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Other urls found in this thread:

Smash Ultimate
Olympus has Fallen
Skillet,Breaking Benjamin
Mac and Cheese
Skirt Suits
Angry, tired of hearing of this virus and i dont even know what to do with my life.

Christ, it's friday already....
Every week is the same and they go so fast..

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Tekken 7
New Empress Of album
Sweet Chili Pistachios
Grape Nos and Vodka
Idk. Deffos something gay.

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mods have deleted this thread 3 times today for a reason, user

Because you're a cocksucking reportfag?

Animal Crossing NH. Currently farming Cherry-Blossom petals since it's the last day of the cherry-blossom event.
The new Gorillaz single is 10/10
And the new The Strokes record is also really fucking good.
Iron Gold
Don't know yet.
Maybe some chicken and pasta
I don't wanna be alive anymore. The crushing loneliness is killing me.
And best friend is gone.

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Animal Crossing, SFV, and Tekken 7
Homeland and Haikyuu!
Android Apartment
Anal Milfs
Pretty comfy starting to get used to being unemployed

had some fried chicken
water boys
plump asian milfs
bretty gud :--D

mac n sleeze makes me cream the cheese

Enough with these lame threads. Shut it down.

it's the same autistic losers wanting a chat room every week, you can tell from their replies



RE 2 on N64 and RE 6 later
Hellsing ultimate and cum town
Autopsy, Death and Judas Priest
Chips and salsa
Coffee and water
Loli and kawaii girl
Alright, online classes suck.

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Welcome to the N.H.K.
Marilyn Manson
Fried Rice
Chocolate Milk
The memories of what it was like to get laid
Okay I guess

These threads are always going to be a thing, NIGGER.

>all these fucking waterfags
God y'all are boring

At least have some good tea or something

why do mods keep deleting them before they even hit 100 replies

Vermintide 2, Animal Crossing and Final Fanatsy X
Darkwing Duck
Morning Glory - Tatsuro Yamashita
Chili con carne
Restless, lost my job a few days ago and cant get another job due to my country's lockdown.

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Dorf Fort



Papa Murphy's T&B

Sierra Nevada water and decaf coffee


Comfy quarantine vibes

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Based EATAN, my favorite snack.

Jesus Christ why does the thread keep dying? Do people just not care what day it is anymore?

FF7 Remake - It's really great so far, but there's some jarringly janky and unpolished stuff in the slums. The camera can be a nightmare sometimes and combat can be overwhelming if you try to play it like KH. Slowing down time and menuing is basically required. Also, Jesse is fucking adorable.
Scoops of peanut butter and chocolate chips and tea.
I really wanna fap to Jesse from FF7 remake.
I'm okay today. My neck is incredibly fucked up though and I'm hoping that it's just a bad pinched nerve and not a tumor or something.

why would you do that to yourself?

is GO the only way to get into Counter Strike these days? I imagine CS Source servers are all just people far too elite to keep up with.

How you liking AC? Enjoy the neet life bro.

what happened to your best friend?

>Sweet Chili Pistachios and FF Tactics
sounds amazing

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REmake, FF7, and Madworld
Star Trek Voyager and Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Lil Peep
Ice cream
My dick aches from jacking off so going to sleep
I'm so fuckin bored and I almost wish I was working. Might call my mom I dunno just want to talk to someone else. Hope the stimulus check gets deposited and the 600 dollar back pay does too.

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Idk, they used to last all day.

There are still CS 1.6 servers up, so I presume there also CS Source servers up. I wouldn't say GO is the only way to get into CS, but it's certainly the most accessible. That being said, I still play 1.6 every now and then and there will always be people at the bottom the board doing poorly, but you shouldn't let it detour you from playing. I'm sure most people in older games are just happy that there players there in the first place.

Just to complete it, I've beaten most RE games except gaiden and dead aim.

Really liking AC but the bunny day event absolutely killed a lot of my enjoyment and haven't really it as much. Thankfully that shit is ending soon.

