If there were an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of computers, would they eventually make a Mario game?
If there were an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of computers...
Would they also have infinite intelligence?
isn't the idea that they also need infinite time?
they would make an infinite amount of mario games
Bing-bing wa-OOH OOH AHH AHH
This all has to do with patterns. If you got 100,000 chimpanzee in a room full of computers with the unity engine installed. AT SOME POINT the monkeys would unknowingly program an entire game.
with an infinite amount of time you would only need one monkey
This threads proof none of you can make OC. You only complain about culture and my sekret club cause you're all desperate to fit in with a group of people who for the majority left this place long ago. Us 07 fags have kids and shit now there's no reason to try as hard as you faggots do. And the thing is you try so hard to blend in you don't even bother to be unique. You just repost the same stupid shit
Seriously name one fucking original Yas Forums meme since Yas ForumsIvian 10 fucking years ago. You're all fags posers wanna bes babies! You'll never go to OZ fest 01 or remember 9/11 cause you were still in diapers. Hell you babies still are it seems living with mommy and can't even write a shitpost without being spoonfed. Fuck you all your all new fags you know nothing of "board culture" your just faggots trying to emulate your older brother even in your 20s. You wanna fix the board make OC otherwise fuck off cause anything else is just more cancer and the best part is you stupid faggots will write some no u tier post in reply and act like your smart or got any emotional response. No you saying u mad isn't trolling putting a camera in a guys ps3 and making his life the truman show is trolling. Now get the fuck off the Internet period not just Yas Forums before your boomer parents snap and poison your chicken tenders to end the burden of a useless son.
>Will africa Eventually make a Mario game
They couldn’t even get past the logon screen
That's only if it's just one monkey
that's actually how all mario games are made
????? Africa is full of shitskins retarded autist kys
It depends. If the monkeys' behavior is random, then yes.
However, if they monkeys' thought patterns and instincts don't lend themselves well to making Mario games or using computers, then I doubt it.
If the monkeys are able to successfully learn from one another, then they might be able to use the computers. However, with the lack of complex verbal communication, I very much doubt that. What's most likely is that they will use the computers as toys, and that eventually some monkeys will, while playing with the machines, manually input the entire binary of a Mario game into the computers. I assume this would take longer than the heat death of the universe.
However, if the monkeys are able to breed and evolve, then they might (with enough luck) turn into something that is capable of consciously making Mario games.
At first glance it'd be a sure thing, but we fail to take into account the 100% chance that a monkey will program Omikron: the Nomad Soul, which means the entire system must be purged and the experiment restarted.
No, because Nintendo would hit them with lawsuits and C&Ds before games' would be finished.
Fucking money grubbing nip fucks.
Only if they CRUNCH
You mad bro?
if the monkeys are truly infinite and random you wouldn't even need time, some monkey would program a game first try
>some monkey would program a game first try
not only some, an infinite amount
it's never actually a 100% certainty, even with infinite everything
it becomes extremely probable but never 100% certain. I can't remember the exact maths, maybe some other user can chip in
infinite munkee
Turns out the creator of Mario was a little monkey fella
No give it a day the room will be destroyed covered in feces puke and shit
Also an acceptable answer.
>how to tell people you are a retard in just a few sentences
At some point they will, but they will eventually move onto making other games once they lose interest in maintaining the flow with Mario games.
But it won't be a Mario game as we know of it, due to the number of creations produced by monkeys is infinite. So there is bound to see variations of the same concepts found in Mario games. And this leads that there would be a extremely rare chance to actually see a game that feels like a Mario game, the same chance as a one of a kind game.
Yeah, that's the entire point of it. There's a non-zero chance that any idiot can come up with a masterpiece by accident given infinite time. Doesn't mean it'll happen though.
They already did
No. The animals wouldnt figure out how to use the shift key which would at some point be needed.
They would only ever press 1 key at a time.
I like Chief Manygame.
They can always just code in whitespace.
I think the better question is would the game be good?
The analogy works with typewriters (or borges' library) because it's a simpler process. The only input is pressing a key, so yes eventually shakespeare would be written by random chance
the problem with using a computing analogy is that the inputs are so much more complex. Simultaneous key presses, opening multiple programs at once and integrating them, using several machines together at the same time. Infinity can make the extremely improbable happen, but not the impossible.
it doesnt matter how improbable. do you not understand the concept of infinity?
Do you not?
seriously, look it up. It's not as cut and dry as "lol everything happens because it's infinity"
It is 100% certain. If something has ANY probability of happening, no matter how small, then given infinite attempts it is GUARANTEED to happen. Not only is it guaranteed to happen, it's guaranteed to happen infinitely many times.
"Infinite" doesn't just mean "really really big". It means infinite. Infinity doesn't exist in the real world, it's something that's only really used in pure mathematics, so if you try to apply it to real world scenarios you get counterintuitive results.
what if the monkeys mash the keyboard in a patternistic way that doesn't lead to making anything, then what? nowhere is it stated that the monkeys spread characters randomly
is the problem really this hard to grasp for you?
If you're assuming that the event is probability 0 then yeah it never happens. You can never roll 7 on a six-sided die even with infinite attempts. I think the hypothetical usually makes the assumption that the monkeys press the keys in a way that's truly random when in reality I don't think they would. But the entire scenario is nonsense anyway and can't be compared to reality in any meaningful way, it's just meant to illustrate the bizarre properties of infinity.
read : it's just a weird thing to discuss. like yeah, you get every possible combination of bits if you have an infinite randomly generated string, who gives a fuck?
>they are all monkey so they will behave in a similar fashion
I chuckled, but I am not proud of it
there's nothing stopping the monkeys randomly doing the same thing for eternity, never breaking a pattern, just by chance.
No there would just be monkeys beating eachother with keyboards with some monkeys trying to fuck the computers
Would the mental state of any of the monkeys remain stagnant in this world of infinite resources? If the monkeys constantly behaved like it was their first hour in this place, the computers would constantly get licked and tossed around. However if the monkeys eventually calm down, they'll eventually come to turn on a computer. After understanding what a mouse and/or keyboard is capable of, they will eventually have a basic grasp of cause and effect; that is pressing a button will make something occur. Once the monkeys get this in their heads, only the smartest ones would come to find the game making software on these computers. It would take generations of teaching their successors how to operate the game maker, and presumably through drag and drop. It would be very simple, but doable, just not in the span of one's lifetime.
No, they’d make Donkey Kong Country
That's how Odyssey was made and reviewed. I refuse to believe humans think that game is fun.
Yes and the monkeys woul get immediately sued by Nintendo.