Fallout: New Vegas is superior to both Fallout 1 and 2

I was under the impression that this was self-evident, but it's become apparent that it bears reinstating.

>Variety and "Build" Potential.
For a game that touts itself as a roleplaying experience, the capacity by which you are allowed to build a unique character is stifled to the greatest extent. There are two(2) ways to navigate through Fallout 1's end-game. You can...
1) Sneak/speech check your way past every encounter.
2) Wear power armor and wield a plasma rifle / gatling laser / powerfist / etc.
Fallout 2 doesn't fare much better. Such objective and linear player scaling in terms of weapons AND armor negates any ability for the player to experiment with niche builds or playstyles and relegates the game to a typical action format as opposed to the RPG it markets itself as. This is severely detrimental in regards to stifling replayability and player agency. In contrast, there is an unfathomable amount of different builds that one can create in New Vegas as every combination of weapons/armor has the potential to be made into a viable end-game setup.

This ties in with the previous point. Half of the skills and stats in the classic games are comparatively useless (outdoorsman, trap) while others are borderline essential (big guns, energy weapons, etc). If you give your character any less than 4 or 5 agility, your entire playthrough will be gimped to the fullest extent and it will be a slog of savescumming to pass even mundane encounters. Why even make it an option if the developers obviously did not intend for you to do so? Contrast this again with New Vegas, where EVERY SINGLE PERK, skill and stat have a specific purpose and a practical effect on making each character unique and functionally differently, not just buffing percentages.


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>Roleplay Potential
New Vegas begins with a clean slate. All you know about your identity is that you at one point in time took up a job as a courier within the Mojave. Prior to that, it's entirely up to your imagination and willingness to roleplay to decide who you were before that. Compare this to the classic games where you are funneled into being a Vault Dweller and then an Arroyo Tribal. This is no more excusable than Bethesda forcing you to roleplay as an ex-military father-of-one in Fallout 4. This greatly limits the ability to build unique characters even more so than the restrictive "stat" system. New Vegas once again succeeds in this regard.

Not sure why this is going to be taken as an insult to some people. One should not be ashamed that New Vegas is superior to the classic games, one should instead rejoice in the fact that the development team had taken notice of the falterings of the series' predecessors and improved upon them in the newer title. Fallout 1 and 2 are cool, but New Vegas is fortunately a better game.

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>Compare this to the classic games where you are funneled into being a Vault Dweller and then an Arroyo Tribal. This is no more excusable than Bethesda forcing you to roleplay as an ex-military father-of-one in Fallout 4
Holy shit.
>knowing where you came from=having an entire family and tragedy happen to you

Nah, New Vegas is an FPS and stats don't matter. Its borderlands tier. Worse even.

Can you shoot someone in the eyes?
checkmate new vegas.

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based, fuck boomers

Boomers love new vegas though

bethesdrones incoming

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fags who love 3 and 4 don’t give a shit about the originals

they know fallout 1 and 2 are superior to 3 and 4 though, so they seethe in every thread about either new vegas or the originals

Nah, I love 1, 2 and 3. New Vegas is worse than all three.

NV could not have been made had it not been for FO1&2. Honestly, how stupid are you? Did you actually think all this shit you typed up was worth anything at all? Do you think you're blowing people's minds or something?
>"dude game that came out 20 years later as a successor has more in-depth systems!

Incredible. What a worthless post and opinion.

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>3 better than NV
Try harder

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based caracalla

Really gets the noggin joggin.

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reminder there are people on this board who praise 4 and 76 for their lore

>NV could not have been made had it not been for FO1&2
yes. And?
>20 years later

>his entire counter argument is “15 years, not 20!”


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1 and 2 absolutely nail the atmosphere and story though

Nigga, do you really expect me to read
>All That Shit

that's still wrong

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And his point stands anyway.

Classic fallout games are tiring to play. They're 90% brown.

yeah the cult of not-scientology with complete with tom cruise and a city made up entirely of 2 rival kung-fu gangs really made me feel immersed in the post-apocalyptic world.

>why is a desolate wasteland in a desert brown?

>yeah, the Roman LARPers in football gear and elvis impersonators really helped the immersion

I actually prefer it to 1 and 2 but you can't say it's objectively superior. 1 and 2 have stronger RPG elements - making a god-character is harder, you get extra stuff like dumb Int options, you are penalized more for lacking weapon skills.

You are just trolling, though.

He’s right about combat builds though

his point of being wrong and saying nothing of value? Did he actually ever counter OP's points?

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NVfags really do have a mindless devotion.

you are dense as fuck, the point he’s making is that NV’s technological advantages from being released 15 years later help flesh it out, and it’s unfair to compare that with a game older but still does the best with what it has

>why does fallout have strange groups?

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but everything op argues is skill point/story related
he's arguing that they are lesser in role play value

Why does the RPG, as a genre, attract so many tryhard pseuds? It's a whole fanbase of ego validating retards smugly thinking their choice in video game is par brilliance, when their standards for made-up words and systems aren't even particularly quantifiably or qualitativly deeper than anything else in the market.

>knowing where you came from=having an entire family and tragedy happen to you

Not him, but in 2 it kinda works like that - your grandpa is the vault dweller and you have cousins and aunts in Arroyo, then the tragedy is when everyone gets abducted by the enclave
I cared more about the people in Vault City than I did the residents of Arroyo, backstory be damned


it's true, but its high time we stop saying it. Old thing good new thing bad and new thing good old thing bad arguments are about as useless as posting about the shit you just took on twitter.



