What are Yas Forums‘s Thoughts on Mark Brown, the man who runs Game Makers Toolkit?
What are Yas Forums‘s Thoughts on Mark Brown, the man who runs Game Makers Toolkit?
based, love his Zelda dungeon videos
The good version of Extra Credits.
This. Its like what Extra-Credits used to be before it got taken over by lgbt cucks.
absolute genius when it comes to game design.
his latest vid was kinda funny though, because he kinda sucked at doom eternal and it showed in the highlights, so his arguments that stem from his real time decisions in game were off. still - his overall analysis was amazing as usual.
Dan moved on to talk about the only thing he knows about which is animation, and his channel is really good - New Frame Plus.
I like when he makes obvious points that I agree with
Weird take, they were always like that.
He's an SJW.
The videos are ok though, not mind-blowing or anything but informative and well made.
For example his videos on accessibility are informative and interesting, but his view is completely one dimensional and he treats games as disposable entertainment instead of a creative medium. He strikes me as the kind of person who would be pals with Jason Schreier.
SJW? proof?
>game maker's toolkit
>not about making games
>video essay's to verify opinions, AKA - vocal masturbation
a waste of time
He is left leaning, but unlike 95% of the twat shit he's actually fucking intelligent. Meaning he knows to not let his personal biases and politics effect his work or thoughts on how games should be designed. Frankly anyone wanting to bitch at him over this is looking for reasons to nit pick. Have whatever politics you want just fucking KEEP IT FUCKING PERSONAL! Mark does it, so he's great.
Ok..but it is about making games. He goes in depth about various parts of game design from various genres and breaking it down to help indie developers learn some decent tips.
Plus he does game jam type shit where people make games based on a theme/topic. Stop talking out your arse.
He is not retarded enough to have an archive or an encyclopedia dramatica page.
isnt that the guy who couldnt even walk in a circle and didnt understand silent hills story?
I like him
>didnt understand silent hills story?
its more like he's the autist that has to critque every minute detail becasue soemthing ends up bothering him
I knew he would come up here. They're both awesome, but it's not an apples to apples comparison.
Mark analyzes mechanics on a broad scale and looks at games from a design perspectives.
Joseph drills down on a single game and explores every single aspect of it, but mainly from a storytelling\artistic (and a bit of consoomer) point of view.
he has a nice voice and makes interesting videos but i always thought that Yas Forums would hate him
>took 5000 hours to make a 4 hour video
meanwhile this guy made an 8 hour video in far less time
Yas Forums is the only board bringing up e-celebs . They should be bannable offense for like a fucking week so that people like OP learn. Why the fuck do I care about some random faggot's opinion? You people care more about random vidya e-celebs and their lives rather than playing and discussing fucking vidya
i watched this nigga's watch dogs video and thought it was cool how he really dived into the core of the game
but holy shit 7 hours for death stranding
i think its 5000 hours in total for all three witcher games. He also said the witcher 2 and 3 videos are a lot longer than the first one
if it makes you feel any better its by far the best video on the game, doesn't just shit all over it and actually explains why some like it and why others don't
alongside the deep dive into the story
Fine when he's just regurgitating dev interviews on basic game design 101 into a well edited video. If it's literally your first foray into the subject he's got a decent channel.
Whenever he gets into video essay territory like that Metroid 2 video he did he's just as bad as any other videogame youtuber.
is it okay to watch it if im still deciding to buy the game or not
His content is fine but I can't help but feel a lot of his analysis is copied from stuff I read on Gamasutra 5 years ago.
>Watching a 7 hour fucking review if you wanna buy or play the game
You retarded?
just fucking buy the game jesus
no, it spoils everything
How can you take someone who looks like a gerbil seriously?
I unironically loves his videos and think he’s the best gaming related channel on YouTube. Too bad Yas Forums hates him
good stuff
i'm an indie dev and sometimes watch random videos of his just to keep things in mind
and an idea might pop up or a reason to change something
i watch some of his videos when i'm lost at something and in times of need some inspiration
useless faggy retard. and if you can't tell he is an sjw then you must have a sensor busted in your brain.
He has some nice videos but he's an annoying faggot talking like he's the smartest retard in his village and his vsomes about accessibility are retarded.
So never?
