Could Birkin kill nemesis? 1v1?

Could Birkin kill nemesis? 1v1?

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G3 chads rise up

Yes, G virus had a higher adaptability and regeneration than Nemesis showed, instead of relocating cells, it would increase the mass of the host in response to damage, Nemesis has no way to kill him while Birkin will dunk his fucking ass by the time he reaches his third mutation.

Nu G-3 vs Nu Nemesis-3, who wins?

I feel like Birken has the edge but Shonen rules sorta come into play like who has to pull out their transformations first, or if one of them has the power to fully kill the other mid-transformation.

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If this was true would Birkin not have came out even more massive after the train car explosion? Even then going from dog form to giant blob is a huge jump in mass, then again nemesis was taken out by a rail gun

If he were deadly serious and had Eveline/Mold nearby to regen as needed, what would his power level look like in comparison to other major threats in the series?

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Is his face on the 4th one?

The thing is that he could never use Eves powers to 100%, tho I'd say he could end most tyrants

You can't kill tyrants without heavy weapons
What could possible jack do

His final form could probably be called a heavy weapon.

To be fair, with something like mold I dont think you're gonna need to actually kill virus carriers, he could probably just gunk em up real bad and cause some fucked up mutations

would he have kept transforming without the vaccine?

That's the big question on trying to find out where his power ceiling is.

G3 and G4 both murder Nemesis.

Nothing either of them can do if they get disintegrated


Nemesis wasn't even disintegrated bitch couldn't even take a glorified sniper shot

bitch couldn't even swim

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The parasite was disintegrated by the railgun. That's all you need.

What advantage does growing gigantic eyeballs give

Hello, I'm the Unidentified Tyrant Series Tyrant, I'm the biggest, strongest, and most practical incarnation of the 'Tyrant' in the franchise.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (800x450, 40.76K)

Mr X is more stylish

well, having extra eye kinda helps, and >mutation

Mr. X is a virgin who gets tripped up by Leon using one ladder.
Unidentified Tyrant Series Tyrant is a chad who backs Leon the fuck off

G3 is one of the best designs to have come out of Capcom

it's so fucking cool

Birkin: Heh...You made me use 10 percent of my power
Nemesis: STARS....

The art here reminds me of shin megami tensei for some reason.

Too bad he looks shit in the games

I didn't know kaneko did art for resident evil

A better question would be, could the alligator of the sewers actually fuck all tyrants, including nemesis and birkin? Those jaws could easily break entire buildings in two, I have a hard time seeing any other enemy in racoon city surviving that.

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Every tyrant besides normal one and mr x has regeneration
Alligator doesn't

Well the art book it came from was using material from before the game came out, probably about 1997, so even if it was drawn by a completely different artist it still kinda would make sense for it to have a similar "flavor" to a lot of the iconic SMT demons that were drawn in the 90s.

>make a virus that creates bio weapon monsters
>use power inhibitors all over so its just a really big guy who punches things good
what the fuck were they thinking

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to be fair if the T-series aren't under extreme control mechanism they'd probably destroyed Umbrella before RE1 happened

G virus wasn't for monster creation though, it was literally to make you a superman
T virus produced hunters and tyrants

>still dies to leon

kino exchange

He got off a good punch on Leon and threw him like a ragdoll. That alone is more than anything any other Tyrant in the series has done to anyone special. Mr. X, the Ivans, Birkin, Nemesis, Ustanak and such all failed to do anything to their game's protagonists.

But I'm talking about T virus too

I'm surprised no one has done a power level tier list of RE's bosses, would this thing by at high tier?

Attached: haos.jpg (1280x720, 59.28K)

Piers has to kill it with his own bio-weaponry rather than a rocket launcher or magnum, so probably?
Although what do you mean by power level? A lot of RE enemies are durable, but do you mean how strong they are offensively or defensively?

That thing was supposed to infect the entire world, so you tell me.

Haos was the stable albeit more retarded looking brother of Uroboros, if it hadn't been stopped there, it would been over for everyone.

>oh no I’m gonna get killed by a swat team for fucking with human nature and creating superhuman mutant zombies, better be a total fucking bitch and inject myself with it to kill countless people
Was there any scientist working for Umbrella who isn’t a total fag?

He injected it into himself for healing
Sucks that he was shoot so many times before injecting, that it caused mutation
He also worked with us govermemt as o there was nothing wrong with his research

>t. Oswell E. Spencer

I really don't like the excessively humanoid tyrants, give me proper mutations not muh strongman in trenchcoat

Seeing why kids love cinnamon toast crunch

RIP baby Haos

I'm the opposite, I tend to forget most of the batshit crazy mutations outside of Birkin but I remember every more humanoid tyrant.

Imo these guys are on par or exceed the tyrants in power level

Attached: Verdugo_Render.png (1800x1989, 1.59M)

Most of the bosses in RE were stopped too early, hence you can't really put a cap on any of them besides bitch ass nemesis and regular tyrants

RE1: Tyrant - bitch status
RE2: G - stopped early
RE3: Namesis - bitch status
RE4: Sadler - bitch status
RE5: Wesker - bitch status
RE6: Haos -stopped early
RE7: Jack - stopped early


Nemisis could only conciveably win if he incapacitated Birkin with his rocket launcher and the enviroment allowed for him to throw Birkin into something that caused him to disintegrate.

Sounds dumb but its a very RE premise for a fight

>giant enemy grabs person
>tosses him instead of crushing him

What a stupid trope.

>human characters are having a close quarter gun/knife fight
>every weapon misses but every random kick or elbow they throw out connects

Attached: xcom enemy unknown.gif (403x235, 1.99M)

>it still kinda would make sense for it to have a similar "flavor" to a lot of the iconic SMT demons that were drawn in the 90s

Verdugos are the best hunt and kill creatures in RE
Leon was only lucky because he had liquid nitrogen to use when the fight happened.

Ehh, certain time periods just have certain "flavors" that subtly influence those creating during them, at least it seems that way to me.

Nemebitch goes down if he sees a grenade explode.

G3 gets sexually excited by them.

You have 10 seconds to name another BOW that could defeat the Albinoid.
Protip: You fucking can't.

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They both keep mutating, and neither has the firepower to keep each other permanently down.

The most you'll see is both of them fusing together.