>there hasn't been a new Ninja Gaiden game in a decade

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I think Yaiba came out less than a decade ago. I don't want them to make a sequel unless they go back and look at what made NGB so good because while Nioh is fun, it still doesn't come close to Ninja Gaiden.

I thought it was just about confirmed that KT/TN intend to make another one

Yaiba doesnt count lol

Nioh 2 bombed. They will be making another NG after Nioh 2 DLCs.

might as well say there hasn't been one since 2008 then

Ninja Gaiden 3 was that big of a disaster, Razor’s Edge only tried to patch its damage, it succeeded to an extent but the damage was too much; then they had "brilliant" idea of accepting Inafune’s proposal of lending the Ninja Gaiden brand to his company’s new zombie/ninja game, so Yaiba was born and the Ninja Gaiden name was stained even further.

Team Ninja’s reputation got thrown into the mud for a while until they lucked out with Nioh receiving some good praise and selling decently over the years, so they are focusing on the one brand that gets them some applause these days, maybe once they are confident that a true Ninja Gaiden game can be made again, they might get onto it.

Team Ninja has been busy with Nioh, DoA, and MUA3 for the past years
Plus they're only recently getting used to having no Itagaki

Nioh team could easily create a good Ninja Gaiden game

Don't forget Team Ninja made Other M. Same retard who did the Sigma versions was one of the designers of it.

Don't forget Dissidia NT, oh wait that was a gigantic disaster.
God Team Ninja fucking sucks these days.

>Nioh 2 bombed.
Nioh 1 didn’t have stellar initial sales, they are betting on long term sales. KT celebrated Nioh 1 reaching 1 million sales 2 years after its release.

Metroid’s director at the time and long time Metroid staff, Yoshio Sadamoto, fully stood behind Other M entire project, anyone saying Other M was all on Team Ninja and Nintendo was innocent in this ordeal is completely ignorant at best and a Nintendo blind loyalist at worst.

It took DMC a full 12 years to get the DMC4 sequel it deserved, Ninja Gaiden 3 was first released in 2012, give it time.

It’s the team that made the Sigma versions and Ninja Gaiden 3, they are just learning from their mistakes.

No Hayashit so it's a fundamentally different team.

>No Hayashit
Wrong, the first Nioh was directed by Yasuda and Hayashi, only Nioh 2 was directed by just Yasuda.

Yasuda wanted to make NG after Nioh 2 but Koei CEO told him to finish the DLCs first. It's coming.

>It’s the team that made the Sigma versions and Ninja Gaiden 3
not him but there's no hope then

Itsuno was brought at the last second to direct the mess that was DMC2, and he still couldn’t salvage it, but he still went to make DMC3. People can learn from their failures if they want to, Team Ninja isn’t without salvaging yet, I say their parent company Koei Tecmo is a bigger problem than Team Ninja is.

It doesn't help that Ninja Gaiden doesn't have the sort of persistent obsessive fanbase that kept pestering Capcom to make another DMC game.

Yeah it will come sooner or later, Ryu only went through two bad games, he has had more good games than that.

directors dont mean a fucking thing

they used to, but all the disappointing releases made them Souls and DmC fans

Smaller brand at the end of the day, Ryu is a classic character with 30 years of story at this point but Capcom and DMC is just bigger, with greater reach.

Why Ninja Gaiden went to shit after Itagaki left then? Team Ninja didn’t lose more a few people after he left and they followed.

They decide where the development should be steered at after the publisher has made its demands, yes they mean a lot of fucking things.

Silent Hill sure went to brighter places after losing its director and core members.

honestly begging microsoft for ngb and ng2 backwards compatibility was enough

and i think most ninja gaiden fans realize we can't have a good ng4 after ng3

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name one fucking Western director from a successful franchise.
You can't, because the "director" of a video game is some stupid fetishized japanese garbage

John Romero, Ken Levine, Paul Neurath, Tim Cain.

No but you see user if a game doesn't sell five million copies in the first week it's a massive unprofitable flop. Yas Forums told me so.

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Wow I thought you were just ignorant but you are actually missing a few brain cells.

Advertising budget, that’s what makes publishers demand for millions of sales of a game, Koei Tecmo doesn’t nearly the same prospect since they don’t have the EA, Activision, Bethesda, Capcom, Square Enix money to burn with advertising.

>but Capcom and DMC is just bigger, with greater reach.
Ninja Gaiden 2 and Devil May Cry 4 both sold about the same amount on 360- NG2 sold 1.2 million and DMC4 sold 1.3 million. The only reason they couldn't stay comparable was that Sigma 2, vanilla 3, and Yaiba were brand-harming mistakes of varying scale and the only mistake Capcom made with DMC was the way they handled the reboot.

Also I think a major problem is that Ninja Gaiden doesn't have the sort of identity in its story that makes people remember Devil May Cry. DMC's story is consistently dumb but it's got a very distinct tone and approach to iconography and at least attempts at character building. NG's story by contrast is just a Lorem Ipsum of generic ninja anime. For better or worse I think that makes people remember NG less in the long run.

