cause you're all desperate to fit in with a group of people who for the majority left this place long ago. Us 07 fags have kids and shit now there's no reason to try as hard as you faggots do. And the thing is you try so hard to blend in you don't even bother to be unique. You just repost the same stupid shit
Seriously name one fucking original Yas Forums meme since Yas ForumsIvian 10 fucking years ago. You're all fags posers wanna bes babies! You'll never go to OZ fest 01 or remember 9/11 cause you were still in diapers. Hell you babies still are it seems living with mommy and can't even write a shitpost without being spoonfed. Fuck you all your all new fags you know nothing of "board culture" your just faggots trying to emulate your older brother even in your 20s. You wanna fix the board make OC otherwise fuck off cause anything else is just more cancer and the best part is you stupid faggots will write some no u tier post in reply and act like your smart or got any emotional response. No you saying u mad isn't trolling putting a camera in a guys ps3 and making his life the truman show is trolling. Now get the fuck off the Internet period not just Yas Forums before your boomer parents snap and poison your chicken tenders to end the burden of a useless son.

People who get offended by videogames and think they shouldn't be made because it upsets them are SJWs. You don't throw your entire belief system out the window just because it's a gay game you don't personally like.

Well, on Yas Forums you do because it's full of retarded children with no actual backbone.


Okay so your only point is that the daddies should be considered bisexual and not homosexual? Is that it?

There are people in this thread who are upset about fictional characters having their sexuality mislabeled. Who let tumblr in?

Why would anyone ever choose dream daddy when coming out on top exists

The Yuri board can go fuck themselves. I just wanna fap to anime lesbians but they take that shit so seriously over there and borderline shame the people posting actual hentai.

this is the delicious irony. they are acting like the biggest SJW faggots possible, but think it's okay to be like this because they're criticizing a game SJWs made. they cannot accept what they've become. it's just like how people are in denial about dingdong acting incredibly SJW for this whole thing, but they cannot accept that.

sometimes it's hard to remember what you're supposed to be mad at when you're an ideologue who gets all of their opinions from memes on a singaporean waterboarding chatroom

>People who get offended by videogames and think they shouldn't be made because it upsets them are SJWs
So the people pissy about TLOU2 are SJWs? Whoa...
This is such stupid fucking logic. Please grow up or kill yourself. Either way would be good.

haha isnt it funny that someone will always mention ding dong out of the blue for no reason

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Yes actually the trailer exceeded my expectations. the graphics we saw in the cinimatic are the ones we get in game.
very silly models but should be a fun goofy platformer. not something i'll probably pour a lot of time into tho.

I don't know how anyone could see DingDong's issue as NOT sjw. He was literally saying he was upset because straight people were appropriating gay culture. Since when are straight people not allowed to make games with homosexuals in them? I guess any games I make better only have straight white men in them since I don't want to appropriate anyone's culture and upset DingDong.

who's a cali sjw?


The entirety of the game grumps corporation employees

shit bait. you said this exact thing when the trailer released fuck off you seething commie.


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are you telling me you would still buy bowlbo is chris started saying libshit on twitter? of course you wouldn't

you think chris works for that tranny faggot arin? did you miss the part where arin made a cunt of himself by being a sensitive bitch and all his old friends and the entirty of newgrounds disowned him.

But you underestimate fanboys. Once someone is a fanboy, they'll just agree with them no matter what. Just look at the dumb shit Chris says all day and people agree just because he said it and they're fans of his stuff.

The absolute state of Yas Forumseonazis. Literally zero posts about gameplay.

nooooo you cant just tune out to MY threads

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And faggots will eat up because he's funny man and owned the SJW niggerfags on Twatter

no? chris stopped using the game grumps office during the dream daddy fiasco because he couldn't put up with the california SJW culture

Funny how dingdong is equally assmad back at this person because he quite literally can't shut up about it when his autists follow him here.

chris uses the newgrounds office.

t. psychojosh/cabbagepots

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Here's that (You) you were clamoring for.

That looks assmad to you? You might be projecting a bit.

If everything Richard said had been said by anyone else Yas Forums would dismiss them as a SJW, absolutely no doubt about it. They would be laughing about tumblr infighting.
His entire rant was SJW garbage 101, but he gets a pass here because Yas Forums is full of dumb children with no actual concrete stance on anything. Don't underestimate how many people here get all their opinions from ecelebs. Most game discussions are people arguing about what different ecelebs said about games instead of anyone talking about what THEY thought of the games, assuming they ever even played them themselves.




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Kek how deep does this shit go

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Bowlbo needs a patreon. I have already spent over 300 dollars supporting WanWan Games and Tough Bippy still doesn't have a release date. I wonder how much I'll have spent on it before it finally releases?
I want to support Bowlbo in a similar way. I don't even pledge that much but over time it all adds up and I was surprised at how much I'd spent already. And that doesn't include when I've thrown them a few dollars during streams.

Unless they're completely pants on head retarded anyone actually angry would not act the way he does and still bitch constantly about something.

These days he does, but about 2 years ago oneyplays was recorded in the game grumps office. They did collabs with game grumps and chris even had his own drawing show on the game grumps channel

Responding to someone who asked him a question about it is not "bitching about it constantly", josh

why would anyone support a patreon for a game with no release date? you could have your money siphoned off you for years and years and still not get anything in the end

fuck yes, Tomba is my favourite game of all time, and I really like Chris' brand of humor.

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Yep, projecting like crazy.

>e-celeb shit
>that game with horrible visuals with generic platformer gameplay that only oneyfags will eat up and call it a masterpiece because it was made by a muh e-celeb

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Arins been going down the SJW slope for a while now because he's sold out. But when did the NG community start turning on him?

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

I missed this meme

Personally my favourite is when Zack snorts like a little goblin

this is a falseflag

When he turned on them

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All these posts were made by the same guy. Same style of posting. Who the fuck says SJW unironically?

what's your fucking problem, dude?
Am I not allowed to like thing because you dislike it?
Good thing Oney is making a game and Zach is getting greenlit by adult swim. You irrelevant calarts dangerhairs can choke on the jealousy for all I care.

If it is he's fucked up because that's unironically how I feel. If you or he feel otherwise I would have to ask why you're posting here in the first place.