
What does Yas Forums think about it? I've used aimbots, wallhacks, godmode clients, and spinscripts in TF2, CS:GO, and multiple other games for like 10 years now. I've never been banned from steam despite only ever having a single account. I've been banned from Xbox Live before though.
I only ever use to do it because I thought it was funny to fuck with people.

I think as long as you aren't doing it in a super competitive setting, you're fine. Games are about having fun after all.
>pic somewhat related but not really

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>i'm shit so I use hacks.
Its kinda cringe OP

cringe really is just the eboi loser version of 'yikes' isn't it?

>having fun by ruining other people's fun
I don't subscribe to childish, self-centered horseshit, but you do you.


Kys OP, you underaged mouthbreather

Hacks are the ultimate "my fun > your fun" and result in the quicker death of video game populations. So basically, only cunts do it.


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it's not different than when you beat someone without hacks. People still get mad because they lost.

so everyone who wins is a cunt?

You kill games are ruin other's fun. Doesn't it get boring? Do you ever still manage to do worse than someone else in a game and question how shit you are? Also I'm betting this is a bait thread but I'd appreciate answers if you're serious.

Butthurt much?

No matter what, if you cheat in an online setting, you're not doing something good. It is a problem, but it is kind of unfixable. You say that games are about having fun, but do realize that when you're cheating, you're having fun and other people aren't. If you play a 1v1 game, than cheating is bad for the community, but the happiness you gain is somewhat equal to the annoyance of your opponent. However, if you play a team game, only you will enjoy that, while the enemy team, and maybe even your own team, will be annoyed for not having a fair match

Cheating is bad, you shouldn't do it and i hope devs stop you if they can. However, I completely understand why you do it and I'm not against having fun. Just realize that it's bad for the community, your skill and many other people.

Used to do it as a kid for cs1.6 and i used numerous farmsbots for wow to hustle gold and later even irl money
But i soon stoped especially wh / aimbots are just not fun

>it's not different than when you beat someone without hacks
Holy shit those are some skillfull mental gymnastics.

>Games are about having fun after all.
It ceases to be a game the moment there are no longer any rules. At that point you might as well be playing with a fisher price toy. If pushing buttons to watch a number go up, devoid of all context, and making the experience demonstrably worse for everyone around you is your idea of fun, you're probably both a simpleton and a bad person. Each to their own, though.

>People still get mad because they lost.
No? I don't get angry about losing if the game was alright. Cheaters do piss me off a little.

It's more fun to be so much better than someone that they accuse you of hacking when you are not. I've.had a few people try to add me on steam and give me shit in game chat until I accept, then they just send me a barrage of hacking accusations.
Even funnier when I carry on killing then because they are so bad they get worse at the game and everyone one starts telling them how bad they are.

redditor retard
yes you are butthurt, now go back

I used many alt accounts to hack in TF2 to do all kinds of stupid shit.

Most innocently I'd wallhack to stalk and airblast cloaked spies into corners over and over again and most maliciously I'd use it to camp spawns with the Procrastinator. Sometimes I'd go to koth matches and ruin the game as a gunslinger engie with Widowmaker aimbot. My favorite thing to do though was to play has Heavy with the Holiday Punch and all-crit melee hacks on so every single punch was guaranteed to stun a player indefinitely as long as I kept hitting them.

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maybe I'm just a fucked up person but I played around with a TF2 aimbot spinscript once and it was funny as hell. I wouldn't use it every game because that would be boring as fuck, but spinning around at high speed just randomly killing people across the map and watching the chat explode made me laugh.
But I also agree that cheating and exploits should not be allowed. Games need to have rules that level the playing field to some extent or else they won't be fun, but it's up to the developers to stop people from cheating.

When Halo 4 came out, the flood infection mode was really popular. On one map there was an exploit where the survivors could clip through the structure above this one door and hide inside the wall where it would be very hard for the infected to get to them. It was pretty funny at first, but then EVERYONE started doing it. They stopped doing it because it was "funny" and started doing it because they felt like they HAD to win at all costs.