Based. Fuck boomers

if I wanted a story I read a book

Agree the classic games aged like milk

>Get bored, watch f76 wastelanders trailer
>They tear down a vault door with c4
>Something thats been undo-able in literally the entire franchise

Bethesda deserves worse than a covid outbreak.

LARPing as Rome has been a real world thing since its existence (Currently America is a huge fucking Rome LARPer) but the Kings are unironically the worst New Vegas faction and I fucking hate them. Fuck Freeside and fuck the Kang.

>puts the fallout game with the worst combat in first place

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Fallout 1 and 2
>Weapon skills determine chance to hit, some weapons rely in burst fire while others are best used for precise shots. This make sense because bullets hurt the same whether you are a seasoned veteran or a kid who found daddy's gun while playing in the closet.
>Character creation and progression are important because each town presents different challenges, only random encounters depend on your level and not always, approaching the end game areas early on will force the player to deal with late game enemies. Running away is always an option.
>Companions are deathclaws, shamans and leather bound adventurers. Can bring up to 5 on your awesome adventures.
New Vegas
>Weapon skills make bullets hurt more because Oblivion with guns. Accuracy doesn't matter because you can aim down weapons and fire them manually.
>There's never any challenge because the player is the center of the universe and enemies are weaker or stronger depending on the player's level. If an enemy is too strong for the player it won't even spawn.
>Possible companions are middle age bar whores, homosexuals and downright insane "people". Thankfully you can only bring 1 at a time and a dog.

I agree New Vegas is hands down the best Fallout game. Fallout 1 is good though, I've played through it with a lot of different wacky builds. Fallout 2 sucks. You're railroaded way too hard in the beginning and the end game content feels unfinished. Fallout 2 is also just as offensive as 3/4 when it comes to le wacky shit that completely kills the immersion.

>Weapon skills make bullets hurt more because Oblivion with guns. Accuracy doesn't matter because you can aim down weapons and fire them manually.
better than "you didn't hit the enemy right in front of you because dice roll". You can do simple things like crouching which increases accuracy in an immersive way. This is an fps/third person shooter styled game, so these are necessary changes. The game would not be fun nor immersive if you don't have the freedom to aim at something's face.
>There's never any challenge because the player is the center of the universe and enemies are weaker or stronger depending on the player's level. If an enemy is too strong for the player it won't even spawn.
m8 there are many locations not intended for low level players.
>Possible companions are middle age bar whores, homosexuals and downright insane "people".
literally what's the problem
>Thankfully you can only bring 1 at a time and a dog.
*non human companion.
nothing wrong with this either because taking an army of people around with you would make you incredibly over powered.

Are there any other games that has different ammo types that actually affect specific enemies like in F:NV? Also, doing a prospecter/survivalist/craftfag build is a lot more fun if you plan on doing a completionist run with all DLCs.

Kiddo, if you have time to type all that up
You have time to get good at Fallout.

I remember when Fallout was called "WASTELAND"
Now THAT was a damn fine game
You'd know about it if you game more...

You kids gotta learn to shut up and just play the game...
Maybe someday you will understand...

- - -
Rick "THRASHeR911" Stevenson
frog blast the vent core!!!

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srsly, 1&2 are almost unplayable
hate me but i am right



>great tier
Fallout 1
>shit but good atmosphere tier
Fallout 3
>reddit humor trash and shit atmosphere tier
Fallout 2, New Vegas
>shit but cool mods tier
Fallout 4
Tactics, Brotherhood of Steel, shelter, 76

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>There's never any challenge because the player is the center of the universe and enemies are weaker or stronger depending on the player's level. If an enemy is too strong for the player it won't even spawn.
You haven't played New Vegas you shitposting mongoloid.

>isometric view
>limited moves based on AP
>unironically thinks it's good
fuck off boomer

Zoomer got filtered by the game not having shit Bethesda 3d graphics and garbage bin FPS gameplay

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>me, an intellectual likes to click muh buttons
bethesda graphics might be shit but at least i can tell what's going on.

i agree but i do enjoy fallout 1 and 2 but to me Fallout New Vegas is Fallout as it should be. To bad that may never make another like it. I do play fallout 1 and 2 from time to time, but i agree and rejoice in New Vegas's improvements

however i disagree with you on two points
>Roleplay potential
I feel that you have equal amounts, if not more, clean slate-ness from the Vault Dweller and The Chosen One, you literally make their story same as The Courier, I would say Fallout 3 and 4 do kinda force you into a mold but Fallout 3 pretty much allows you to become good or bad and they build it up when you meet your dad and he praises you or rebukes you. I do agree Fallout 4 fucked that up royally like how can you have strength 1 as a Veteran of the Alaska Campaign or as the woman have 1 intelligence as a lawyer.

I would ask how you feel that there isnt a clean slate in fallout 1 and 2??
>Some perks are worthless but not in New Vegas
what do you mean? without mods and community patches some mods dont work at all. Even if lets say they all work as explained ( no glitches ect ) Some are 100% worthless but i will give it to you that only 4 or 5 ( including dlcs ) are worthless

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Imagine being so fucking dumb that Fallout 1 is too complicated for you


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i never said it was complicated.
in fact i pointed out it's stupidly simple.
are all F1 fans this dumb?

now this is good bait

I remember i was in group home when i was younger ( family issues ) and i had a pc with my Fallout 1,2, and tactics on it and my roommate and two others watched me play alot and i let them play, they made their own characters literally most quit cause "its too much" or "im lost" one actually got 2/3rds through the game but he got sent to a different house cause he got in a fight over an ipod

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>hahaha bingo bango bongo I refuse to go