Was it the greatest hoax in recent memory?

Was it the greatest hoax in recent memory?

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no my happiness is

>No one has proven credit for this
Which is odd because usually people like this would reveal themselves after some time in order to use it to promote themselves
I personally stand by the theory it was viral marketing for the Grinch movie

Nope, the greatest hoax hasn't been discovered yet just like how people believe the Playstation 5 is real

Yeup. I'm thinking it's fake.

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Most people believed that image

mariotehplumber did it.

Pretty decent one. It's an obvious fake in hindsight but it convinced a hella lot of people at the time. Hell, it had more "this is real" flags than the Ken/Incineroar leaks did up until the actual Ken leak with the no-ink Splatoon stage in the background.

The Cacodemon and Mallow hat one kinda died as soon as nobody was able to fully disprove it in short order. I haven't kept track of the modding scene so I dunno if the filesize limitations have been overcome or not, but it was really cool to see people take interest in Mii hat modding on account of the leak, even if to just try and disprove it.

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No, but it created the most tears.

>all the characters in the leak got in the game in one way or another
>Steve is nowhere to be seen
How does that feel stevies?

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I recall him shutting up pretty quickly after it turned out he could get in serious legal trouble for trying to claim responsibility for it.

Even if he backtracked, he never did show actual proof
We still don't have a clear picture of the banner despite the hoaxer could just post it anonymously here

>All the characters
what? the only one that ended up being in was Ken.

>MarioTehPlumber almost got lolsuited
When was this?

only if he lied about it in court and got caught for it or only if he was actually involved
claiming you did something would otherwise only get you subpoena'd for testimony and then you'd get asked to explain why you would lie
but that's not illegal by itself if you're just some rando
like i could claim to have done it and they'd do an investigation to see if i had any real ties to it
but no legal trouble would happen to me

If it's him, I think Balish helped him.
If so credit these guys.

>Banjo and Ken: fighters
>Everyone else: either spirits or assists
>Steve: nowhere to be seen and is now considered a never ever

Steven at least will become a fighter

Yeah, no.

Why is Shulk after the clones and with the 3rd parties? Why is G&W melting into Wario? Fakest shit I've ever seen.

The only reason this gained traction was because the French company shit itself and started deleting things.

I was expecting it to make national news when it was proven as a hoax

That's the strangest part of all this though. What caused them to do that? Did they panic?

This one was obviously fake as it referenced a previous leak
Real leakers never do that

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It's surprisingly unlikely to be fake because of the models' quality. It's in a weird limbo where it has dipshit rookie slip-ups, but it has proof that's pretty irrefutable.

I'd be down for that.

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Hey. Fun fact; when Gayexplain; Yes, the SAME Gayexplain that knew that Byleth was FP5 for months before everyone else including insiders/leakers like Vergeben (i.e IIRC, VB said that FP5 isn't a Nintendo character and look what happened) reported about the Cacomallow leak, they refused to show off the pics and video of the Cacomallow leak just like how they did with the Ken leak.
Ken leak video
Cacomallow leak videos
Pretty strange for them to do this despite them saying they don't believe the Cacomallow leak is real. Is as if they know the leak is actually real and they don't want to make Nintendo mad since they're Nintendo's proxy PR team.

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Keep deluding yourself retard, it’s been like 7 months already

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Only banjo and ken got in

where the fuck did you get Steve come from

It's in-line with what's-his-nuts saying the hats were "probably real but not related to FP5". It sounded like patent horseshit at the time because of Nintendo developing things in chronological order of release, but that probably just means Smash's fighters are done WAY, WAY ahead of release-schedule and the remaining time is spent bugtesting or just developing the next fighter in line. When the hats were being developed, Byleth was probably already finished and whoever the ARMS representative is was either done or being developed.

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unironically still thing the rayman leak was one of the better ones and every one after wasn't convincing

He's a real credible guy. Very happy to play as Tracer on my Minecraft custom stage with Minecraft content in the base game playing against the first DLC character who was from SE. When I get bored of Smash I play as Raditz in DBFZ or rewatch the Viewtiful Joe 3 trailer from E3 2019. Virginben is such a prophet I'm sad he deconfirmed a Link's Awakening remake ever from happening.

Rayman leak was more convincing

Nigga, they’re fucking mii costumes, why would they make them that fucking early in development
Also modding exists
do you think people can’t put effort on a hoax? Look at the image OP posted

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When did vergeben say tracer

nobody was that stupid
Did people really think nintendo would reveal shit on a program dedicated to fanmade content?

