Is Guild Wars 2 good?

Is Guild Wars 2 good?

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I wish Guild Wars 2 were actually Guild Wars 2. What a let down it was.

This game was and will never be good.
And what a shame it is.


yea it's pretty fun

Wasted Potential: The Game

The devs didn't focus on anything that made the game good, constantly trying to reinvent the wheel and abandoning content in the process. Now that they hired some new people and some of the old guard left, they're making better decisions but the game is 8 years old and it's too late. Should've started working on a new game instead of announcing a third expansion, it wont bring any players back.

It's a fun game, but it does have issues.

Really good, played it from release and stopped 2 years ago.
Haven't found a MMO with better combat to replace it.

>GW2 had good combat


it has pretty good combat for mmo though

base game is free, just download it and try it out
I didn't like it, but at that point it looks like i simply like idea of mmorpg's more than actually playing them

If you liked Guild Wars 1 and wanted more of it, then no.

it has decent combat on the surface, then you realize the surface is all there is and it never gets any deeper

Until you play PvP or actual end-game content

It spits in the face of its predecessor though

doesn't matter. games change. only thing that doesn't change is war

that's when it becomes even clearer that there's nothing there

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it matters when it's a huge downgrade
I'm not mad they changed it, I'm mad they made it worse

jesus christ

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Guild Wars was a balancing nightmare. FOTM builds would pop up every fucking month and they were usually so powerful that the meta built around them was practically use or lose.

Guild Wars 2 might have sacrificed a lot of choice and customization in terms of abilities, but at the very least it is in a tolerable place when it comes to balance.

It somehow is the best modern MMO, but that really isn't saying much.

had my eye on new world
>req's steam

>the retard in charge of skill balancing in GW1 is now the lead designer of GW2

that faget Izzy left with those other fagets that are making the new studio

Combat is great, but everything else is SHIT including how the combat is utilized.

Looked into, but probably won't pick it up for no other reason than the fact that all the armours are so fucking ugly.

>base game is free
With a million limitations. Might as well call it a free trial.

he wasn't part of the mass exodus, he only just left in October

why did anet hide that that one dev(Game Director) left in november? that is shady as fuck.

Here’s never played a never played gw1, played release after wow and came back for path of fire opinion. Liked how it felt like a single player mmo in the sense that I built my own path, combat was good enough to keep me playing and I really enjoyed exploring. It dumped me out into an mmo experience then I realized it was actually just kinda a shit rpg with other people. Yes I played early enough where u couldn’t solo the last bits of story content and yes I went back and completed all of it when I bought path of fire. Game did have a lot going for it but none of it was focused on it seemed in favor of autist mmo grinding bullshit. Best part of it was no sub to me, it made checklist content feel like a slow endgame. That being said I feel bad for the people that like the pvp because I’ve heard it’s really been cummed on

they've been trying to hide that they're basically a skeleton crew for a while now. The only reason they announced the Cantha "expansion" was because they fucked up and said that they'd be shifting focus to Living Story over expansions.

In any case this may be the best thing to happen to the game.
It's been going on a steady dive in quality since launch with absolutely baffling design decisions being applied at a steady peace.
The upcoming expansion is going to be the game's last chance, even if they can't undo the complete garbage that was the LW seasons, WvW and how shit SPvP was for the longest time.

Exactly this. The combat is great but it never really got its chance to shine because the devs rather focus on creating terrible open world maps and story experiences than producing raid encounters and new pvp formats.

They never did a good job at it, adding lootbox only cosmetics made it obvious.
Still, the game has magically been picking up some steam again and Anet are currently hiring.

>youtube link

>the game has magically been picking up some steam again
bullshit it has, it's still in the middle of the dripfeed of Living Story. Sure, there's an expansion announced, but I have serious doubts that it'll even come out, and if it does, it'll be incredibly anemic.

are they dropping servers too?
wanted to play and couldn't even download the game. something is going on and it's not good.

I'll greentext it for you next time if that makes for a better proof

A whole lot of people from my guild started playing again after the big balance update after being completely absent for over a year.
I suppose the coronavirus could have given it another more recent boost it's definitely much more active than it was back when I last played the game.

as far as I know they haven't actually closed any physical servers, but they've effectively been merging them in PvE since 2014, and WvW since 2016, and fudging population numbers since 2015

i gave up on it.
the forums wanted you to light two candles on a full moon place a wine bottle up into your anus, hit the bottom of the bottle with a boot so it uncorks the wine, flip upside down and let your anus consume the wine. then after it sticks at a certain file, you are to get some cheese and crackers....

I think that's how you get Persona 5 to work on RPCS3

It's an okay themepark. Great art, some cool activities, best maps in an MMO ever, smooth UI. Generic but functional combat. Only the explicit narrative has been kinda shit for most of the time.

LW season 4 was pretty kino.

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>furfag thinks his opinions have merit

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>literally feelings-based judgement
Oh no, what a travesty.

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it's a fact that all furfags are useless scum with little of value to offer, and you just prove it every single time.

Especially since you already outed yourself as a paypig on top of it in the first post.

>can literally turn gold into gems
Ah a retard then.

>he doesn't know that you can get cash shop currency just by playing the game
Way to oust yourself as someone who hasn't even played the game.

Also, furfriends are generally in high paying STEM-fields or work as artists. Where do you think all the money for those art commissions comes from? Protip: autismbux don't pay nearly well enough for it.

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GW1 had the best class/skill setup in any game but GW2 is really REALLY comfy. I don't give a shit about the story but exploring non heart maps is some really good shit I wish other RPGs had. Also the animations and overall feel of moving around feels great in the game. Unlike in games like FF14 where I feel like an awkward tank.

good job m8
you got two of the fags from the gen all jimmie rustled about gems. tippy of the toppy lels

>say retard things
>get called out
>haha those other guys are mad

who are you quoting?

No their employees are nothing but moronic leftists that flat out talk down to their fans.

Fuck them

you tried.

>overworld and fractals start feeling repetitive
>shit, I guess I have to try raids
>go to LFG
>join a noob group
>spend three hours watching as retards keep failing simple mechanics over and over again while some aspie rages over dps data
Oh boy...

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Based retard. There was literally that one instance where two employees went full retard and they got fired like less than a week later.

Right and they can still literally fuck off

The same thing happened in warframe
so they took out raids
and killed the endgame
now they have eidolons which is worse

didn't they both get fired on the day off?
how the fuck that even happen?

What instance?

some writer called some kid a randoasshat
some guy whiteknighted her
reddit, went fucking insane
they both got fired on their day off

Both the chick and the upper level person who defended her got canned. Sad thing is that the girl got instant job offers while the guy didn't.

Basically this. It does a lot of things right and had some good periods throughout it's life, as well as some bad ones.
But it's too late now.

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