Why are Tifa fags like this?

Why are Tifa fags like this?

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its not tifa fags it's just koreans

literally worst asians, plastic soulless sluts who are all feminists

is it really unreasonable to ask a camwhore to strip?


Females are pure cancer.

>be a whore
>be upset when people want you to be more of a whore

Doubt that stream was even in english

why the literal fuck should i care about this nobody crying on camera?
please explain to me?

we can all make fun of this on Yas Forums but twitch has itself to blame for enabling twitch thots and their simps. Now they pretend like its a normal thing to ask everyone on the platform to strip when this is only ok on 4chins and porn sites.

Why couldn't she just hire a mod to delete those comments? Dumb gook.


Why should you care about anyone?

She streams exclusively in English

Jinny deserves happiness

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>Simps defend women because they want to fuck them
>Incels harass women because they want to fuck them

Coomers were a mistake.



you are a part of it, redditors and beyond use simp because they can't be bothered to use a a non-flavor of the month word.

It was, someone posted a clip of it here earlier today and she was saying it’s so embarrassing when she’s just doing these cosplay streams and people ask her to take her clothes off and said why don’t you just watch porn. Seemed a lot more real of an emotion from her than I was expecting, like she really didn’t see this coming somehow.

No woman deserves happiness.

real story:
she had her belly covered in the tifa cosplay, people mentioned it, she showed it, people said her stomach looked weird, she cried, she pretended she cried because people were asking her to be slutty

>just chatting
I thought twitch was about videogames, wasn't that why justing.tv closed down? because it was too offtopic?

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We've used simp on /asp/ for years, not everything is reddit you fag

>people said her stomach looked weird

maternity scarring?

>flavor of the month word
I would tell you to get out of the house more, but...

A Tifa with a covered belly is no Tifa at all.

You wouldn’t happen to have an image handy if her supposedly weird stomach I take it?

>fat girls cosplay
Korea was a mistake.


This, though I'd say Twitch is solely to blame, since they've allowed, or even promoted this behavior.

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>Literally took seconds out of your day to click on a thread about a topic you have 0 interest in to add nothing to the discussion
What a fag

>whore yourself on a camming site
>cry when viewers treat you like one

people dont care about games, they care about personalities

and simp has meant retard for even longer than /autism/ has existed you fucking simpleton. go back to r/blacktwitter

this whore deserves no sympathy
she brought it upon herself

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am i the only one who thinks that there is something attractive about a crying woman?
it sounds fucked up

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Fake news, retard
She's showed her belly more than once on stream (nothing weird about it), she is just overly conscious about having gained weight during her stay in 'Murica

>This is your brain on coom
Don't end up like us, children.

Why didn't she listen?

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Jinny deserves my superior white coom


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>literally worst asians, plastic soulless sluts who are all feminists
SECOND worst chinks are worse

Simp doesn't even mean retard ya slapdick, it stands for stop idolizing mediocre pussy. You go back since you're so familiar with reddit forms


>fake news ! its because shes insecure about her belly not because shes insecure about her belly!
okay donation cuck

what did she look like before the face shavings

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Lol this sounds so forced im sure you just came up with it right now.

korea has 0 culture besides "Fashion trends" and their food sucks compared to china.


left looks better

this whore is ugly as shit
can coomers at least shoot a little higher? god damn bro

u simp

how the fuck does that even work, her head looks like it's half the size it used to be

did she just say coom? lmao hahaha

not at all

her job is to entertain, nobody cares about her feelings

Korea is discount discount China

who cares, white women do the same thing.

How fucking weak can you be? What kind of mental illness consumes you that causes text from random people online to cause you to break down in tears? Fucking pathetic

God, tell me again misogyny isn't justified. Females cruise through life on easy mode, act like whores, get money thrown at them simply for existing, but when a few of their simps say meany mean words just once they start to fake cry and raise hell. Females are pure scum.

nope, chinks literally eat eggs boiled in piss fuck gooks and fuck chinks

nope he is correct, it just a different word for "pussy whipped beta male"

>this guy is the girl's father irl
fucking bizarre

Its actually sucker idolizing mediocre pussy, its hs been african american slang for years. You can find hip hop songs in the 90's referencing it.

china has 0 culture besides making new viruses and sucking winnie poohs dick.