When the Overwatch case on Amazon leaked

>why would they make them that fucking early in development
If you'd read the post you'd see I wrote it was because they're probably several character-releases ahead of us on the development schedule. DOOM stuff and a Mallow hat is unrelated to FP5 and FP6 (the Cacodemon hat implies some kind of main representation; it's not a Doomguy hat like other Mii-only series which usually have the lead character as a costume), which means it's material intended for FP7 or later.
>Also modding exists
Totally irrelevant just like it was seven months ago, you're fundamentally misunderstanding why hats' level of detail are important. You can't do that with Mii costume modding, you have to abide by a very restrictive filesize or else the game crashes and we don't know what compression method Nintendo uses for high-detail models with as small a size as required. The Mallow hat in the footage had jiggle-bones that didn't behave like the Slime hat's jiggle-bones, so it wasn't a Slime hat replacement.

60% of Yas Forums believed it.

Even if the cacomallow leak is real it doesn’t confirm doomguy and geno as fighters

no, it was actually pretty shit, the writing was on the wall but you ignored it because you wanted shadow and geno

>Sakurai confirmed that content is shipped overseas for localization purposes literally days before being shown off in Byleth's reveal
>yet someone at NoA somehow not only had access to what is at least Fighter Pass #7 content at least eight, if not more, in advance

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I STILL cant see the grinch in this

Sakurai is a filthy liar when it suits him and there's not much to localize.

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>a flipnote leak
>when the original was killed from cunny
>and miiverse dead
>thinking anyone could believe this

It could still be real, and the hats drop with the ARMS fighter. If they don't drop by then we can say it's fake as there is no reason to wait any longer, hell if real they shoulda dropped with Byleth due to the timing. People thinking it means Doom Guy or Geno are retarded though. We got a Rabbid outfit, but no rayman and Altier or whoever from asscreed but no other asscreed shit.

>When the Overwatch case on Amazon leaked
Good times.

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Literally what purpose would Sakurai have for lying about basic development techniques

Lmao no you can't.
>he made a fake image and posted it to an untrustworthy website, sue him

It confirms Doomguy more than it confirms Geno. Geno's already done since he'd be a port-over of his costume from the previous game like all the Mega Man costumes, plus Mario was the main character of his game. Doomguy depends on if a Mii Gunner/Brawler costume is revealed for him or not.
>someone at NoA
More likely to be NoJ and they wait several months to ship it out at all. Byleth was top-secret for no real reason.

>Your company randomly getting bombarded by thousands of autists calls asking you some questions about some Smash shit you've never heard of
>Randos start showing up to the place demanding to see pictures of someone named Banjo

I'd freak out too. It must have been especially shitty for that one guy who got his named attached to all this shit.

Yes. It's taken for granted, but businesses are big about not breaking NDAs. Getting caught up in an actual leak like that could see their credibility tank in the eyes of potential/current business partners.

>nobody was that stupid
Nice revisionism. The buttblasted response when the rug got pulled out from under people says otherwise.

Can somebody please remix this but replace the part with the guy complaining about the grinch leak and people hiding in their holes with people complaining that the leak wasn’t real. youtube.com/watch?v=CmbU4JwDh1U

Has he said anything recently? I haven't heard much about him after Byleth.


>More likely to be NoJ and they wait several months to ship it out at all. Byleth was top-secret for no real reason.
So you're telling me that:
>Sakurai has been lying all this time about development and actually has tons of content in store and is just staggering releases out despite the ARMS character literally being delayed
>Sakurai was also lying when he said that new fighters are genuinely kept underwraps despite recently saying that COVID19 was going to make a project he described as "high-security" difficult
>A rogue employee of NoJ, with some English understanding, somehow decided to post on Yas Forums rather than any other Japanese site
>Decided to leak content scheduled for beyond at least June 2020 in November 2019
>Decided to leak content that just so happened to align with two highly requested characters in the west rather than anything that's actually been confirmed since such as Terry, Terry's stage, Terry's Mii costumes, Byleth, Byleth's stage, Byleth's Mii costumes, ARMS character, ARMS stage, ARMS Mii costumes
is more likely than:
>it's not real

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I did kind of despise the way the grinch rosterfags acted like they were holier than thou, even before then, they acted like cunts. I remember geno fans tried starting a bro relationship with skull kid fans like k rool and ridley fans started after they were confirmed, only to then abandon that when the grinch leak was announced, I wish a lot of deconfirmations didn’t happen, but I feel like it was a bit of karma. I still like most of the picks, but god damn, I hated how they tried to act like they were the good ones when they were as much as cunts as the rest

