Games literally only you played

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I remembered playing this once or twice

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try again fucker never managed to finish it though, only went as far as the Hell world
For me it's pic related, no one ever talks about it. Oddly enough it was released on switch fairly recently

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too fucking difficult with the limited continues, fuck that shit

I played this about 2 years ago, it's a great little game, true hidden gem
not so keen on the sequel though

There are dozens of us
It also got a really good pc port before that
Maybe we will actually get a sequel at some point, there aren't enough ancient egypt themed games.

Its quite amazing that the game got a sequel on the vita and was translated. Although the story in Oreshika is supposedly not as good as in the first game the art is amazing. Maybe we will get another game in 10 years.

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Kengo: Master of Bushido
for PS2

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Played and beat, game is fucking tough for a 3D platformer, biggest problem was the camera though, not really that similar to GnG unfortunately

it was pretty solid, but I've never seen anyone talking about it here on Yas Forums
also it was probably the first contact I had with fighting games

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I'm sure I remember playing that at a friends house. Wasn't the balancing really badly off on this game?

>not so keen on the sequel though
I think the sequel improved the combat and boss encounters while losing out overall on level design.

The lack of a hub world was terrible though. And I like how both games handled powerups but GtG had the one that better rewarded playing good because you got to keep more of the non-locked ones.

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aeons ahead of its time

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can't say much. the gameplay intrigued me especially because I had never played a fighting game until then
but I liked playing as gambit

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On the original xbox there was an rpg game where you play as a blonde anime girl and you fight using cards. Like you draw cards then use them to perform different attacks. I remember it being fun but hard for me 17 years ago. Def something only i played. If anyone knows what game im talking about please help me out with the name.

this game has such a strange aesthetic

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Got it bundled with cheap PSTwo. Surprisingly good and interesting game. I was completely surprised by RE3 level. Alongside it, there was KillSwitch. Decent too.

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sure it was on xbox

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My game, i was the only people in this world that will play that monstruosity

Broooo i loved this game, but i kinda sucked because i was really young when i played it

I love this game. Played it as a kid and as an adult, and I think it really holds up.

The RE3 level is unironically better than the remake.

the game is outrageously expensive

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I also can't make it run on newer systems. I'd really like to replay it.

Not even, one of my favourite 'series.'

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Love it and love Maximo and its wonderful sequel Army of Zin. Maximo one of the best 2 games ever made unironically. Shadow of Rome fits this too. Capcom was mega based at one point and now theyre back at it, hope they do games like Maximo again. The dev team got shut down after Final Fight Streetwise flopped hard. Sad!

Also Shadow of Rome 2 became Dead Rising. Curse my pleb countrymen (DR is great but ancient rome >>>> zombies)

>Maximo dev team shut down
what a fucking pity. they didn't deserve that fate.

I know. Most underrated dev team of the entire past gen. True taste. Classic fun for fun's sake-ass vidya.

>that link
It burns. So glad we got 2 amazing games out of them though. And FF Streetwise I hear is actually good and underrated. Also
>last gen
Lol im such a boomer. I meant of its gen, now 2 almost 3 gens ago. Where did the time go lads?

We've lost a lot of good studios in the past gens.

I can only imagine. I just try not to think about it especially knowing that there are still talent-less devs up and running to this day.

Trust me, the fact that there is video evidence the next game was being made infuriates me to know end. I am glad we secured to solid games from the Maximo series, but it should still exist today. They could make a killer Maximo reboot in the vein of Dark Souls (to appease the mass) and it would do really well.

I have never played FF:S though I've heard positive things about it. I'll pick it up one day and give it a go.

I know could have been a kino trilogy. Im just as salty theres no Shadow of Rome 2. My countrymen are fucking plebs dude.
t. Burger

i didnt play it when it came out but i did recently play it on my ps2 via hdd

>I can only imagine. I just try not to think about it especially knowing that there are still talent-less devs up and running to this day.
If you only knew how depressing it is to look up various closed studios on wikipedia.

I've never played Shadow of Rome. What's it like?
>no shadow of rome 2
Unfortunately things happen.

please don't make me :(

Hell yeah my dude

Lost kingdoms? its a gamecube game tho

>We've lost a lot of good studios in the past gens.
Someone surely has pic of studios EA killed. Then there are studios like blizz or naughty dog which killed themselves.

Gamecube only

I think asked if he is sure it was on xbox.

Gladiator action game in ancient rome. Classic Capcom superior combat mechanics and their staple 10/10 kino boss fights. Even has a fun story, characters, and dub all as icing on the pure gameplay cake. Also has semi-lame stealth sections that break up the action because there were weird theories about balance back then but those can be fun to screw around in

Sounds like a neat concept. I'll look into getting that game, too. Thanks user.


Hotel Mario? Played it. You aren't that special user.

my autism prevents me from playing this without abusing the save system when I die

Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn

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Based its free on PC now.

I've never seen anyone anywhere mention Urban Chaos

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I had it on PC. There were missions, but you had a lot of freedom and could decide to just fuck around town if you preffered. I remember being filtered by somethin with rescue objective.

For some reason train section looks familiar. PS1 title?