That's where the fun stops. That's when cheating and exploiting stops being a funny haha he break da rules thing, and starts being a problem. If you genuinely need to use a client to win, or if you do it every game to piss people off, you're a faggot.

Are you Chinese OP?

Quick question
How about cheating in real games or competition
Is it okay there? If you cheat in a cardgame you need after all some skill to pull it off and outplay people in deceiving them
In online games you just need to download your hack and thats about it
Is there a difference?
I could respect somebody for beeing a master a cheating and never get caught outsmarting everybody

>not using hacks means you're a redditor
Please neck yourself you fucking waste of oxygen.

Kill yourself

theyre the same thing and both gay as fuck

Seems pretty boring to use cheats imo

do as you please, pc is extremely accessible not your fault. i do all my online play on console so i couldnt care less, consoles being in their sandboxed environment means almost no cheaters which is one less annoyance

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Most online cheaters are american.

>Yas Forums is against trolling now
what the fuck is happening

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I've never used cheats outside of playtesting my own product.
Never understood losers that would pay 300$/m for a little less chance of getting a ban. For that same amount of money you can get fisted by Van-sama himself.
And people that sell private hacks don't do anything spectacular most of the time. Same ol shit.
Cheating scene in general mostly consists of underages even when it comes to code, with little exceptions.

why even play competitively at that point? The point of competitive gaming is to test your own skills against other people of equal skill to your own and try to play better than them. The enjoyment is based on accomplishing something difficult. That's why I put in my OP "as long as you aren't doing it in a competitive setting"

Cheating occasionally in a pub game is fun because it's just a casual game. The stakes aren't high. Casual games aren't meant to be taken seriously. If you're playing competitively, that means you want to win. The enjoyment is from winning. Using cheats isn't winning in that regard. I mean yeah you win the game, but you didn't really earn it, so what's the point?

>It's just a prank bro!


cry about it losers

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You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference.

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No games feel fun to cheat in like the shitty MMOFPS games of the mid 2000s.

What do you have to do to get VAC'd? I've been using TF2 aimbots for years now and I've never been banned.

Same. I've had my multiplayer privileges banned because of mass player reports but none of my dozens of accounts ever got VAC'd.

>even though this is a casual game I must win at all costs
>if anyone has an unfair advantage over me or attempts to derive any kind of enjoyment out of this purely casual match other than the enjoyment of victory I will lose my shit

>I only ever use to do it because I thought it was funny to fuck with people.

This was the go to justification this scrawny vitamin deficient kid in my high-school always used when he got tired of losing in CS:S and started aimbotting. He was 100% doing it for the power trip though. I think it was one of the few places where he could actually feel like he was better than anyone else. We just rolled with it because the kid had issues.

you play shit games, as expected from a cheating retard

Got banned from CS:S and said ban affected a few other games, tf2 included. Don't have it installed.
I just like having multiple bans on my account - most of those accounts weren't mine anyhow.

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good thing I'm not a vitamin deficient retard then

>shit game

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buy those hats goy

If you're young enough to still be amused by trolling, you're definitely a newfag.

>all these retards actually mad that someone is cheating for their own personal enjoyment
did you all get bullied in highschool or something? I bet you SMASH that report button when someone says a mean word to you, don't you?

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This is the exact kind of kneejerk defensive reaction he would have too... Is that you Danny?

i think you're a faggot, and not the gay kind

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Imagine being such a failure in life that you have to cheat to succeed at something that is make believe.

I play ranked without cheats
what now?

>Thinking cheating = trolling
Trolling is an art. The simple act of cheating alone is on the same level as acting like a retard and calling people out as being trolled when they treat you like a retard. It's boring and most importantly lacks imagination.

>I'm only pathetic sometimes
It's a start I guess.

kill yourself

>I cheat to make people mad
do you fucking retards realize this is exactly why he cheats? jesus fucking christ you idiots just see cheating mention and you get fucking blasted over it.