That makes up majority of his videos but I have to admit, as a guy who had no idea about game design I did learn a few things from him. He does make some valid observations and analyses sometimes.
>Meaning he knows to not let his personal biases and politics effect his work or thoughts on how games should be designed
He did have some "subtle" comments on Trump though. Iirc in one of his end of the year videos, the year when Trump won, he said "This year was great. *pause* *chuckle* For video games, that is".
He also included Trump's photo when he was saying something about douchebags or assholes, I don't remember exactly.
The annoying thing about it is that I know he thinks he's clever and subtle, but he isn't. I hate when idiots think they're smart, it's pretentious as fuck.
He doesnt say anything too interesting. Very surface level reading most of the time but still fun to watch.
I like his videos where he says how a given thing was done in different games because then I can know that a given game had this design without having played it
Anyone play games from the game jam this guy hosts? There was a fun one about a one-screen metroidvania
He cucked hard on "hard modes". He made a good video then another video saying he was completely wrong and became kotaku tier.
Link those vids?
>writes an article about MISOGYNISTIC DEATH SCENES in tomb raider
I grinned. It's a good parody of Mark Brown - stupid pauses, factually incorrect claims regarding which game did thing first, pretentious tone, bringing up philosophers etc. out of fucking nowhere for no reason at all, trying to look smart, listing basic things, mentioning his name and the name of the channel in every video, asking unnecessary rhetorical questions etc.
Holy shit please link I could use a laugh
Joseph Anderson is a Matthewmatosis for retards.
The overwritten "analyses" that make the writer seem more authoritative than they are while actually having no actual substance at all are absolute redditcore.
I watched his Celeste video and he spends like 20 minutes to establish that Celeste jump height is just right because it feels just right.
Zelda dungeon stuff was good, maybe because it confirmed everything I thought was shit about Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. His Super Metroid video was pretty superficial though.
>/ck/ can talk about chefs
>Yas Forums can talk about critics
>/ic/ can talk about teachers
>Yas Forums can talk about publications
>Yas Forums isnt allowed to talk about anything that isnt installed on the potato
U dum
How did you even get here?
>absolute genius when it comes to game design.
He's really not.
That's the 'problem'. His videos content are all surface level and it's just things he repeats others have said, often the devs themselves.
He's the equivalent of junior or wannabe "level designers" that slap a bunch of lines on an image when "analyzing" a level's design.
Makes well edited videos for stuff we all already know. It's not bad content but finding something thought provoking in his videos means you're an idiot, or uninformed. On the flipside it's Youtube - how can it not be brainless digestables
>it's just things he repeats others have said
yeah, if you're a game dev, you can tell he doesn't really know what he's talking about. They're fine for a surface level discussion though
unironically what do you watch
DSP, ninja
Yep. He confused poise in Dark Souls with hyper armor in his video about melee combat. That was a bit cringe to watch.
his videos are well produced and have the huge merit of being concise but I don't think he's ever said anything insightful about any game
Game dev talks
Game dev analysis
Game dev books
Game dev articles
Psychology books
Architecture books
Pretty good desu
Fucking idiot never made a single good video
whats the difference
Yes I too love watching categories, but I refuse to provide specifics because your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don’t reply with specific channels you watch.
Good editing but hollow and content-less videos. He's the equivalent of pop-sci youtube channels like v-sauce but for vidya. And if you think v-sauce is good, gas yourself.
check out r/coolgameingvids
>like what Extra-Credits used to be before it got taken over by lgbt cucks.
They were always lgbt cucks and their channel was never good. The only reason to watch extra credits is to find out what not to do.
I usually don't follow specific channels since most quality game design videos only have a few released or good videos.
For example BauerDesign is a professional LD but released very few videos, but they're good
Channels like GDC that I do follow have a lot of shitty talks as well, so you have to filter them.
EC has been a meme because of their low quality content and retarded opinions since their inception
But that example you just drew is actually correct?
Poise is a stat that makes your actions uninterruptable to a certain degree so it's still breakable, and it's something that is active at all times.
Hyper armor only activates when performing an attack and it's unbreakable and not reliant on stats.
Why do you hate Joseph Anderson?
Extra Credits was never good. They were ALWAYS hated on Yas Forums since 2011/2012.