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Other urls found in this thread:


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*lightsaber noises*

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>jannies deleted the thread the other night

Attached: godzilla ayys.jpg (1000x423, 64.4K)

It can't be helped.

Attached: 465.jpg (397x554, 53.43K)

Love you autistic King Ghidorah user. How many nights in a row is this? I think I've caught 2 or 3 now.

Also I figure you filthy fucks might like this.

Attached: 51SMSHeUTpL._AC_SX425_.jpg (425x496, 26.17K)

Attached: Godzilla vs Jets.webm (1176x500, 745.54K)

Attached: Godzilla vs navy.webm (1130x480, 2.67M)

Attached: JSDF vs Godzilla SOS.webm (1130x480, 2.55M)

God damn I love Kaiju

Attached: EUxstMaUcAAfIAH.jpg (1200x1200, 198.12K)

>Meanwhile in Monster Hunter World

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Attached: rodan.jpg (799x410, 51.66K)

Attached: Rodan vs jets.webm (638x480, 1.02M)

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*flamenco plays*
*dabs midair*
*shits in the middle of the street*

Attached: rodan_2019_render_by_chrisufray_dcuwkov-pre.png (805x993, 1.22M)

Let's get it out of the way, shall we?

Attached: its a thing.jpg (1600x1600, 388.85K)


Attached: 1558058212449.gif (550x400, 114.47K)

>nooooooooo you can't have corona in the name of your card!

Attached: 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png (633x758, 15.69K)

Which Kaiju would make the best waifu?

>HEH, that's a nice planet you've got there. Shame if someone came and....and....COOOOF coof coof coof COOOOOFF

Attached: coronabeams.gif (500x268, 1.97M)

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mommy ghidora

Attached: ghid1.jpg (1500x1061, 252.61K)

Attached: tag team5.webm (1280x544, 2.93M)

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Attached: Kong and Godzilla puppets.webm (1280x542, 541.3K)

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Queen Ghidorah

Attached: mothra.jpg (2150x3035, 1.02M)

Attached: rodan.jpg (2150x3035, 1.2M)

Attached: kawaii_godzilla.png (638x825, 858.39K)

Attached: ghidora.jpg (2150x3035, 1.37M)

Bros, is Zilla Anime cool? Will my cute Dino friend be cool in it?

>dat mothra

Attached: 1575836295728.jpg (720x720, 28.96K)

3 Headed Jobber

Why is Big G a girl here

>bro just wait till you get to heisei
>it's all boring

Attached: posters.jpg (4492x864, 1021.68K)


he fights some kickass new monsters and gets a waifu

Showa is still the best no matter what.
>loads of monsters that continually show up afterwards
>engaging human plotlines even in the weirdest of movies
>goes the entire range of serious and dark to Godzilla flying after an airborne fart monster
Heisei is the worst line, no matter how iconic the imagery.
>monsters that appear once and never again reappear, no matter how amazing they are
>human plotlines that feel flat and mainly go nowhere except for about one person each movie
>a dull middle-ground 80's/90's action movie feel while the monsters stand in the background and attack each other with added-in special effects

You could've just said that they look like a Digimon fused with a street shark villain and I would have been sold instantly, user.

Attached: Cyber_Zilla_Render.png (360x450, 170.8K)

>big band music intensifies

Attached: Concept_Art_-_Godzilla_vs._MechaGodzilla_-_MechaGodzilla_3.png (700x874, 1.28M)

Haha OK there Grandpa.

Hey mods, if you are going to move this thread, MOVE IT TO /u/ OR Yas Forums FUCK YOU FOR MOVING IT TO Yas Forums!


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Wait do people really not like heisei? Why?

How the fuck is Rodan one of the top 5 Toho monsters? Rodan is fucking lame. Based Anguirus should be there.

/m/* idk why I put /u/.

We're having giant monster lesbian sex now? Where's my Mothra on Biollante porn at?

we postan godzilla music?

Attached: groove.gif (300x253, 166.72K)
>expect this to be a huge scene where he's revealed
>can barely hear it playing and it shows up at a lackluster part

Attached: 1435116937342.png (187x208, 107.7K)

Rodan is a cool guy who fucked his sister.

Attached: Rodan vs JSDF.webm (638x480, 1.72M)

name my band

Attached: KaijuAddicts-XPlus-30-Mechagodzilla-1993-Compare-MGs-Big.jpg (1400x934, 155.83K)

Severely lacking in thunderthighs

Those Biollante and Ghidorah posters are still the sickest shit

God damn I hate American

Attached: godzillamuto.jpg (1500x1061, 182.51K)

Someone post the MTG art please

Attached: image.jpg (280x280, 39.88K)

god i love the miniature sets

Attached: 1989 Godzilla vs. Biollante.mkv_snapshot_01.10.39_[2019.07.05_00.49.02].jpg (1920x1038, 252.72K)

>Rodan is fucking lame
hey fuck you buddy

Attached: 1993 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.mkv_snapshot_00.29.17_[2019.07.03_00.14.21].jpg (1920x1040, 213.1K)

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Okay, so I've gone through the entire Godzilla franchise, Gamera franchise, and Mothra franchise. What next? I want my life to revolve around kaiju for the next week or so

Attached: 1586500672021.jpg (616x768, 62.41K)

Attached: 1993 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.mkv_snapshot_01.13.05_[2019.07.03_23.23.15].jpg (1920x1040, 178.34K)

>no rodan stop, this is gay. mechagodzilla is watching us.

Attached: 1993 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.mkv_snapshot_01.32.55_[2019.07.04_00.41.36].jpg (1920x1040, 152.61K)

Ultraman. Also Zone Fighter has Godzilla, Gigan, and King Ghidorah in a couple episodes.

Attached: Ultraseven vs Dinotank.webm (480x360, 2.82M)

Who would win?

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