The Real Jackbox Thread

Has quarantine gotten you stircrazy, and in need of some companionship?

Why not join your bros from other boards to play some Jackbox?

Joining is easy and doesn't require any install or sign up;

> Go to
> Join OP_AWizard Mixer stream for the Room Code
> Pick your own name
> That's it.

You can join through any web browser-
Your phone, your TV, your PC, your handheld (maybe).

If you like this game, please help by bumping the thread on Yas Forums

Games in order of most popular:
>Robot Rapping - Madlibs with *uncensored* text-to-speech mechas.
>TeeKO - make shirts with slogans
>Quiplash 2 or Fibbage 2 - make funny haha resp
>Drawful or Civic Doodle - Draw the funny haha separately or add to what last user drew.
>Survive the Internet or Bracketeering - are you still reading these? Join the stream already fag, there's room open right now.
>And a whole list of other games that we sometimes play, and everyone complains about.

Join the fun!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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^ tha

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I think we'll start out strong with some Mad Verse City

Calling in the excellent rappers from our last stream: Looking for Squishy

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Looking for Seem

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Much better than the other thread, have a bump

Seeking evaxephon

Attached: evaxephon.gif (1024x512, 416.91K)

Bumping this thread because the other thread has discord fuckwits running the show.



seeking cringe

Attached: cringe.gif (1024x512, 385.2K)

I love it, but as a EOP I'll just watch

You guys think this is a good number, or shall I keep shilling?

we have

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And by EOP I actually mean ESL

6 out of 8 slots open

also rip, keep forgetting i have my posts on auto post

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Calling for Biggie Cheese to step back in the ring

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what packs do you have?

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Jack 3, Jack 4, Jack 5, and Jack 6 thanks to one of you beautiful bastards

Oh and Drawful 2.

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Final round for Rapping - what game next lads?

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We've got 10 people in? Maybe 8?

Get in here fags, we're about to start a new game! Lets get some drawing done.

I say TKO

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you're just a you dick

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I vote TKO

TKO seconded

TKO next please

I wanted to rap damn :(


>didn't get in by like 1 second

drawing tshirts is fun too tho

we rap a lot in the stream

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there will be room next time, as I'm sitting a game or two out to upkeep thread and whatnot

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I want MSM or TMP

I want a gf

Welp, wish I saw this sooner.

We'll do these games in order of
except you fuck MSM That shit can wait

I'm retarded, I spelled Isabelle wrong

Based Steel Reserve and /d/ poster

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Good stuff from that game of TKO

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Do you still have the link? to the gifs

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be honest was this your response too?

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nice frame drops OP


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>purposely chose to self pitch it so we had to stare at a chode for 70 seconds

when is OP gonna ban this faggot for good

His freakouts are fucking hilarious though.


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Diction next, it's fun.

He's become a feature of the stream more than a bug.

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who drew this and

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Wow they really botched Trivia Murder Party huh
This sequel sucks

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