Is it decent or just a cash grab?
Is it decent or just a cash grab?
It's four hours long and two of the maps are reused from the previous game.
Don't listen to what that retard has to say
Decent for half the price, maybe they will sell a cheaper, resistanceless version soon
The game turns to shit once carlos gets to the RPD. The final area of the game is legit just a hallway, and a room that leads to two other rooms, and that's it. Two boss fight back to back with one of them being cheap on the unlockable difficulties.
I platinumed it in 3 days.
Only RPD is reused and just a tiny portion, just like in the original re3
It's a cashgrab. Play REmake 2 instead.
God damn this looks like shit.
Of course only a tiny portion, it's only fucking 4 hours long.
E-beggar board when? These fucking fags will never stop shilling their shitty videos.
>not posting the definitive gordito edition
Okay retard
>sell a cheaper, resistanceless version soon
Yes please.
Fuck, is that troll wog an embarrassment to the pastime
>tfw realises that vidya IS the problem
The second last boss fight is just a rehash of the earlier Nemesis boss fight but with an added gimmick, and the final form is the worst one of them all.
>*holds down w*
>*smashes m1*
damn.... that sure looks fun....
damn he's so fat.
I was only able to do that because Joe is a fucking retard and ran into a corner
Kind of a cash grab but still decent.
Capcom has just been getting worse with the post-game unlockables, though. Remake's Real Survivor/Invisible was already heavily inferior to Arranged Mode, RE2 dropped the A/B campaign differences down heavily (more tofu modes though hahah), RE3 sandpapered off even more, eh.
Still good.
This webm is probably why he gave the game a 6/10.
>Not posting the Ultimate Rechoncho Oro Edition
one job you faggots
why does his face get more red for each picture? is he running out of breath?
Looks even worse than I imagined
It's decent but should've been sold as scenario DLC for REmake2.
stop shilling yourself
/r/ing a GOD HE LOOKS JUST LIKE ME image with perturbed paco and carlos, he's just begging for it with that wig
That looks really jank.
>Remake of b team game is made by b team and is b team quality
Probably for the "FOUR HOURS" climax
It's okay. Nemesis felt pretty underutilized considering he only really has two opportunities to really chase you through something other than a hallway and he was really disappointing as a final boss on sub-standard difficulties and a huge pain in the ass on inferno and nightmare. I would have rather seen the cut areas than the expanded areas that were more brief in original RE3 (Sewers and hospital/NEST 2 vs. Clock Tower and Dead Factory, mostly)
It's like a 6 or a 7 out of ten. It still has the core REmake gameplay that I genuinely enjoy and the music is fucking great but it didn't thrill me in a lot of places it should have.
They need to patch out all the QTE bullshit right now.
>zoomers and e-celebs suddenly hate REmake3 for being bad, despite praising REmake2
You realize it's literally the same fucking game except you can now dodge to counter nemesis being an actual threat, and every flaw you're whining about is present in remake 2?
He's still fat as fuck?
But then the game would only be three and a half hours long.
There are less than QTEs in the game and 4 of them in the same scene.
Less than 10 I meant to say
I feel like the major difference between Mr. X and Nemesis that made Mr. X feel much more scary is that RE2 never had a scripted sequence for Mr. X where the controls are basically removed from the player except for holding forward and RE3 fucking loved doing this.
Jill waifu makes it worth it
true, it probably plays even worse
I've played it and it is janky shit.
1 is too many
low effort cash grab and worse in every way than RE2 Rmake, crapcum will abandon it since Resistance is already dying
I remember reading something about how the head on some building was always coming off when it barely got hit. So I thought it must be part of a puzzle. Then when I'm walking up some stairs, Nemesis fucking blows it off a roof and it comes rolling at me. I'm laughing at this point at how retarded it seems, when the the thing fucking kills me because I didn't move for a second.
You have to fucking start moving as soon as you get control back. It doesn't tell you when you get control back, and it's moving so slow and shittily it feels like it's supposed to stop before it hits you.
How did they make her so fucking hot?
>Uh, yeah. We wanted to tone down her sexuality
>*give her the most "fuck me" eyes in the history of gaming*
>with a premium price tag
Yeah, that part was so fucking weird. Classic RE3 is my favorite RE game so seeing this turning out the way it was is a bit sad but what will you do.
seems balanced
I didn't have any problems with it on Hardcore, I nailed it on my first try but holy fucking shit, I died close to 10 times on Nightmare for some reason despite playing with mouse and keyboard and turning around at mach speed the nano second the fade in after the cutscene starts and book it, I kept getting rolled over. I wouldn't be surprised if the animation of the head rolling is tied to the frame rate somehow making it impossible if it's too high or something.
