It's time to discuss the greatest RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the greatest RPG ever made.

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Is this a case of 1 > 2 > 3?

That's not oblivion

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You did the superior Empress ending right Yas Forums?

I did the "rim ciri" ending

even worse levelscaled trash than Skyrim

That's not an RPG.

literally the worst game design trend in the last fifteen years, utterly brainless

bethesda will be releasing games "designed" by machine learning algorithm by 2030, bet on it

let me guess, because there's no character creation

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Okay, but where is your picture of Gothic 2?

1>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>also 3 is good but it's not an rpg

No, because 2 is obviously the worst. Most crucially, it's a major deviation from the excellent slavic atmosphere of the original, arguably the greatest strong point of the series, while 3 had a return to form. It's by far the shortest even if you count acts 2 and 3 twice. It barely has you doing any of the witcher stuff. It might change an act but the number of decisions that change anything are low and there's always low personal stakes, so it's not very good from RP point of view. It exhibits "modern" designs like QTEs to a more offensive degree than 3. It has a bad implementation of rollrollroll action combat. Etc. Basically, everything where The Witcher truly excels at, it's worse than the original, and as an AAA title (production values, etc) it's worse than 3. Literally the worst of both worlds.

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>2 is obviously the worst

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Sorry, my bad. What I meant is "2 is obviously the worst, on condition that you don't have a terrible, plebeian, taste"

But that's not [Irrelevant game from the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries] it was so revolutionary and amazing! It was just not popular in [insert country here] over in [insert home country here] it was really popular. [Game] really blows the witcher 3 out of the water.



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Based on what?

The gameplay in 3 was really boring. The only fun I think I got from the game was learning gwent until I even that became spy spam

try fortnite

How can anons be so fucking wrong?

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looks like muddy shit

okay, why did you post a picture of witcher 3?

>those countable polygons
wow that looks like shit

What fun can you get from it? The combat is mindless, the world is surprisingly dead bar the mini quests in novigrad and there is so much tracking back and forth that you'll become more invested in loading screens than the world. Also the fucking boat and swimming, whoever thought padding out the game with that shit needs shot especially since they actually let you skip those bits with buy able fast travel items like some admission they knew it was shit

No because 1 is the worst of the lot and only liked by contrarians.

>buy able fast travel items
so you didn't actually play it? okay

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Siegfried, Raymond, Thaler, Vincent, Roche and Foltest are my niggas

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Witcher 1 must've been the most important game since CDPR decided to do it before witcher 2 or 3.

No. Both 1 and 2 were near universally praised by Yas Forums, for years, before 3 became uber popular, and the need to be contrarian about the entire series kicked in.

The great reception of The Witcher 1 (and being a PC exclusive in a time when that hardly existed) fed the hype for The Witcher 2, and that fed the hype for The Witcher 3. It didn't spring out of thin air.

You can buy maps from traders that let you fast travel to the other islands

10,000 IQ

Witcher 1 is dogshit holy fuck lmao

There's not a single good game in this thread.

why have you put a medieval mod on dues ex when clearly it is supposed to have a futuristic vibe to it

And what about Persona 5 you want to discuss?

thats a first person shooter

Deu sex is an immersive sim

Why didn't you post a picture of Disco Elysium then?

Because he said "the greatest" and "ever made" not "the most overrated" and "that will be forgotten in a year"

You should really go play fortnite, especially since you didn't even play the game you're defending you spastic

>Disco Elysium

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1 is fine if you accept the jank. 2 and 3 obviously have way more production value.

You can't discuss popular games here, the contrarians will come around with their hollow "muh combat" arguments that they can never really elaborate upon. And you can't really discuss unpopular games here, either, because none of the zoomers know what they are until they see their twitch channels playing it, and the rest of the posters will just detect that you like something, and start trashing it out of habit. All we can talk about here are memes, and diversity.

Ty Chris "if it's white it ain't right" Davis

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oblivion had all the pieces of an all time classic, but thoughtless and soulless level scale design destroyed everything

It's a better RPG than the Witcher.

It's not like the story is good in Witcher 3.
The only good part is the Baron questline.
Fuck Ciri and fuck the interdimensional Dark Elder cosplayers

Shitting on other people's opinions is just a better game than any video game.

>The Shitcher
shit game

>never elaborate on
You spam one button to win. There is zero personal gratification from coming away from a hard fight because the way the enemies attack is so wooden and if you're out leveled then you've either got to chip away at them for hours or use quen and spam attacks in their faces, back off and use quen and repeat.
You can't even switch up you're playstyle or the way you tackle combat since you'll be using magic anyway regardless whether you spec in it and if you learn alchemy then you'll spent most of your time in the menus just getting decoctions that give you the same gameplay experience as using magic. It's just boring though, you shouldn't need an explanation when it just feels boring.

