The cost of production of CYBERPUNK 2077 might surpass the cost of production of GTA 5

>The cost of production of CYBERPUNK 2077 might surpass the cost of production of GTA 5.
>CD PROJEKT RED has already spent over $200 million dollars on the Cyberpunk 2077 project which is still on-going. GTA 5 cost Rockstar Games $250 million dollars in total.


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I don’t understand why they seem to be having so much trouble with this title. I sort of doubt it will live up to the hype, but I will buy it and have fun regardless.

What trouble?

If it was put to good use and not just blown on marketing (goes for both game's numbers), I think it's good. It means that they didn't blow all of their budget on Keanu (even though he's one of the few celebrities that have actually done a cyberpunk movie, Johnny Mnemonic, which is a founding work of cyberpunk as a genre).


they will make it back in a week


Many key people left during development as well as year long crunches even though they said to have worked on it since seven fucking years ago

Most key people left before Witcher 3 was created

The only key person I remember seeing leaving was this 1 story-guy (?) who nobody even cares about and most people just mentioned his existence when he left lol

Still purporting this lie huh

What the fuck are you guys talking about?
This game is done already, ready for retail

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Ignore this guy user, he's insane.

How so? Prove otherwise

I can't think of a game before this where I went from day 1 buy hype hype hype to not even going to pirate this shit.

I'm buying this shit day one. Don't give a fuck about you sad seething cucks.

game was delayed because it ran like ass on söysoles
it will delayed again because of corona
enjoy your cybertranny in 2021

Where's all that money going? CP2077 is having one of the most infamous developments in recent years.

>it will delayed again because of corona
Doubtful. The team didn't actually need all those extra months just to fix the console version, that was just the next best month to come out

Every single thing about Cyberpunk 2077 current news cycle gives me a pre-release Watch Dogs vibe. The use of vertical slides to reveal gameplay, long periods of silence after the first reveal, a shift mid-production to a next generation of consoles, an abrupt delay followed by massive overconfident talks by the devs. I don't know. Ubisoft had a track record of overselling their games even back there so it was easy to see though their bullshit but CD Projekt so far hasn't let us down.

>this fucking cope

[Citation Needed]

wtf are they doing? are they actually hiring those Public relations SJW?

>Buying it day one
I don't think you understand the meaning of cuck

You realize that marketing has very little, if any, say in the game right? Even if they do be a little more inclusive doesn't mean that it affects the game's overall quality

Generic FPS RPGs with copy paste mission structure don't usually take hundreds of people, hundreds of millions of dollars, and a decade of development.

1. Something's got to give.
2. Something's got to give.
3. Something's got to give now.

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They've already spend $100,000,000 on marketing, how?

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Have you played it?

okay poorfag
enjoy watching other people play a game and forming a opinion from their pleasure (or displeasure). you arel iterally a cuck watching anotehr guy fuck you girlfriend for the first time and judging the experience off that! LMAO!!

It's only been in development for 3 almost 4 years. This has been known. They weren't actually working on the game when that first trailer came out.
Beyond that, games of quality and scope like the Witcher do require a bit more money and manpower

>this level of cope

I bet at least $20m of this was for Keanu.

Yes, have you?

>They weren't actually working on the game when that first trailer came out.
It was a hiring drive, and work did begin at that time, that was planning. By 2014 the CP2077 team began to go full steam in development, the game was planned to be released in 2017 at this point.

Attached: cybercucked2077.png (1634x387, 38.73K)

cybertranny is coming in 2021 and it will have dlc's day one
this is the game that will bankrupt shit project red

Why are you lying?

How did you manage to type all that with so many of CDPR's dicks in your mouth

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Not only Cyberpunk is complete, but will also release DLC before launch

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>It was a hiring drive, and work did begin at that time, that was planning. By 2014 the CP2077 team began to go full steam in development, the game was planned to be released in 2017 at this point.
Blatantly false
Yes, that trailer was a hiring drive, however only 50 were working on the game at that point, it wasn't in full production yet. They were just building what would become the base once the rest of the staff got off of Witcher 3's Expansion.

Can you read?

>the game was planned to be released in 2017
Actually it was planned for release in 2015/2016

How much is on the actual game and how much is on advertisements?

>It's only been in development for 3 almost 4 years. This has been known. They weren't actually working on the game when that first trailer came out.

