The more Lobotomy Corporation threads it has, the more beautiful it is

The more Lobotomy Corporation threads it has, the more beautiful it is.

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Other urls found in this thread:

In other news new chapter of WonderLab got released and another is now free

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LoR soon fellow birbs

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Hello again taking requests.

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Post Geb

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Another comfy episode with Catt!

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What's he praying for?

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Gigachad My Sweet Home

Where is some nonpoorfag-user to post white lake chapter 2?

AC people to stay in their own thread.

Hows Yas Forums-corp doing?

>made a cute Laetitia on a drawing site
>didnt save it
>its lost forever

Will Binah ever interact with another sephirah other than Gebura? It's difficult to imagine her doing that, but for some reason I imagine she and Netzach would have a good synergy

Someone finished day 11 on the 7th, that's the last I saw

But Netzach is a pathetic worm that doesn't even want to live or struggle. He is the least interesting person to her

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Talking about Binah can someone explain to me why while Binah talks about enjoy dying things and generally tries to jab at X for his past mistakes, she still reminds him to not stop at saving only this facility but whole world. Even her meltdown is about making sure we are strong enough to face enemies outside facility? What is her endgame


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your favorite box decking your least favorite box in the eye thing

In the end X really grew into shoes that Carmen left behind

New abnormality from new comic

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Baby Hod

That's one clown shoes because Carmen herself couldn't wear them

Can someone explain to me in simple terms just what the fuck this game is?

has someone uploaded the non-free wonderlab chapters to a mega or something

SCP facility sim mixed with E.Y.E. except it has actually consistent lore

Bonus tiny Hokma.

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Better question, what is the actual "Gameplay loop"

Keep Abnos happy, get power, keep agents alive.

Honorary birb

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You have day with set number of energy you must get to finish it. You get energy from working with abnormalities, each abnormality has it's own set of quirks that make it harder. Each day you get new abnormality to work with, you also recieve missions from Sephiras that demand you to do something specific. Late game gathering energy becomes secondary to finishing those missions because they unlock SPOILERS

Don't let this thread die while I'm sleep, manager

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>send in employee
>figure out what that monster does
>get as many power points as you can form it to finish the day
>try not to pick the wrong kind of work
>be ready when shit inevitably go wrong
>stop problems before they arise
>kill monsters before they break out other monsters or kill weak employees
>end day
>pick another horrible creature to add
What does each new monster do? Who knows. Hopefully you don’t forget once you learn or else things won’t go so well for you

release the abnos

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current hall of dead nuggets, who gave their lives in the service of X. Population: 1

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>Finally 100% LoR with knowledge from Disortion Detective, WonderLab and cafe collabs
>Pic related is the reward
How would you feel?

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Clerks hate him.

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When result was goo...

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Post cutes

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Finally new thread

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All clerks worship A, that's why they don't panic when clerk is executed

Fetus being upset he got clerk nugget instead proper agent one

Sorry to bust into your thread guys, but the last time your thread joined us we had a blast.

For those new to Jackbox Games - there is no registering or anything needed beyond your internet browser to play.

Go to the stream (mixer -> OP_AWizard)
Get the Room Code
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Play with Yas Forums!

Sorry for shilling.

>Fuck Jannies and fuck clerks. Malkuth a cute, and Geburah is best Sephirah

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me on the left

Fucking finally, was waiting for another Lob Corp thread while playing MHW so I can post the new chapter

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Well seems like Rose is fucked

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Never trust Abnos, no matter how much they tell you you're cute

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You're right , definitely honorary birb

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>There's nothing as beautiful as things that break like glass

Rose is pretty cool

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I cant believe Kookie is dead

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Oh nevermind, Catt just scooped his tiara out

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Poor Rose

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The joke is that she would actually fit great in main facility

>brainwashed agent gets saved
I think that's a first.

Damn ex-clerks, sleeping on the job

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It's not like Tiara was fused with his brain

Distortion Detective chapter 10 when?