Damn that bitch is ugly

I wonder how bad it feels to have these literal nobodies cash in on your misery with shitty gossip videos

Chink shills out in force still I see!

>t. korean simp

I just donated $50k to her twitch

None of your business

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Charleroi-Thuin was a constituency used to elect members of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives between 1995 and 2003.

nnnnnngh oh god tell me more i'm so fucking close



bet you look like a 10/10 pale, fat hunchback.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.



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It's on urban dictionary.

Men are at fault for letting this happen

im gonna need better pics than these if Im going to coom.


>Sell yourself on looks
>Get surprised when treated like a whore


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Left is honestly prettier, even if it is more masculine. Model type

>Running Nth room
Pick one

go eat some bat soup and coof to death while xi jinping starves the rest of your family to death, maybe even use them as the next delicacy meal on his parties.

I don't get why people watch and donate to Twitch thots. At least if it was something like Chaturbate you'd get something out of it.

>hire a mod
you mean Simp a mod

Asians are so obsessed with white features we've genuinely lost the native Korean facial aesthetic aside from those in the North. It's like circumcision over there, they just chop their face off when they're still in high school.

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lol seething chink

yeah, women on the fucking internet don't know men are attracted to them and want to see boobies

I don't understand. These women go on these streams in skimpy clothing to titillate simps to give them money, and they then cry when those same "men" that they took advantage of turn on them. What did these women think would happen? Do they think these men watch them for their vapid "personalities?"

she is an illusion

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t. butthurt bugman

This shit again, nu-v has all the social graces of a brick.

I think both are pretty, left has a girl next door look, she looks like she'd be comfy to snuggle with.


>t. no culture mutt

>crying over text on screen that disappears after a few seconds
why are wom*n like this?

white women don't shave off their jaws, gook

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we use cuck on this board and don't fucking forget

Based and redpilled but you can't blame dogs for being dogs.
Women are shit. But they're also incompetent and weak. The problem is the 50+% of men that are delusionally retarded enough to think that women actually are equal and deserve to vote and shit.

>Cloth off
No no no no....

She faked crying to get even more pity bucks and publicity. And it's working. Now she is a tragic victim from the mean gamers! Give her more attention, ass kissing and of course money. Females are scum.

>bitches act like a whore for money
>gets treated like whore for money

Wah Wah Waaaaa.
Bitches please your just another striper behind a camera.

Calm down gookoid

>Yas Forums claims to hate women
>but also complains about no gf


The day you realize theres nothing wrong with worshipping women will be the day you might finally get on track to get that gf

cuck is someone like moot. A simp is someone like a janny who does it for free.

Watch out bud
The tards will be screaming simp and cuck at you any moment

Seriously, I don't get it. You pay cunts on twitch money to say your fucking username or some shit. It's so unbelievably retarded. If you're gonna pay sluts, go to a good camsite that has good third world sluts from indonesia or some shit and pay a hot asian MILF to let loose a constipated middle aged asian woman shit on a plate and then slowly eat it and then puke up the turd and smear it all over themselves. I can pay for all that and capture the video stream for later enjoyment for like 20 bucks.

>the text disappeared that means she was never offended!
are you autistic, by chance?

I like jinny too
cute but not egotistic
good sense of humor and accepting of others
fuck the incel circle jerk

But people say that worshipping girls will make them not respect you, which one is it?

idk about worshiping, but the fair ammount of respect any person should have for another

surprise no one call her out for being an actual plastic whore

coreans is best asian you faget. perhaps try china or SEA monkey looking peoples you stain. corea is best nation in world. stop objectifying womens fat american cow.

Dangerously based

Oh no, I chose to be a slut, and people treat me like one! The horror!

