What's the Yas Forumserdict?
What's the Yas Forumserdict?
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Kino, especially the first episode.
If you dont fall in love with it from the first time you toss a stick of dynamite into a crowd you are not human.
I assume OP is referring to the fresh supply remaster more then Blood itself.
Then it's shit and not worth it.
>And now this
Which fuckng version do I even play?
Crudux cruo!
Why can't it just not control like ass? Also the fucking auto aim on the cultist is fucking bullshit
NBlood for the exact palette emulation and 1.0 weapon balancing.
BloodGDX for crouch toggle, better soundfonts and better Cryptic Passage support.
DOSBlood if you want glitches. Music never fucking loops for me in DOSbox, man.
Fresh Supply if you also want glitches.
Just go BloodGDX. It's fine. They're all at least fine. Hardly eRampage over here.
>complaining about having so many options to choose
I remember a time when Blood ran like shit, none of the ports existed and there was nothing you could do about it.
3rd best build engine game. Definitely worth a play but don't go for the meme difficulties as it is explicitly designed to fuck you.
best way to play blood, only retards would pretend otherwise. letting you choose to fix parts of the difficulty makes this the only playable version of blood. otherwise it's either too hard or too easy, mainly because of the laser precision that the cultists have and they're hitscanning shits.
do not listen to autists who claim the way to play is to crouch the entire game and sit back and spam dynamite.
Fresh Supply lets you do a "made to order" custom difficulty where you can lower their accuracy. It also lets you lower their "aggression" which I think is reaction time but I'm not sure. I've beaten the game on regular difficulties but it's more fun without having to deal with the bullshit cultists.
Is fresh supply worth using or should I go with one of listed here?
your choice
Fresh Supply is on sale on Fanatical right now if you want to get it.
>no console ports
>No handheld switch port
IM seething
Sadly not the best Blood sourceport
It started out a crude but the devs were making steady progress at making the engine work as close to the original as possible and was close to becoming a great port but then Atari pulled the plug since continuing supporting it for people that had already bought it wasn't making them money so some of the bits that were not working as in build engine never got fixed. Compared to sourceports that have been gradually improved upon over the years a few months of working on this one just wasn't enough
It's definitely overrated. literally the only thing blood has going for it is muh difficulty. if you play on lightly broiled or up, you will be quicksaving once every 10 seconds unless youve already memorized the enemy placements. cultists are fucking insane and will assrape you around every corner. there isnt a single mainstream 90s fps that was this difficult, even shadow warrior is a cake walk in comparison. difficulty is only good up to a point, and that point is where you stop reacting to enemies and start memorizing them instead.
GDX best version.
Blood on a controller would be insanely stupid.
>No handheld switch port
There's a homebrew Blood on switch if you have hacked console.
go for nblood or bloodgdx
personally i'd use nblood since it is eduke32
It doesn't matter what version you buy as you can use the ports on any of them. Non-fresh supply ones might be hard to find thanks to atari. Just grab what you find for cheap and use a sourceport
No it wouldn't. I've played Duke on consoles for decades.
It's next to unplayable.
>Pressing start crashes the system.
>Throwing dynamite causes a half a second freeze in the game.
>If you die the level doesn't reset correctly you just respawn but now all the doors are locked again but items are missing so you're softlocked out of progressing so you're forced to manually save/load if you die (which you HAVE to have a keyboard plugged in to access saves because again, pausing the game crashes the system)
>At the end level screen you cant progress to the next level without pressing a plugged in keyboard key. Controller buttons won't work.
The guy who ported it is like 19 and worked on it for about a week then abandoned it. I would love an actual proper homebrew port. That and shadow warrior too.
Dude just crouch.
The build up and journey to the bosses was great but each one was too easy
I'm tired of this fucking retard copy pasta tier reply every time I see this game mentioned, pretty sure I've seen your faggot ass on the steam section too, the game is completely playable on dosbox, on well done without "memorizing" fucking cultist locations or save scumming. The only thing you need to be more careful about is peaking corners and picking your weapon, the game is not significantly harder than any other fucking old FPS. Finding just a FEW fucking secrets will circumvent the rest of the difficulty, but your ADD riddled ass is too fucking stupid for that.
inb4 YoUr nOT sUpPOSed tO hAvE tO pEaK cOrnERs!! i wANt tO Run aNd GUn!!
cry more faggot, then get some taste, then fucking adapt.