You do realize theres reviews made by ex-CD Projekt employees on Glassdoor that can confirm this isn't true at all, right? You got to be an idiot to believe studios just reveal games with full cgi trailers only to immediately work on something else.

>50 people isn't full production for an indie studio
Dumb shill nigger


The CGI trailer was a hiring drive. This has always been known.

You can leave reviews on glassdoor without even actually working for the company lol.

>50 people isn't full production
user, they have over 400 people working on the game

Witcher 3 released 17 free DLCs and Cyberpunk will have some too

>t-they were hiring people at the time so it doesn't count as being in production
IQ: Barely any

TW3 was made with 250 so I don't know what the hell he's talking about

This guy nailed it.


They only had about 200 people working for them when they started, dedicating 25% of your studio to it counts as production, hate to break it to you.

>this level of damage control
whats wrong cuckbois? cant provide a counter?

>first announced in may 2012
that's a damn long wait. I feel sorry for any poor fucker who has been hyped from the start and is disappointed in the final product

>What is pre-production
There are many phases to any product you fucking mong
They had 2 years of pre-production for the LOTR movies before they really got to the meat of the project

I'll pirate the game and then come here to talk about how shit it is and you can't stop me nigger.

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That's not how this works, video game production is done in stages. What you described was PRE-production

wasn't it 2011? I feel like I saw it in senior year of high school.

hopefully the finished product doesnt belong in 2012, thatd be a disappointment

GTA V is actually good though

You literally don't get to decide that faggot

>I'll just slap "pre" on the front of production and hope he doesn't notice
Do you have an argument?

Its easier for you to believe more than a dozen people just one day decided to leave false reviews on CD Projekt's Glassdoor page all telling a consistent story about Cyberpunk 2077's production starting as early as 2013 then it is to believe CD Projekt Red would ever lie to you? Even though CD Projekt has already been caught lying about The Witcher 3 being downgraded and crunch happening in their studio? You people ask to be made a fool of yourselves, don't you?

Why don't you play a game you enjoy instead?

How old are you?

Yes, just like you make several threads daily on Yas Forums about a game and company you hate.

>I'm just gonna arbitrarily make the different phases of production not count!

they have been advertising the game for 5 years now

So you admit it was in production, Thanks retard. Don't bother replying

What does that have to do with my question?

The point the marketing actually started was in 2018.

i dont understand how a game could cost 250 million dollars to make. i mean wtf

>spending more money on it make game gooder!

Now your gonna strawman your way out of this conversation? Grow a dick, you fucking coward.

Usually marketing

There hasn't been a good game since gamergate.

Literally smooth of brain

Why has no one asked OP for proof?

So you're a literal retard then

day 1 pirate

Aaaaaand we're done here folks

You're the retards claiming pre production doesn't count as working on the game. Don't @ me

They need to eclipse Witcher 3, but it's not going to happen.

man, you guys are so easy to fool

And? GTA 5 was delayed thrice, from 2011, through 2012 and early 2013, getting released in late 2013.

>'we just need 6 months to patch things up'
>starts panic shoveling money into development
oh god why did i pre-order.. OH GOD NO NO NO NO NO

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>get content of no extra cost


Rockstar in 2013 was probably 10 times the skeleton crew working at cdpr right now

Do you not understand OP's post or what

That's over the course of years, not this week dumbass.

They weren't working on the game in any full production capacity that would have put the game coming out in 2015/16.

>remove content from the game and sell it as DLC

>skeleton crew

They have over a thousand employees

Ah yes. CD Projekt Red and it's one success somehow made it into a BASED AND REDPILLED developer.

Play Nintendo.

You understand that certain months do better for sales than others right?
It was free. It was absolutely ripped from the game, but it wasn't sold you fucking mong

How can the content be removed if it wasn't in the game before you downloaded it?

Maybe if they didn't delay witcher 3 twice they could have

Well did you want them to finish the game or not?

>the content wasn't in the game

Unjustified, they've never made a game worth playing.

That doesn't make sense. They likely would have taken just as much time after Witcher 3 to make this game.

>finish the game
>creating a whole new game as dlc
Yeah I'm SURE they were just "finishing up". Way to be a disingenuous kike.

The content was very blatantly cut out of the game just for good press.
Their expansions were fantastic, but lets not defend their blatant bullshit