>posts reinforcing the contrarian view point stream in
>poster count doesn't increase

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>shit story
>shit wooden self-insert power fantasy EPIC protagonist
It doesn't even matter that the gameplay is garbage, every aspect of these shit games is irredeemable.

How far can mods go into making that statement a reality?

deez nuts lmao

Why does 2 have the best graphics?
I might be blind but thats how it looked like when I maxed the settings out

People say Gothic II, Fallout 2 and Morrowind are all better.

>Muh combat
- Loot is extremely useless outside potion RNG and witcher gear
- Extreme level scaling that makes zero sense when he has his abilities and memories back, and kills itself by level 13 anyway
- Mimicry potions (vampire and werewolf) started off gamebreaking, but now it's more the other ones were only a small chunk worse
- Literally no time just going to town with a shield buff doesn't work
- Batham combat loop, only ironically the actual superhuman that isn't writer wank has slower, more imprecise, and deliberate movements so he'll whiff or be too fancy randomly.
- Skill tree isn't a skill tree, it's a skill chipset where you can barely wedge in multiple moves. Only unlike Megaman Battle Network or Nier Automata, there's barely any variety or bursts of power once you choose your specific loadout.

>greatest video game ever made
Fixed that for you

There are problems no mod can fix, like the AI, voice acting, and quest writing, which are all pretty important. Some people hate Oblivion's combat, but personally I think it's fine with the level scaling fixed.

>getting triggered by discussion
>on an image board
please go back to plebbit and take the rest of your shitcherfag friends with you

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Can the level scaling be fixed?
Cant quest writing simply be replaced by new quests?
Cant bad IA be fixed by modding new npcs in?
And who cares about voice acting?

walking that bridge for the first time packed with people was really good

that's litearlly in every single witcher thread
contrarians are pathetic, low and vermin-like. they know it themselves.

post more men standing on bridges

2 is by far the fucking worst, its basically 1 but with worse combat, lack of rpg elements, worse story, worse atmosphere, worse map, worse quests etc etc etc

literally the only things better was the graphics and voice acting

It has more RPG elements than the Witcher, but neither of them is an actual rpg.

>Hit level 20
>bandits are using the same gear as the literal dremora body guards to mehrunes dagon

-Favourite Gwent Faction
-Favourite Boss
-Favourite Area
-Favourite City
-Favourite NPC
-Favourite Quest
-Favourite Bossfight
-Favourite Witcher Gear Set
-Triss or Yen
-Witcher Ciri or Empress Ciri

Post 'em.

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This is what I mean by "can't elaborate on", but the smooth brains can never quite grasp it. They'll keep typing paragraph after paragraph of empty, hollow, untrue statements, and it never clicks that rational people don't consider this elaboration.

>You spam one button to win
No, you don't. Fast attack, strong attack, short dodge, long dodge, block, ranged attack, bomb, cast, there's plenty there, and I did each throughout the game. If you tried playing the game literally hitting one button, you'd never reach the end, even on easy.

You either haven't played the game, or you're exaggerating because you have a point so ridiculous that it can be made with factual statements.

>use quen and spam attacks in their faces, back off and use quen and repeat
Wait, how are you using quen, you only use one button! And no, it sounds like you're terrible at the game, so you found an autistic pattern of play that forgave your mistakes, and just stuck with it throughout your playtime. That isn't what normal people did.

>You can't even switch up you're playstyle or the way you tackle combat since you'll be using magic anyway
"I used magic a lot, therefore you have to!", lmao

>if you learn alchemy then you'll spent most of your time in the menus
Yes, accessing a menu for fifteen seconds is "most of your time", especially when there is a quick access feature that eliminates the menu in the first place. Bravo.

You're stupid, that much is obvious, but do you understand that you're stupid? You can't even competently lie about a video game on the internet, your stupidity must be clear to you in some way, right?

>can't refute anything
>didn't even play the game since he didn't know fast travel maps existed
>thinks the witcher 3 is any less zoomer than fortnite

Griffin>Wolf>=New Moon with Professor's Glasses>Cat>Bear>Manticore

came into this thread exclusively for the pasta and am now leaving disappointed

>Discount elric
>great rpg
>What's that brave hero?! You're surrounded by multiple weak enemies?! Switch to the super flashly "I'm surrounded by multiple weak enemies" fighting stance and click anywhere on the screen to strike them down!
>What's that brave hero?! You're fighting a single strong enemy?! I know exactly what you need to do!...