People generally underestimate how good a million sales are. Expectations for blockbuster titles are so high because the production and advertising costs are so absurdly bloated.

Like it or not, Todd Howard.

you wouldn't want a new Ninja Gaiden game by the current "Team Ninja".

Ninja Gaiden is one of those series where everybody knows what it is but it never really penetrated the public consciousness beyond that. It's like how Megaman is "big" but the games always have extremely modest sales.

They've all been too hard. Normies hate hard games.

Itagaki said he will most likely be showing his new game this year so maybe we'll get something similar and his publisher won't go bankrupt during development this time.

No, it's just the Itagaki Xnigger shitposting again

I'm fine with the IP being dead instead of driven to the ground and turning into Gacha like DOA6.

I hope it's good. There was stuff I genuinely liked about Devil's Third even if it was garbage overall.

DMC4 initial sales was considered lackluster by Capcom, that’s why they tried to reboot it, they were expecting way more than that after DMC3 made the brand become a true household name by selling a truckload after its initial sales (due DMC2 killing expectations) afte people realized DMC3 was nothing like DMC2. Overall DMC is the bigger brand in terms of the best selling single entries, and Capcom is a much bigger company than Koei Tecmo. I love Ninja Gaiden to death but that’s the reality of things.

>Yas Forums talking about games they know fuck all about again

I've finished every DMC game except for 2 and DmC and I'd have to say the plots are on par in terms of being completely unmemorable, especially DMC4 with muh Kyrie and Church shit. What made Ninja Gaiden stand out were its photorealistic graphics, different environments, awesome music, challenging enemies, and gameplay that actually made you feel like a badass ninja running on walls and slicing heads off. It's like when people say God Hand's story is endearing. It's trash that exists as filler between stages and that's all that it needs to be even though I love Elvis.

take your meds and take Nintendo's dick out of your ass, you schizo

what does any of my post have to do with Nintendo? You're either him or new

>It's like how Megaman is "big" but the games always have extremely modest sales.
Sheer number of titles made for it, even if only 4 or so Mega Man titles ever sold a 1 million copies, it always sold decently enough regardless, and now people are ironically making Mega Man titles sell 1 million titles more consistently than ever before, Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X Anniversary Collection both sold a million copies in the latest report.

It's the same schizo in every NG thread who shills Sigma even though the differences have been discussed to death and backwards compatibility has made Sigma irrelevant.

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The original trailer for it from 2010 looked legitimately fun despite it being obviously very framey. Having to switch engines as well as consoles really fucked it up.

you are not a NG fan. You never were and you never will be, stop being a poser

>literally confirms it's him

What a worthless piece of shit you are

I want to play the one on Vita but they said it's extremely hard.
Is it Dark Souls hard or DMC3 hard?

I don't know who "him" is but you need help and should stop using "literally" like a valley girl.

>Sigmafags and Anti-Sigmafags have come.
Yeah, every thread at this point.

i was doing the archive challenge in ng 2004 on very hard right before this thread appeared
not really sure what you're on, but ng3 was trash

It's probably gonna be harder than both for you. Play it though, it's great.

God Hand's story is orders of magnitude more memorable than any Ninja Gaiden game. It's filled with jokes, elaborate setpieces, character interactions, even stuff that bleeds into gameplay like the Kick Me sign. I haven't played GH in like three years but I still think I could describe the outline of at least a dozen different cutscenes off the top of my head; I don't think I could do that for a single NG cutscene. God Hand's story is what you get when people don't care about making their game's story make sense or maintain a consistent tone and just want to have fun with it. Ninja Gaiden is what you get when they just don't care about the story.

I am a Yaiba fag desu

>still pretending is a 2 sided issue when in every fucking thread it's always the same faggot and his discord boyfriends who start it, often being the OP

You're helping a lot.

>God Hand's story is what you get when people don't care about making their game's story make sense or maintain a consistent tone and just want to have fun with it.
No, that would be No More Heroes. God Hand is mostly just poorly translated Japanese Jokes. Personally the ideal brawler/beat-em-up story for me is MadWorld where all the jokes fit the setting and story perfectly but God Hand's gameplay blows it out of the water.


>i remember things that have been shilled to me non stop for years


This reminds me of movies about a decade ago. Still so now. Video games have reached the arc movies have in terms of media in literally less than half the time. Fick people who say they aren't art. The sample size is just much smaller, but still relevant.

I think the better question is where the fuck are the PC ports? Like every old KT titles are on PC now, but no, not NG.

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The only chance of there being PC ports is if Microsoft brings backwards compatibility to PC.

Sigma is fine console fanboy

We're too busy dealing with Taimanin Asagi

It's fine on normal. Then you start playing on the higher difficulties and the Rachel sections become so much worse, the loading screens everywhere become extra annoying when you have to do the same parts again, the removal of nunchucks completely and no starting with lunar makes the long intro sequence with no saves in between more grating, the rehashed bossfights with a new skin and maybe one move more annoying. It's an inferior version which is why the discussion is almost always about NGB. It's just a bad port done by an amateur B-team.