Why havnt you made your self into a avatar and started streaming?

why havnt you made your self into a avatar and started streaming?

i've never seen people throw money at someone like this

Attached: twitchthot47.png (1089x543, 698.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is she actually a whale, bros?

Tell me how and I will.

Alot of them are straight up men.

How sad you have to be to throw money to some fat nerd who's using an avatar and voice changer to stream video games?
These people are pathetic even compared to retards who donate to titty streamers.

She's relatively thin. A little bit of a butterface but she's cool.

I've heard rumors that shes a major feminist whos loves black dick and just uses this avatar/persona to milk incels out of money.

The entire reputation and success of her, depends if it maintains the character, as soon as "she" goes out of character shit will crumble down.
Meanwhile i have no problem visiting the chaturbate streams as long as i don't spend a single penny

Attached: You know what's happening next.png (379x359, 88.12K)

I've heard rumors that you take 10 dicks in your ass at once. user never lies.

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Well the real meme is that she's boring as fuck and has no personality.
It's no wonder her anime model is super generic and has next to nothing interesting about it.
And before you call me a jealous roastie, I jack off to anime porn every night, probably more than you do.

There isn't a single game I'm good at, I'm just stubborn and that's how I beat them.
Still, years ago I found this stream on twitch from a 'deaf' German teen girl who was too shy to have a face cam and couldn't talk to her audience. The page-setup where all the information is was just 1000% girlie. Like all pink and flowers and shit. I had to admire that guy's hustle. His viewers were donating and subbing too.

Mutts law

>The entire reputation and success of her, depends if it maintains the character, as soon as "she" goes out of character shit will crumble down.
After a while she'll realize the moments she goes out of character will make her more viral. That one streamer exposed for being a dude pretending to be a catgirl got more popular.

>There isn't a single game I'm good at, I'm just stubborn and that's how I beat them.

you are me. right now im trying to push through doom eternal on nightmare and im getting my ass handed to me but I can keep trying over and over

>I jack off to anime porn every night, probably more than you do

>a major feminist whos loves black dick and just milks incels out of money
so a woman?

>all the people getting their government money but they never go out and usually just save it all
>now they can give it to millionaire streamers instead

Oh shit user's about to throw down

I thought about it because I thought it would be funny to be an anime girl with my deep as voice, but it took too much work to set up

what drives people to throw money at someone like this?

i cant wrap my head around it

Shits is developing, sadly what i exactly want as an end result of the existence of Melody, will never come...
>I jack off to anime porn every night, probably more than you do
I didn't need to know that user... and you probably are right, but at least you haven reached peak degeneracy... like me

Attached: Bear a fruit.jpg (800x600, 68.6K)

Her voice is absolute sex


Lmao I bet that little sissy isn’t even gonna try.

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There's a lot to be said for staying power, user. You keep at it.

Its the same reason people throw money at e-celebs and the same reason spend thousands on gacha and waifu figs

Sorry I got shit to do right now.
>but at least you haven reached peak degeneracy... like me
If you mean your image, that shit turns me on plenty.
I am also a full on feral fag, including real life.

How do you want me to stream with .1 Mb upload, retard?

I did not need to see that.

but if they bought a fig they would have some kind of tangible item. giving millionaires money is just putting drops in a bucket

Now we are talking.

Attached: Good taiste.jpg (640x480, 58.61K)

impressive low quantity of cum user, you have clearly done this before, today.

yeah i chugged some before i realized i should take a pic

Future Fragments is that hgame. Someone got some advertising done.

I'm afraid I'd say one of the forbidden words and suddenly lose my account

Attached: me as an anime girl.gif (400x321, 1.61M)

Hey who was the streamer that did this but then the software crashed and it turned out to be a fat Asian dude? Was from a few years back, funniest shit ever.

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Wouldn't be surprised if she spends cash on gacha games

It happens a lot with ugly/fat people, mainly with Asians for some odd reason



Your simps probably would save your ass, and Staff will probably also simp off of you... How the fuck men did manage to make better women than actual women... Is robowaifus a possible future though?

Attached: weird isn't.gif (220x220, 57.99K)

>Le ironic weebs throw money at her despite her still being a 3DPD roastie and not a true virtual AI waifu

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>How the fuck men did manage to make better women than actual women
Because a man knows what other men want.

Thank you, my friend.

Because men have to work hard and figure out sometimes difficult paths to get the things they want.

No post webm of you cooking it into brownies

On the lewd chat sites it's to stimulate whatever is in her cooch. On twitch I have no idea.

I still am not sure if the girl behind the avatar is actually masturbating or just acting the whole way.

Men are better than women in everything other than actually making babies

Because it's a task that requires effort and thought. Women just have their lady-ness plopped in front of them in their teens, men have to work for every aspect.

>people use voice changing software and filters to get money out of retards
No durrr retard

Probably a man with some voice software like most of them

She pulls down 20k a week, I think she could afford the real gear.

+$150 +$150 +$150 +$150 +$150 +$150 in the span of 5 minutes

thats like a weeks worth pay

anyone else feel the world is getting a lot more dystopian and cyberpunky but in the worst ways? like what the actual fuck is this shit? thats not even a good 3D model

That's actually extremely rare these days due to changes in the industry

What the fuck is a simp
I keep reading that shit like the new meme reddit buzzword of the month

Maybe, but I don't think it's a bad thing. What would you prefer for this particular case? A real girl doing the same shit? I think having girls be successful with 3d models is a good incentive to make 3dpd step up their game.

Fans are 99% sure she is a woman from listening to her voice and analyzing her gait. They have found a match to her voice to another camgirl and believe it's her based on evidence surrounding the camgirl.

But the real question is if you really want to know?

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We're in the end game my dude.

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To my knowledge: A simp is any man who spends money or time whit an E-Girl that will never meet, and blindly defend these thots on the internet like a white knight for the hope of getting recognition of this female.
And is the most saddest shit i could had ever seen... and Twitch staff is full of them

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>They have found a match to her voice to another camgirl and believe it's her based on evidence surrounding the camgirl.
Please go on. Who is the camgirl?

It's the new underage buzzword for beta, orbiter or whiteknight I guess. Anyone who uses it is guaranteed to be a retard.

Who is it bro? I gotta know

I just dont understand this, is it really that hard to believe its a women?

Its far more likely they have someone who set all this shit up and is taking most of the profit while they are just the actor in front of the camera. If it was a man then somebody would have found hard evidence by now. Which by the way is NEVER brought up. Its always just "Oh i can tell"

Prove this isn't bait this very instance

I know is a girl, for how she acts, it would be quite an impressive feat if it a male though... what i want to know is all behind her, i find it impossible she could had done all that alone.

>VR sucks
>space travel funding cut
>no super cool presthetics
>no robot waifus or husbandos or hyper advanced ai on par with a human
>evil greedy corporations
>but they arent even in your face about it making giant monolithic towers and hiring shady PMC guards while naming themselves
>enviroment getting fucked over but with no major tech advancments to show for it
>China taking over but even they dont look like Deus Ex yet

just freeze me now and wake me up in a few hundred years. this fucking womps

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