Where is anyone in this thread raging? It seems mostly populated by people laughing at him for being a loser.

imagine being such a failure in life that you play video games just so you can succeed at SOMETHING at all
I only play video games to kill time and have fun when I'm not doing literally anything else. I don't even cheat, and never have, but if you actually play video games for some feeling of accomplishment I've got bad news for you.

A crime that should be punushable by death

lmao I remember when I was 12 and I had a mindset like this

So you admit to being a terrorist when you back video games gotcha

Please be executed soon.

we all know those people replying are seething, frustrated that OP even exists at all. Their posts aren't posts made with mocking superiority; they are made with anger.

Is that what you tell yourself, OP?

Cool autocorrect filther nigger Google I said hack not back

cheating in poker or Magic the Gathering requires sleight of hand and quite a bit of skill to not be noticed. cheating in videogames requires a simple script and no skill at all. and no, card counting in poker is not considered cheating, because in tournaments the deck is usually reshuffled or outright replaced every other hand or so.

pic unrelated

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>Trolling is an art.
>Cheating is not
I fucking hate what v's turned into.

when Yas Forums was playing connect four online months ago I used a bot to calculate a guaranteed route to win every time
it was funny

tested cheats in cod4 on tunngle back in the day. was fun to see what things it could to but pretty pointless since the game was playing itself and i was only watching.

it's just the truth. If they really didn't care, they wouldn't even be in this thread replying to this obvious bait.

People who hack with aimbot and walls are cancer
People who hack with infinite ammo, rapid fire, speed hacks, flying hacks, and/or vac hacks are fucking hilarious and are never not funny to encounter


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Nigger you started coming here last week.

>bought lmaobox premium
>pretty much unstoppable with wallhacks and the spy decloak sound made into a police siren
>only ever play Sticky Spam Demo or Black Box/Beggars Bazooka with Conch or Buff Banner Soldier, medics constantly pocket me of their own volition
>very rarely accused of hacking, even then nothing ever came of it
>ocassionally went onto valve servers to instaheadshot the enemy team while micspamming an obnoxious rap song and changing my name so they couldn't kick me
>sent all the items I got to an alt in case I got banned, sold them when I got bored of TF2
Good times.

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Nice projecting

Cheating is you taking control of a game for your own enjoyment using something that was never intended for the game and is in fact against the rules. So its pretty gay. I also hate smurfing since its basically the same idea. Your taking control of a game your not supposed to be in for your own enjoyment. Its only slightly better because its your own skill and not simply you dowloaded a script. Just please dont be that smurf that justifies it by saying your helping the poor newbies by crushing their skull in without resistance.

>If they really didn't care
I didn't say they didn't care, I said they're not angry. Even though you're motivated by malice, you somehow remain oblivious to the fact that you're not the only one. People simply enjoy mocking and laughing at you.

neat if you write your own shit and/or sell it
lame as nigger babies if you use someone else's cheat to win

>cheating = trolling
fuck off scriptkiddie.

>scriptkiddie is also a wojakposter
And nobody was surprised.

>compelled to enter a thread and waste time replying to a post saying how OP should kill himself
>not mad

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cheating is for chinks who literally can't get the dopamine rush from winning without them

cheating, hacking and scripting are only funny when used to grief other people and mess with them, and even then id rather people be creative with their trolling over just flyhacking and telefragging people
if you use cheats, hacks or scripts specifically to win then you are true trash and need to git gud

who plays for the dopamine rush of winning when you could be getting enjoyment from making people mad?

but it's the truth. cheating just to win is not an art, and cheating to have fun (like the dark souls mario jump cheat, among a plethora of others) is trolling and thus not pure cheating. at the same time, trolling does not require cheating, so it is a separate category.

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i botted in vindictus on an alt account during open beta which allowed me to actually enjoy the game on my main account, fun times

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>I got bored of TF2
of course you would, pathetic cheater.