What's the Yas Forumserdict on multiplayer?

What's the Yas Forumserdict on multiplayer?

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make your own decision you fucking mongoloid

It's shit that runs very poorly

Some of the maps are iffy but it's back to proper maps with actual windows and sightlines, the gunplay is good and feels a little more raw and punchy than typical CoD, and the gun customization is fucking great and it's what I always wanted out of class building

It's fun

this. the game plays like any other cod but is an unoptimized mess

terrible maps and SBMM ruin it

Shit maps. Warzone is better

>Need to complete massive check list to get an AK not made out of shitty wood

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70% of the maps are garbage and the game has terrible visibility issues that older games never had

>SBMM ruin it

shitter detected

Best in class gun customization but there are far too many sightlines on each map. You round a corner and there's like 18 different places where you can be shot from, and maybe 2 dozen pixel peek spots. On top of that, the game has a serious enemy visibility issue so by the time it takes for you to acquire a target, you're fucking dead. This severely punishes run and gun, so you need to play like it's CS or Siege, which is not want I want when I play COD. if I wanted to play a tactical shooter, I'd boot up a tactical shooter.

Still, I think it's the best COD in years, but it could be so much better.

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i enjoy it. people are mad because they cant run around like a retard chasing heroin anymore

It'd be fun if there weren't so many fucking bloom and lighting/particle effects making it so I can't see shit.

It's garbage, worst cod since ghosts.

>absolutely dominate and drop a 30+K one round
>SBMM: "oh what's that? Is this too easy for you? Let's stealthily move you up a bracket and guarantee you some losses for the next 20 or so games, have fun fucking dying!
Unless it's for a dedicated ranked mode, keep this shit far from quickplay.

I like it. People aren’t nearly talking enough shit to each other though. That was part of the fun

Same unoptimized bs it is every year. No such thing as stealth builds since nothing counters tracker and that also fucks up run and gun players making them easy to track and kill.
Audio is still fucked and you have a 1/1000 chance to hear the guy sprinting and jumping right next to you before he shoots 20 bullets into your head.
Same old "he shot me before he even turned the corner", terrible servers/tick rate issues.
B&W thermal scopes are so effective that you still clearly stick out even if you run its counter perk against it.
Literally "You'll buy it anyway" the videogame at this point.

tl;dr Never expect anything quality from COD but you'll also struggle to have silly fun too thanks to the absurd amount of BS.
Also dont play on PC. There's been a cheater almost every other game.

>Also dont play on PC. There's been a cheater almost every other game.
I wish they IP lock china. The game is unplayable in Asia region, FUCK.

very, very fun

Spawns are bad man. Like die right after spawning bad. The maps themselves I can’t tell you because I have no idea what makes them good or bad other than how well I do in them. I just wish there were more interesting guns and better balance. Lots of them are useless and others are pretty much perfect.

he is right people dont play cod to play ranked matchmaking hun

what actually is the tick rate of this game?
It's extremely important in a game where the time to kill is 0.5 seconds

Any game that has 70gb PATCHES is garb
This proves that they have no clue how to get it right the first time and use its paying player base as testers

It's good in small doses until the sweats come out


it's cute af.

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Only played warzone and have mixed feelings. the amount of fucking retards that i have to attempt to carry is astonishing. It must be because of forced crossplay or something cause i didn't have this problem in Apex.

Milk Dealer

It's actually 12 tick servers lmao

Has no right being fucking damn near 160 gigs

I came from apex and the amount of wrath trannys that would immediately go off on their own after dropping just to try and 1v3 a full squad was retardedly high.

somehow ended up being worse than BFV MP.

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jesus, might as well have player-hosted lobbies for fuck's sake

The game's fucking hilarious, in a good and bad way
>regular multiplayer
The M4 is the strongest gun in the game, although the RAM-7 and the Grau 5.56 are pretty good, too.
Some of the maps are just not enjoyable for TDM - I just dodge Piccadilly Circus whenever the game presents it to me, along with that Costco map. They're probably better for Dom and/or SnD. Who knows.
As said, you're hard-pressed to see to enemies unless their nameplate pops up. I have an easier time spotting enemies in R6 Siege than MW.
A meme. It's only fun with friends. You can collect in-game money around the map, go to one of the shops and order in a care package that allows people to select their regular multiplayer loadouts. So of course every shitter loads up a sniper with thermal optics to trivialize the game mode.
The Gulag mechanic is nice for a BR, though; it actually gives team mates a reason to stick around after death instead of just rage-quitting the second they die.

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fuck off shills

you don't get better at a game where you see bad guy and press button, you simply get on the flow more easily and stay there longer.

mgs4 meryl tier shoulders

If I had a dollar every time I got killed in Superstore by a guy I couldn’t see 500 miles away from me or a guy blending perfectly into those damn crates...

Yeah, that map is just not fun. The sightlines are insane.
I used to run smokes to cover areas, but there's always 1-2 chucklefucks that slapped thermal optics on their gun since it carried them in Warzone.

Git gud

Cold blooded is as readily available as thermals.

I only play ground war

>As if everyone in Warzone doesn't use coldblooded/ghost now
Fucking kek

spot on

>Wanting your gun to be made out of plastic

Even when you run cold blooded thermalfags can still see you as clear as day

i tried the free weekend last week and really liked the guns. shame the two maps they had on rotation sucked enough ass that it made me not want to buy it.

also playing on PC when you're crossplaying against a bunch of console kiddies felt like cheating.

>>also playing on PC when you're crossplaying against a bunch of console kiddies felt like cheating.

lol half those console kiddies play the game 18 hours a day, they are all good because of the aim assist.

literally the entire appeal of cod

Lmao M4 is not the strongest gun in the game its definetly MP5 by far. M4 got nerfed actually but yeah it is still like the best AR meanwhile MP5 is still untouched since fucking release I would love to know why is that even a thing. This shit melts people its not even funny at this point I do not know why these retarded devs wont do anything about this gun.

PC cross platform was a mistake
I ran into a aimbotting faggot on Ground war, never happened to me before in 12 years of playing COD online on consoles

Best sounding shooter I've ever played. I've watched war movies with less intense audio.
Gameplay is whatever, PC port is atrocious. Game crashed on startup for a solid month a couple weeks after launch. Came back way later to find battle pass shit and the nice and simple multiplayer menu clogged with ads and microtransactions so I just didn't bother.

By the way, did they ever buff the lever-action/cowboy gun? I always wanted to use it but on launch it lost instant bodyshot kills at a pretty close range so it was worse than pretty much any other non-pistol.

Yeah I've heard there's really aggressive aim assist on consoles.

Show her pits

It is, i notice this when running through buildings. They lock on from the aim assist faster than you can with a mouse.

They always keep me when i don't expect it (running), they are always faster in drawing / aiming.

I love having fun with it.

If any anons on PC want to hook up and play games sometime hit me up

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they have 3 different levels of aim assist on mw...

sadly this is the case. the only thing that gives PC an advantage is from really long range with an SR in huge maps and Warzone.

that's literally the only good thing about cod
there are so many other solid tactical shooters out there
let me just run and gun you fucks