Attached: Elric.jpg (1600x900, 175.15K)

>2 is obviously the worst
>muh slavic atmosphere
Absolute retard.
The books themselves have little of actual slavic shit in them. They are based on folklore from almost whole Europe (at least both West and East with some Celtic and Nordic too).
Witcher 2 had the best choices and consequences and had the most edge and bite to it's world.
Witcher 3 is sterile as fucking and CDPR played it really safe.

>You spam one button to win
maybe on easiest difficulty
and also this isn't really an inherently good complaint. alot of RPGs have one attack button really. It's disingenuous to also ignore things like bombs, signs, crossbow, heavy attacks, rend, whirlwind, etc. doesn't do much in regards to improving your credibility or your retarded reductionism.

>Loot is extremely useless
Agreed, witcher gear made using anything else seem wasteful.

>Extreme level scaling
I'm not sure what you mean, they didn't add level scaling at all until much later, and even then it was an option. I honestly never played with it on, because I think level scaling is the transgenderism of game design.

>Mimicry potions
I don't know what this means either.

>Literally no time just going to town with a shield buff doesn't work
>Batham combat loop, only ironically the actual superhuman that isn't writer wank has slower, more imprecise, and deliberate movements so he'll whiff or be too fancy randomly.
>Skill tree isn't a skill tree, it's a skill chipset where you can barely wedge in multiple moves. Only unlike Megaman Battle Network or Nier Automata, there's barely any variety or bursts of power once you choose your specific loadout.
is this ESL shit? I have no idea what you're trying to say with some of these "sentences"

Based. Only brainlets like 2, because it reminds them of their favorite movie game on the soi station.

>implying all the witchers aren't overly cinematic with crap combat

The problem is that spacing doesn't matter, only timing.

>he thinks 3 is better than 2
>he literally thinks sandbox shit filled with filler enemies is better than hub-based gameplay.

W3 with Enhanced Edition mod is absolute kino and makes the game a true 10/10.

Not far enough. The entire game is designed around level scaling, and even if you get a mod that makes things static, or makes placement sensible, you've still lost a ton.

I typed this up in a similar thread earlier, but when I was playing Morrowind, the first quest to visit the Ashlander tribes, I got lost, went into a cave, the cave turned into a daedric ruin half way through, and at the end of the cave was "Eledion's Ward" or something, best shield in the game, just found coincidentally. I accidentally found a daedric shrine underwater, with no hint in game (found later that one does exist, but very loose).

That sort of thing can't exist in Oblivion, a sense of reward for exploration, or a sense of point to exploration. I know exactly what's in that cave, the same thing that's in every other cave, because they're all based on random selection from a loot list, in turn based on my level. Nothing is hand placed, everything is the same. I can break into the biggest manor, of the richest district in the biggest city, and open the hardest chest in the house, and get callipers. And later, I can steal daedric armor worth 100,000 gold from a man living in a cave, robbing passerby of 10 septims.

It's a fundamentally broken, thoughtless system that sets fire to everything it interacts with. The entire game is ruined by it, in a way so pervasive that no modder could realistically undo it.

True. I wonder if they coordinate on discord, of it's just one dedicated hyper tranny?

spacing matters with alot of enemies. drowners have a different attack animation if you're too far that's unstoppable and can only be dodged.

-the auction robbery
-witcher ciri, my chances of rimming ciri for 48 hours straight are greatly reduced if she moves to the imperial city


>implying geralt is the only elric ripoff
>who is Rhaegar Targaryan
>who is the lich king, Arthas Menethil

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Has any ever tried?

>y-you didn't play it yet you obviously did xyz diluring your play through. Honestly if reading the first part of your drivel makes me realize the witcher 3 is built for a 12 year old

>-Favourite Gwent Faction
>-Favourite Boss
Cursed frog from HoS
>-Favourite Area
Velen. I love the war-torn land aesthetic
>-Favourite City
Oxenfurt. Like a smaller Novigrad but without all the massive crime and poverty
>-Favourite NPC
My nigga Regis probably
>-Favourite Quest
Towerful of Mice. I like that spoopy tower
>-Favourite Bossfight
The frog. And that first Olgierd fight
>-Favourite Witcher Gear Set
>-Triss or Yen
>-Witcher Ciri or Empress Ciri

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>rimming ciri for 48 hours straight

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Griffin was the worst, with that belly bulge. I understand that it's historically accurate and all, but it has negative aesthetic value.

quick rundown on what the mod changes?

>The books themselves have little of actual slavic shit in them
t. netflix showrunner

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well put

You don't know what these words mean, you're just regurgitating design terms you half-read once. Idiots can't help but make themselves look like idiots.

Yas Forums is insufferable

There is no point to strong attack unless your facing a big enemy with big openings since smaller enemies are too fast for it and don't stagger unless you just spam quick attack at them, this applies to death march mode too