>Sakurai has been lying all this time about development and actually has tons of content in store and is just staggering releases out despite the ARMS character literally being delayed
Artificially extending the game's update-cycle by not releasing things as soon as they're done is out of the question?
>Sakurai was also lying when he said that new fighters are genuinely kept underwraps despite recently saying that COVID19 was going to make a project he described as "high-security" difficult
That doesn't make sense with work-at-home or just delaying things.
>A rogue employee of NoJ, with some English understanding, somehow decided to post on Yas Forums rather than any other Japanese site
I don't recall it being posted on Yas Forums first, you may be mixing it up with some of the disprovals that've popped up, or my memory's failing me.
>Decided to leak content scheduled for beyond at least June 2020 in November 2019
Yeah. Mii costumes would hardly take up any development resources, it's the fighter that'd be the important part and there's obvious QA testing, balancing and bugfixing to do. It's still not a simple or quick thing to develop a fighter even with the team likely sitting on them for long stretches.
>Decided to leak content ... actually been confirmed since such as Terry,
Terry was like four days away when that leaked.
>Byleth, Byleth's stage, Byleth's Mii costumes,
Who gives a shit about Byleth?
>ARMS character, ARMS stage, ARMS Mii costumes
Supposedly development is highly-fragmented since characters are secret. It brings up the question of whether the leaker had access to that, and probably not if he didn't leak it.
>is more likely than: it's not real
Modders can't get around the limitations imposed by Mii hats. It being real and everything that >implies is likelier than it not being real.

I'm still mad.
Gamexplain also made a video about the Flipnote "leak" and look at how that turned out.

Didn’t some guy say the grinch leak was so hard to disprove that the us government couldn’t even make a fake that good?

>Byleth, Byleth's stage, Byleth's Mii costumes,
people would probably call bullshit because of the "new game worlds" bit to be desu, same deal with incineroar where nobody wanted to believe vergeben because they didn't want that choice

>>Byleth, Byleth's stage, Byleth's Mii costumes,
>Who gives a shit about Byleth?
Not him, but are you seriously gonna imply they wouldn't have thought to include the fucking Cuphead costume?

>the us government couldn’t even make a fake that good
Saudi Arabia's actually

>Artificially extending the game's update-cycle by not releasing things as soon as they're done is out of the question?
There's a difference between extending the game's lifespan and having completed content made three fighters passes ahead of time.
>That doesn't make sense with work-at-home or just delaying things.
>I don't recall it being posted on Yas Forums first, you may be mixing it up with some of the disprovals that've popped up, or my memory's failing me.
>Yeah. Mii costumes would hardly take up any development resources
If Mii costumes hardly take up any development resources, do you really think they're all done way in advance? What would be the point in finishing all the Mii costumes before actually releasing the fighters they're going to be released with? You'd just have completed work lying around for months, even years, before they could even see the light of day. It's dev time better spent elsewhere.
>Terry was like four days away when that leaked.
Which should make it even more damning. Including Terry would've been a complete nail in the coffin for anyone who didn't believe it because he hadn't been released and the fact that he was so close to release means he was almost certainly complete. And yet, he's absent.
>Who gives a shit about Byleth?
When it comes to generating attention, leaking a new character is going to get you a whole lot more cookie points than some Mii costumes. Plus, do you really think that Altair and Cuphead wouldn't be great things to leak?
>Supposedly development is highly-fragmented since characters are secret
The idea that this one leaker would specifically have access to Fighter Pass #7 Mii Costumes but not Fighter Pass #4-6 Mii Costumes or anything else is delusional, especially considering Terry was so close to release
>Modders can't get around the limitations imposed by Mii hats.

this p much
i was trying to say that it would still be doable and whoever figured out whatever trick you needed to do to make it work probably most likely just didn't feel like revealing the way
there are a lot of people in every work of life who won't reveal their tricks for whatever dumbass selfish reason they have because they're marks for themselves and they should be hung out to dry like a darkie
and the art? i remember someone said of it that nobody would ever make that much effort just for a fake leak, and "that's why it's real"
you've never seen how crazy people get just to pull the wool over people's eyes, to dismiss something so easily with that logic is why you're so easy to fool, and why people on this board are FUCKING STUPID and EASILY WORKED
you are the same kinds of fans who love vince russo because you love when people EXPOSE THE BUSINESS, because it settles your simian minds in having absolute proof
you guys are drug addicts with impatient minds in need of certainty that you act jaded like a moron to the bitter end
even during the presidential elections, you've shown this nature and that's why you're disgusting and need to be dealt with in nothing less than gruesome fashion

The holocaust.

you do know that's basically fraud right?

>posts a video where the limitations aren't circumvented at all
do you think for even a moment that hat meets or exceed the quality-bar set by the leak hats