You see these two games?

You see these two games?

One of them
>Has aged horribly.
>Has terrible controls
>Shit graphics
>Shit story,
>Shit enemies and combat.

The other one is Sonic Adventure.

Attached: mairo_vs_sonic__super_mairo_64_vs_sonic_adventure__by_thescourgekirb_dc57dcz-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 114.25K)

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Mario's in Sonic?

Nice strawman retard.

Mario only gets the special treatment because he's Mario.



>One of them
>Has aged horribly.
>Has terrible controls
>Shit graphics
>Shit story,
>Shit enemies and
Very true.
>The other one is Sonic Adventure.
Yeah looking in the bright side, it could be worse for Mario.

If you honestly think that 64 hasn't aged horribly, you need some type of lobotomy.

Nice reading comprehension

>Death Battle





Sonic is like the guy who constantly tells you he is a badass and "could totally kick that guy's butt if i wanted" and then it comes to fisticuffs he gets KOed in 2 seconds


Sonic Adventure was a better 2D->3D transition than Mario 64, and you're being dishonest if you think otherwise.
>went from 2D linear obstacle courses to cramped nonlinear courses where you carry penguins and jump through hoops to make stars appear
>traditional powerups are gone
>Mario has a health bar and uses punches and kicks, since stomping isn't as effective in 3D
>no other playable characters, not even a cameo from Luigi

Sonic Adventure was both a more faithful replication of the 2D games' formula in 3D, but it also simultaneously took more risks. They gave Tails levels with more of a vertical movement component, since he can fly. Knuckles, with his gliding and flying, was given wide 3D environments to explore - not entirely unlike Mario 64, actually, only he can gather three glowing crystals in a fraction of the time since his base movement is so much faster.

Why do Sonicfags always need to cope so hard over Mario?
Your shitty series lost to Mario in every generation and more people fondly remember Mario than Sonic

Both games have aged terribly.

I think it'd be pretty hard for you to deny that Sonic has more online fan support than Mario ever did.

I feel like its why we sometimes get videos about how sonic could easily beat mario in a fight

>Sonic Adventure was a better 2D->3D transition than Mario 64

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cope more.

It did stick more to the same gameplay in a way, mario went from linear

Extreme autism over OC donut steal isn't proper online support. It's just furfags playing pretend

It's true. Go against the mainstream opinion for a moment. Think for yourself.

Admitting your childhood game is shit is a bitter pill to swallow, I myself am that way with DK64 and prefer it over Mario 64, rather I'm right about dk64 not getting enough love, Sonic Adventure is a bad game

Attached: source.gif (300x223, 1.41M)

*went from a linear sidescroller to mission based collectathon. Sorry, I accidentally cut myself off there.

If someone likes SA, he has shit taste and is most likely a degenerate.

Sega has literally hired fans of the series to work for them. Ever seen Shittendo do that?

>SMB1 > STH1
>SMB2 (both versions) < STH2
>SMB3 > STH3
>SMW > S&K
>SM64 >>>> SA
>SMS < SA2
>NSB (the whole series < Mania

absolutely based.

Wheres your large scale mario fangames

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Idk if it's fair to compare 8-bit and 16-bit games

Oh that's right. Nintendo takes them down. Huh.

What does SC stand for?

Sonic Colors, I like to compare them because I like them both and they're both in space and on the wii

>Have a cousin
>Live in completely different states so we don't see each other often
>When we do meat up we're the best of fuckin' friends
>Overtime we both get into video games
>Become a Nintendofag
>He becomes a Segafag
>When we finally reunite we clash
>Keep arguing over who was better
>or Sonic
Fight never ended in a resolution and we've never reconnected since.

Not OP, and Shitposting aside, but I really do think comparing the adventure games to 64 shows how much the former gets extra shit due to Sonic's bad legacy, and how much the latter gets slack due to Mario's good legacy.

To begin with, the most common criticism of the Adventure games, the camera and controls, are just as applicable as complaints to 64: 64's camera is pretty fucking jank, with no manual controls, and managing it can be a pain at times, just like in Sonic Adventure, and, in SA2 the camera getting caught on shit is pretty rare and it can be fixed via manual adjuistment. (I aslso see sunshine get shit for it's camera even though 64's is worse?)

As far as controls, the Sonic Adventure games are certainly a bit oversenstive in speed stages, SA1 especially, but 64 is just irresponsive: it takes mario ages to go from a stop to a full run, and turning while moving likewise takes forever to shift directions fully and with an incredibly wide turn radius. For fucks sake, people complain about the mechs in SA2 being slow and clunky, but they litterally accelerare and turn faster then Mario does in 64.