If you haven't played it, you'll either end up like this fag or you'll love it if you like the weapons and setting/atmosphere.
Most enemies drop life essences and the cultists also drop ammo for their weapons so if anything, the game is pretty generous on resources that way
>stomps you
>game with extremely active AI and bullshit levels of hitscan
>he wants to play it on controller
now you are asking to be filtered
Okay yeah, I forgot about these guys holy shit
Does anyone even use this thing
Yes? It heals you.
NBlood is superior
>Game with built in player hitscan/autoaim and no vertical aiming
>Not playable on a controller
You're fucking retarded
Copying a bunch of questions I had from elsewhere, if anyone is willing to help please. Using GDX if it mattters.
Are secrets supposed to be obvious on the in game map? The white outline is missing if that wall is not an edge of the level wall which gives them away. How do you use the voodoo doll properly? Normal attack is ok but the alt fire seems to do poor damage, regardless of remaining ammo. Any good use for tommy gun alt fire? Is there a good way to deal with the screaming ghosts? Since they mostly get point blank to attack I have been using 3 hits of double barrel shotgun.
Even with the aim assets, movement and weapon switching is more awkward on controller, user.
for anyone asking, if you've never played this game, just get fresh supply on steam and you'll be more than satisfied; there's nothing wrong with the port and it's on discount right now it's an AMAZING GAME, really really really worth it especially if you have any love for the build engine and even now it holds a candle to something like ion fury which objectively is the best this engine could possibly offer as far as i'm concerned
>How do you use the voodoo doll properly?
I just use it as a sniper rifle since no bullets means no dumb geometry will get in the way
>Any good use for tommy gun alt fire?
It looks cool
> Is there a good way to deal with the screaming ghosts?
I just shotgun their face. I swear some enemies take more damage from certain damage types but I havent experimented with Phantasms enough since shotgun works well enough
I like Blood, but it's definitely an overrated game. Everyone loves sucking it off because it has a fairly novel premise with some fun designs, but man, the level design just degrades to almost pure garbage about halfway through the game. Again, I still like the game but every time I play through it I start out loving it and just get less and less enthused the more I play until I am just thankful it's over, especially if the Plasma Pak is included in my playthrough. I will say that Death Wish addresses pretty much every issue I have about Blood's level design, so play that if you haven't already.
I wish we got more themed games like Blood these days.
Um, sweeties, BloodGDX plays demos made on the DOS versions perfectly and has been for a long time, actually.
Now try telling me it's not accurate.
Play Death Wish.
these guys are piss easy tho just walk right up to them crouch and electrocute their dicks
I get your criticism, I do, but frankly I don't agree that it's anywhere close to be overrated. The amount of people, specially nowadays, that are aware this game even exists is fairly small and in my opinion it deserves all the praise it can get, but maybe I'm just a bit too in love with the build engine FPSs in general, so eh.
Not really. Wasd and a stick is exactly the same. Changing weapons depends on the binding options the game allows you to have. Mapping the 4 most common weapons to the dpad is the best option on controller. Or a weapon wheel
I just watched based Redditie 11 play it. Same experience without having to learn to play it myself.
Why do people who hate e-celebs, cannot for the love of God stop obesessing with them? Why do you keep talking 'bout shit you hate, son? C'MON, get a grip.
Is that real? Cause based if it is.
Trump will win no matter what anyway.
and just like that the thread got derailed from a decent discussion about Blood to whatever now
Why can't these eceleb hold their retarded political opinions to themselves? They should be aware that posting this shit on social media is a bad idea.
why are you compelled to follow or read up on their opinions anyway? who's the retard here? THINK ABOUT IT
you are only allowed to respond to me if you beat the whole game + both expansions + deathwish on Extra crispy like i have
I don't follow these people you dumb fuck.
he forces cancer mouse into every video
then why complain?
i don't even know what you're talking about
>american politics
You people really care?
nBlood is superior
they fixed a lot of the problesm now, its a good port
cancer mouse is the godawful character who is a stereotype for nu-Yas Forums who he uses as a punching bag in his videos, probably to represent the whole right as like them
example quote- "i'm here to tell you about stranger danger - and white genocide!"
i wish they would make Co-op mode hard