

Attached: Utawarerumono_ Mask of Truth_20180921121208.jpg (1920x1080, 544.24K)

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Twins have different colored skin is impossible

They are genetically engineered humans.

I kind of felt bad for Haku that these were his presents from the Mikado and the dirty glares he got from the other girls.

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>chocolate twin is cuter

>not "a pleasure to meat you"
What a waste

I wonder how that worked out.

I really wish the portraits weren't covered in bloom or whatever post processing effect that is

jesus, the ginger gene is strong

>flesh puppets

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the stronger your genes, the closer you are to the root of humanity

Fuck you whoever wished for a sequel with a monkey paw.

>felt bad for haku
>not being jealous af

The sequels were much better than the original though.

they make one sleep in a tanning bed

Mutts are ugly

Especially in terms of combat, in the original it was a such slog.

I'm not saying I felt bad because of what he got, I'm saying he felt bad cause of all those dirty looks he got from the other giirls.

Is this vn worth it?
I'm contemplating getting it on my vita and staying in bed for the winter while playing it.

Play the 1st one first.

yeah I meant the whole series.
Is it worth it?

Yes, very much so.

and the white girl is still the best looking one while everyone else turned out to be the same as any other black
curly hair is a disease

is this the boss where you need to kill both at the same time or they revive each other

Arigato sayonara

Do you need help getting the first game? Don't buy it from the online store, you can't patch that version

i THINK i cant grab a phys copy somewhere, same with a phys copy of steins gate.
Is there something wrong with the online store version?


I beat Mask of Truth yesterday, I loved it as well as the other two.
Entua is a fucking retard and deserved a worse fate.

As someone who isn't into VNs, this series was definitely a fun ride (even though I played the original long after playing Mask of Deception and Truth). I look forward to playing through it in correct order this time when Prelude of the Fallen comes to the states.

I would it's doubly worth it for Vita. Yeah, the portraits aren't as pretty as the PS4 or PC; but the comfiness of playing on Vita is far worth it to me than prettier graphics/portraits.

I'm not sure of the story, but unless you can read japanese; I wouldn't go for it. I just searched up Utawaremono and was able to find it eventually. Hell, I even had it even had a voice patch along with the English patch. The original game on PC doesn't have audio, but the voice patch puts in the audio from the PS2 version.

The patch was specifically made for the physical version, online version "Doesn't have a disk" so you'd need to find a Megasync to DL and mount.

The ending is so unbelievably cheesy, but god damn that last boss fight is fucking great.

I finished the sequels the other day but there are certain things in the plot which still bug me.
why didn't woshis just wait for raiko to kill oshtor before turning on raiko ? and whatever happened to kuuya ?, for a character who got relatively a lot of screen time in the first game she was nowhere, even genjimaru got a mention but she doesn't?
The ending was good and touching but I prefer the first game by a mile.

>why didn't woshis just wait for raiko to kill oshtor before turning on raiko
My guess is because as soon as haku shows up he's on a timer, since haku will take over the humanity redemption stuff.
>whatever happened to kuuya

Considering you visit tuskur and she's nowhere to be found she's probably dead by now.

>kuuya is probably dead
oh come on, Genjimaru then died for nothing. I hope that isn't the case

>woshis wanted to hurry
what? If he hadn't sabotaged Raiko for just a second haku would have died before they all got to the walls and then he could have had his assistants murder the remaining guys

It's sad how avoidable the nuking of Imperial city was.
>if Woshis wasn't an evil cunt wanting to eradicate the tatari for no good reason it would've been averted
>if Woshis didn't turn into a vegetable the moment he found out he was a clone it would've been averted
>if the yatanawarabe let Haku defuse the situation instead of being retards it would've been averted

but I foudn it on the store and it looks like it's in english.
Why does it need a patch?

Wait what store? You're talking about the PC original right?

Not true. I knew some arab twins and one was lighter skinned.

no im talking about the vita version, which is like mask of deception/mask of truth on the vita.

should i go for that or the pc version?

The hell you talking about? The sequels are perfectly fine, even though I have my share of complaints about some stuff in it.

Play the PC version first, the vita game bundle also go on sale fairly often so wait for that

Didn't he need haku and kuon because he didn't know where the master key was and their attack on tuskur already failed once?

what're the differenced between the 2?

I think both the Vita version and the PC versions are fine; it just depends on if you want prettier portraits/graphics versus portability.

I thought you were talking about the original which was only released in Japan (don't worry, I didn't know there was an original game for a while either)

1 isn't on vita yet, it's supposed to come out later this year.

The original on PC(not on steam) tells what happens before Mask of truth and deception

>if Woshis wasn't an evil cunt wanting to eradicate the tatari for no good reason it would've been averted
he had a good reason for that though, the mikado wanted humanity to be relieved of the pain and eternal suffering basically he wanted to lay them to rest. Woshis wanted to carry his will since he is obsessed of being called a true human

o shit, thanks for the warning.
I'm playing umineko rn so ill start that next

If you need help installing the patch or game you can go to the discord:

thanks fren

woshis doesnt know that haku is oshtor till the point where haku and koun visit the mikado again after capturing the imperial capital so no. Then again he tried murdering oshtor again by using the fake princess, oshtor only getting saved by maroro getting in the way.

No problem m8

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It has been quite some time since i last played, but maybe he thought that he could kill oshtor at any time and wanted oshtor to kill raikou instead because he thought that raikou would be more dangerous at that point.

I hope NISA didn't fuck up the remake.

Holy fuck, I can't believe Utawarerumono is on Steam now.

The world has changed.


Didn't Mikado want to try and restore them back to human, rather than destroy them?

>loses her husband
>loses her son
>probably suffered having to see someone else pretending to be her son
>accepts said man as a second son
>also loses him
I would never be able to be a parent this strong.

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a guy who managed to evade all of raikos schemes being more easy to kill than raiko himself makes much little sense when you think from woshis point of view. I think this just bullshit plot hole to remove raiko from the equation

actually no. Mikado simply doesn't tell haku outright that he wants to kill them. That's why hakuouro warns haku saying it is impossible to revert them and it will only bring pain to him, bearing the burden of laying them to rest

I had no problems with woshis, but I don't remember all that well. There were far bigger problems for me, like his fuck boys that were apparently immortal and could run through half the world grievously wounded or maroro surviving 2 billion times.