All 3 games are also sort of jank and unpolished in general, SA1 perphaps the most-so of the 3, but SA2 the least. People shit on SA1 and 2 for not playing like the classic titles, but 64 doesn't play like the 2d games either.

I honestly think that SA1, while perhaps not as good an overall expierence as 64, also isn't that far behind it, and SA2 is probably even better then 64, or at least AS good: SA1: It's just that SM64 gets so much slack and wiggle room for being the first major fully 3d platformer that it's camera and control issues, it's jank, and how it's different from it's predecessors is ignored; wheras SA1 and SA2 are poisoned by the fact that it's hip to shit on sonic thanks to 06.

With them it is, the nes mario games revived console gaming and sonic pushes nintendo to try and compete, Sonic was the perfect game to show off 16 capabilities, it made it look like you were playing the arcade at the house

>SMB1 >>> STH1
>SMB3 < STH3
>SMW > S&K
>SM64 >>>>>>>> SA
>SMO >>>>> SF
>NSMB (the whole series

>about to be forgotten by both Classic Sonic AND movie Sonic
AHAHAHAHAHA and I thought Digimon fans had an inferiority complex

Attached: realsoniclaughing.png (420x420, 116.99K)

absolutely 100 percent based
fuck shitendo, fuck snoy and fuck microshit

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Sonic Adventure is the game that ruined Sonic forever until Mania came out.

I thought the complaints about the mechs was that they were annoying and boring and took up 1/3rd of the game

Absolutely fucking based. What a twist.


>bad controls
The movement is entirely based around momentum you dumbass. It does a better job at it than any 3D Sonic game.

You like Colors more than Galaxy?


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Most of 64's stages are basically linear, though: Shit like Thwomp's fortress or Rainbow ride might not be straight lines, but you move through them along a predefined linear pathway.

Even Bomb-omb battlefield and the non-linear stages still essentially have all their shit along a single preset pathway.

Sunshine's the only real 3d mario game to actually have actual platforming sandboxes, with Riccio Harbor, Bianco Hills, Gelato Beach, Pinna Park, etc having actual platforming jungle gyms where you can freeily make your own platforming pathways across and through them any which way.

Even oddessy for the most part has preset paths through each of it's stages which you need specific captured enemyies and shit to get through, it's just those paths branch out: New Donk City is the only stage that's a true sandbox like most of sunshine's.

Haven't played a ton of games from both series, but

SA2 > Sunshine => Oddesy > SM64 > Sonic Advance => SA1 >>>> Heros >> 06 > Shadow

Mania fags would sniff and gargle on Whitehead's ballsack and cum for a Mania 2.

I haven't even played Aventure 2 but I ranked it higher than Maro Sunshine despite liking it a lot, because adventure 2 does more for its fans

>it's okay it's unresponsive because "momentum"

No, fuck off, I hate this excuse, both for 64 and for the classic sonic games.

It's possible to design a moveset around rewarding momemtum without crippling the players's moveset when moving at normal speeds: That's a lazy way out.

You can have the player still accelerate and turn in a way that doesn't feel like garbage, and then just actually reward the player for building up speed by allowing you to move past the normal speedcap you'd normal reach via running on flat ground via inclines and the like: This way you both move responsively at low speeds and can build up to qa satisying normal top speed easily, and then get rewarded with EXTRA speed via careful management of your momeutm.

I mean as I argue above in that comment, I'd say Sunshine does a better job of actually having open 3d sandboxes which encourage platforming then either 64 or oddessy.

Sonic Mania is a side game. The main series isn't affected by it.

There's no proof that movie sonic is going to forget about the plot of the adventure games.


>sonicfags still seething 25 years later

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Only sonic fans would care about whether he could win against mario

I know it's hard, but accepting that childhood games were shit is a part of life.

>introduced annoying horrible characters
>introduced ridiculous overcomplicated plot and character interactions
>Made the music way shittier
>Made the gameplay into a clusterfuck of nonsense
Sonic will never be good in in 3D.

Sonic evolved in the way that a shonen did.

This is your brain on being a classicfag.

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>the only time modern Sonic was good was when he piggy-backed off of Classic
>even his own 2D games are trash

>even his own 2D games are trash
S3&K and Mania are better than any 2D mario game, continue to cope and seethe.