It is, he is very easy to run away from and he only lasts for a minute. Joe was an idiot and ran into a corner while the other bitch tried shooting, which if you played RE2 you'd know doesn't work.
Outside of the obligatory infinite rocket launcher, the bonus weapons are straight up trash. Who the fuck thought the RAI-DEN was a good idea? Durr hurr, it's an instant kill, but only on headshots. It also needs to recharge after each shot.
It is too linear, no exploration or puzzles, too cinematic and short. Sure nightmare and inferno adds some replayability but still it is a disappointing game. I actually enjoy resistance more than re3 demake.
Good games, but worse than Remake 2 in every way I can think of.
>Re-use the vast majority of Remake 2's assets, but severely downgrade the gore tech. Arms/legs just disappear when blown off, can't blow zombies in half with the shotgun. Bodies just randomly disappear after a while
>Very few areas that you ever back-track. Not that it matters, because you could kill every single enemy and when you come back the game will just spawn new ones. It can't be overstated how bad this is for an RE game. One of the key aspects of RE is routing and working out which zombies to kill and which ones to avoid. It's all out the window in this game.
>Nemesis is only interesting in the first instances, where you can optionally kill him. This amounts to like 10 minutes of the game, total. City section needed to be at least double the length, Nemesis needed to be as present as Mr. X and be able to enter save rooms. He's too scripted.
>The story and characters can't even touch Remake 2. Jill and Carlos are likable, but completely static characters that don't even have any kind of character arc. There are absolutely no memorable scenes, unlike 2 where you have Leon at Kendo's, Claire and Sherry after her mother dies or Leon confronting Ada at the end, just to name a few.
>Nikolai was an unintersting villain. Unreasonably evil, despite being a grunt. Poorly worked into the story, like how you crush Nemi and he literally just appears right next to it through the gate to monologue. Or how he pushes you into an arena to fight Nemi. Or how he incapacitates Carlos off screen but doesn't kill him, for some bizarre reason.
Also, what's the deal with the final scene of Jill picking up the broken phial? Is it supposed to mean something?
Still mad that the Infinite rocket launchers are LAWs and not the FUCKING CLASSIC 4 BARREL ROCKET LAUNCHER
>Who the fuck thought the RAI-DEN was a good idea?
Pleb filter weapon. Way to out yourself.
Gore was toned down because of the environmental detail compared to RE2 sadly
its a decent cash grab
People don't think it's Jill at the end, but Chris
I kind of thought that, but why is he wearing Jill's clothes and why does he have such a feminine ass?
Did anyone else feel like RPD was at like, 7/10ths scale? Something felt off the entire time I was in there.
Maybe it's the new model. Although Jill is the one who has the vial so...?
Maybe it's just an illusion to Chris, with the green and the punching bag since they don't have a model for Chris yet but wanted people to think about him?
I don't fucking know.
His hand looks very feminine too lol
But the green and punching bag I think signifies it's Chris
Cash grab laggy micro stutter unpolished pile of trash. For a game calming to use the same engine as remake 2 is sure as hell plays like shit. remake 2 plays flawless on my system what the fuck is remake 3 excuse? OH RIGHT IT'S MADE BY THE B TEAM! that makes perfect sense they decided once again to be lazy and give it to the shit team because they are to busy fucking whores and doing cocaine from the sales of remake 2. And other then the game engine being ass look how much they cut out? holy shit 60 dollars for 4 hours?
go fuck yourselves fucking chinks. They even nerfed the fucking knife back to being completely fucking useless! can't even kill a single zombie without him getting the fuck up and you can't even knife a licker anymore WHAT THE FUCK WHERE THEY THINKING!?
FUCK THIS GAME AND FUCK YOU ALL. Remake 2 is better and the classics are far superior fuck these games.
maybe it was an accident
RE Engine is too fucking good. Especially for how well optimized it is and the file sizes. How does a fucking jap company always end up making the best engines? MT Framework was also the GOAT of it's time.
Capcom has a dedicated team if wizards trained in the best black magic around to conjure their engines into reality.
Now if only the monster hunter team knew how to optimize their engines better
>Especially for how well optimized it is
If you can't run RE Engine games than your PC was probably mid-range at best a decade ago. You need to upgrade.