What's the most fun element?
Nioh 2 Thread
Literally Ahri from League of Legends. Blatant rip-off.
Co op!
I'll take the bait and I'll say go YAZURA yourself
Doesn't matter how much I try, I can't get a lvl 170 item
No problem, DLC will raise the levels
I'm thinking everyone of the regulars in these threads are sleeping after spending the whole day playing
The cc, look at that coofer
>I'm thinking everyone of the regulars in these threads are sleeping after spending the whole day playing
My guess is that they got KAPPA'd like they wanted
Fire, I fucking love DoT damage in games.
Poison because it's fire but better since it's easy to stack "damage against poisoned enemies" and turn the game into Diablo III loofest.
I'm still here, anyway. Anyone doing expeditions and need another person?
anyone tried an amrita gauge charge build with genryu’s and righteous strategist yet? I was thinking about that or maybe a critical build
avatarfagging is against the rules
why not both with recurrent damage stacked on both accessories and the set that gives blindness on scorched enemies + melee damage
> How dare you show people what your character looks like! I'm telling mommy!
So I saw a Tengu mask someone had that had 7 abilities on it. How the fuck is that possible? At most I only have 5 on mine. His was Divine+5 and mine is Divine+1. Any help? I tried to see if I could transfer skills but it only lets me rewrite. It doenst give me a whole new slot.
>Playing switchglaive
>Try to grab an enemy that is out of Ki
>Enemy recovers befroe the animation hits
>Learn Celestial Retribution
>It has just as long pre hit animation
>It does less damage than normal grapple
Why does switchglaive grapple suck so much?
To make up for the cool as fuck backstab animation
I never rely on it. Always fucks me up.
>Visitor in The High-Spirited Demon
>Defeat Mezuki
>Immediately rush into the ascending steps where there are boulders
>Boulders rushing down
>Step aside and dogged
>The Invoker just shows up at the entrance of the steps and immediately crushed by the boulder then died
Sorry man
WEBM of her grab?
He's not avatarfagging
She didn't got grabbed, a boulder makes you flatter than a pizza
I've no clue how to level my character. Do I pick a damage stat and health or do I not worry about weapon scaling early game?
Level up ninjutsu and onmyo to 30 too
Use final blows instead.
Wind. Yes removing it is still stupid.
I thought the threads were kill.
Doing expeditions and filling out side missions for NG+, password is SKELE
So I should focus on 3 stats at a time? My weapon stat, health, and magic/jutsu? What about stamina or armor stats? Sorry for all the dumb questions.
Transfers (similar to inheritables but the icon is orange instead) add the effect to the equipment instead of just replacing the inheritable slot, and from there it's treated as a normal effect.
Celestial Retribution is faster and stronger though. But if you want damage you should never ever be considering using the standard grapple and even most skill grapples in the first place. Hit them in the back, hit them again, Final Blow, then hit them in the back when they get up. Find your best attacks and skills for doing this.
Weapon scaling only has an overall smaller effect on your damage compared to everything else, especially getting good at the game, so you don't have to worry too much about leveling the three stats for it unless you really are that lazy. Read the stats for what else they do as that's much more important overall. Generally everyone should eventually aim for having at least 30 Dex/Magic, and more importantly enough points to wear their armour and get their Guardian Spirit effects.
Focus on the weapon of choice and ninjustsu/onmyo, the armor stats only level them up a bit to unlock the set effects some of them have, 10 should be enough for those
nice 5head
I would very much like to, but I have to do some stuff
I'll check later if you're still there
You pretty much need to focus on all the stats in this game. Even if you are going for a pure melee build you will need magic etc and skill to get full use of spirit guardians. If you want to go pure ninjutsu/magic you still need strength or skill to equip armour.
You can fit dollface's face in there
>Celestial Retribution is faster and stronger though
Maybe. I am playing without floating numbers so I can't see exactly the damage. But it seemed to be less to me. And it didn't seem that much faster either. But yeah. I'll probably just don't do grapple.
Granted it's only a little more in both regards, but it is still there. Though yes, grapples for the most part you just want for iframes and guaranteed damage in group fights. Merciless Barrage "can" potentially get more damage but it requires a pretty specific (and very cool) combo since you can do a roll/dodge attack and still go into Merciless Barrage, but bosses don't stay down long enough after it hits. I haven't tested Second Wind enough but I doubt it will outdo Leaping Strike.
Still haven't got any skill from aquaman
Fuck you shitty kappa
Merciless barrage is a fantastic attack. It can also lead into a final blow on the downed enemy too for rather obscene damage.
Honestly I don't see what other weapon types they could add
Final boss of the DLC's better have a kino execution sequence like Tamamo-No-Mae from 1 and Otakemaru.
Fisticuffs that makes unarmed viable outside of NG+ cheese
Pistol like those saika fucks
And some anons want western weapons, but there are other that go full
But it seems they are adding at least one more weapon if you look at the skill menu
Guan Yu Crescent Blade
Please no.
It's not like they're adding pvp to stunlock the fuck out of you
I didn't know that Revenants in the Dark Realm can drop their soul cores. Neat.
Kusa yoki is absolute cancer
Rapier would be neat. I think they should also make a weapon similar to the moonlight great sword from bb, in the sense that changing to a higher stance gives it a ranged option
Can someone redpill me on feathers?
I understand they do massive damage on enemies that are out of Ki.
But they all start regenerating their Ki the instant they are out of breath or prone.
When they're in the animation of out of breath is when you have to do it, they're "out of ki" until then
Originally the devs want to add Naginata, however it overlaps with spear or odachi so they change it to Switchglaive.
They should add a nunchaku or some shit like that
Still haven't got any skill from that shitty kappa
I hope they add PvP back so we can whack the meme Hiddys
I actually want to see this to know how many of you get killed by meme characters
Imagine hitting them with paralysis, sloth and lightning so they're totally helpless haha wouldn' that be weird hahah
That sucks. I'd love to play with a Naginata.
Kama, Sai, Three section staff.
>Imagine hitting them with paralysis, sloth and lightning so they're totally helpless
Not gonna lie, I would pelt them with crap and fist them to death if they ended up like that
I find disgusting they didn't add the statue enemies but added the FUCKING SPIDERS
Absolutely based
20 hours since I started playing ng+ and I haven't seen yet an orange inheritable
He's not avatarfagging
You're the only one fagging
farm revenants if you want them
Only a whip type weapon would be seperated enough from the rest. Dual pistols for a new ranged weapon aswell.
It's decent, but considering you could instead go for two Twisting Spears into a Final Blow, into whatever on their back, the damage starts to pale in comparison without really making an effort. And because bosses get up from knockdowns much faster it's basically not worth using on them.
But merciless barrage just looks SO COOL. Damage doesn't matter as much as styling on the opponent.
haha imagine it happened to you and you had one of them looking at you with disgust after steppin on you haha
I finished NG+ and got platinum before learning they exist and that the game has lvl 170 items