I'm sure she just wanted to have a nice conversation with a bunch of horny old men and she TOTALLY isn't farming retards bucks off of them.

cuck donator detected

Jinny has always dressed modest on stream. She did the Tifa cosplay against better judgement.

is this the part where I cry because some text on a screen called me autistic?

Oh look I was right.


>2020年4月8日、韓国・YTNによると、同国の広報活動を担う誠信女子大学の徐敬徳(ソ・ギョンドク)教授が、先月に任天堂が発売したゲーム機セット「Nintendo Switch あつまれ どうぶつの森セット」が日本製品の不買運動が続く韓国内で人気を集めたことに関連し、「最小限のプライドは守ってほしい」と批判した。

Looool, appearently Animal Crossing is so popular in Korea that some university professor is now telling people to stop buying it and instead support the ongoing boycott of Japanese products and keep their pride at least a little.

Explain yourselves, K-cucks. You act all hard and mighty against Japan, but then lose to some tanuki?

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In Taiwan we call these losers "Strawberry tribe" due to their tendency to go ripe too fast and becoming squishy at the first sign of pressure. It's applicable to sissy boys and women like in OP's pic.

Jinjin thread on Yas Forums? POGGERS

So should people just spam to cover herself up till she wears a burka?

Nah they are flat af stick figure people. The only reason they are considered attractive is plastic surgery. SEA women are way hotter. Especially viet/thai

>Everyone calls her out on her costume
>She shows her stomach and people call her stomach weird
>She cries and breaks down saying something about skin

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>getting paid to just be a vag with a pulse on camera
>not even having to go knuckle deep in that kimchi coochie
Fuck you, leech. If your paypigs want more shoulder or whatever, then youtube.com/watch?v=XlR9h3VfZf4

i don't see the problem here

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At least Korea didn't start a pandemic.
Pretty much the worst thing (South) Korea has done in the past half-century was be a Dollar Store knockoff of Japan. China has a literal laundry list of awful shit they've done that has affected the entire world.

I don't spend a dime on free entertainers when other retards do it for me

And you fucks wonder why the birth rate is abysmally low in your country

taiwan men arent real? there have women and trannys

Wow there is actually an article on this lmfao en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strawberry_generation

Whoever’s in that chat needs to go rethink their life choices

>no proof

It's all a bunch of teenagers. Nobody who has a job would be naive enough to donate $1,000 or more to a streamer who doesn't even know them and doesn't care about them. But when people get the money from mommy (actually dad's money), then it doesn't matter how much money they blow.

They give themselves face lifts, boob jobs, butt jobs etc. all the time though. Wealthy women around the world are all the same: 30%+ plastic.

>goes from looking like a regular human to a bug
>remove jaw and make my eyelids less prominent
Left looks like someone that is alive, right is dead inside.
I guess soul-soulless is real.

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built for bbc

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seeing women in pain arouses me too. Probably some primitive feeling due to shit way back when.

>rich gook
>comes to america
>lose wallet and money day 1
>cucks donate at least $1000 in 10 minutes
now this

and yet no one has posted the stomach in question yet

>mistakes crying for "joking around"
The autism is off the charts here.

I am so, so fucking tired of unbelievably spoiled attractive women crying that their lives are not even easier than they already are.

Everyone worships them no reason. Every conflict is ruled in their favor. They spend less time in jail for the same offences. They don't need to work. They have the automatic moral high ground in all situations, and they can amplify this effect 100x by crying (the first and only defense of any spoiled princess.)

They combine two POTENT reality distortion effects:


Despite having all of these advantages, they still fucking complain and whine and bitch and moan that life is not easy enough. When will we genocide them? They are low quality humans in all ways but one.

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>SEA women are way hotter. Especially viet/thai
I see you enjoy ladyboy then go ahead you piece of garbage. corean is beautiful feminine state and you wanting big jaw and big cack explains it all. enjoy loving long time your ladyboy lmao

Mental illness is hard to understand and explain. Best not try too hard.