They're too goddamn good. Totally worth the $6 where I get them at.

Don't feel like Friday but alright.
OSRS, Doom Eternal, and maybe some DayZ later.
Might watch Event Horizon. I keep hearing it's an unofficial 40k movie so it sounds interesting.
Gwen Stafani. Gotta say, she looks pretty good for someone who's 50.
This thread plus still writing that piece for /trash
Some Hamburger Helper.
One giant glass of water.
I have mixed feelings about being an essential employee. On one hand, I'm still working normal hours, haven't taken a pay cut, or have be furloughed like a ton of other people. On the other, my job has taken up even more of my life than usual, barley have time to do shit like finish my thing I'm writing, and I barley talk to my family anymore. At least I'm still working I guess.

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same people every week who never want to converse with me because my interests are bad :(
>Every week is the same and they go so fast
>Before people would think every week is the same
>Now every week is mandatorily the same
it's kind of poetic and comfy desu
what's in your fried rice? gimme cooking inspo
...didn't a huge 310 post thread just 404 of natural causes? that's how threads work anons

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what are you getting with your trumpbux?

>Comfy quarantine vibes
same here if this lasts through the Summer it might be the longest I've ever been a Neet

what country are you in?

>Welcome to the N.H.K.
very fitting

Is it as bad as people say? I've only ever seen the reviews never played myself.

I'm getting a new rig soon and I wanted to make an effort to get into CS because I had so much fun playing on a party Yas Forumsan server once. I really like Source but GO didn't really click with me the same way.

Yeah bunny day has lasted too long. I'm a bit sad how fast the content drip feed has dried up too. I wake up with very little new news or happenings on my island lately.

New Horizons, DOOM II, and Fighter's History. Might start RE 3 Remake later.
Coroner - No More Color
Fish sticks and steak fries
Strawberry Bubly

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I'd say to play Leon's and Chris's campaign if you're a die hard fan, but yeah it is pretty bad.

bad company 2, COD:MW
frozen pizza (cooked it first)
I had to stand in line for the liquor store yesterday for a good 45 minutes and I just barely got in so im gonna enjoy this rum
looking for something, im in the mood for some big fake 90s tits
fucking decent actually, pretty fucking decent

VTMB (first playthrough, loving it). Also Dying Light first time and its great. Probably RO2 later with friends
Casino since it's on. Probably gonna watch Seinfeld or 3 Stooges later while I hit the bong
The Doors and a bunch more 60s rock.
Had some costco pizza for lunch. Probably gonna grill up a skirt steak for dinner and make some corn tortillas and guacamole
Gold Cliff IPA. Got Jameson and coke for night time
Probably some milf shit
Pretty good. Very comfy as I have 0 responsibilities now. This strangely feels like I'm back to 13-16 year old me where nothing mattered besides having fun. Unfortunately this feeling comes with a pandemic.
Hope everyone else is comfy and safe and I hope I get a (you)
>Breaking Benjamin
Great taste
Based LISTENAN user
Another great LISTENAN choice, also enjoy the chips and salsa
>fish sticks
What are you, a gay fish?

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> Grape Nos and Vodka
what are you, gay or something?

maybe get the hint and stop posting in them if nobody gives a shit about you user

>bad company 2
I miss that game. People still play it?
Glad your enjoying VTMB, that game is perfect for the quarantine since you can take it slow and its atmospheric and comfy. Same with Dying light to a degree. Here's that (you), you wanted by the way

>what country are you in?
NZ, lockdown is supposed to end on the 22nd. My old workplace might rehire sometime after the lockdown though.

I'm thinking of picking Majora's Mask 3D up again. I purposefully got the early shit out the way so whenever I wanted to I could jump right into the meat of the game.
Star Wars as background noise. I can't help but laugh like an idiot when I hear all the meme lines now.
Majora's Mask OST.
Boys (girls)
Eh. The days seems to be flying by.

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>what are you, gay or something?

Yea, I am. What about it?

Red dead online
was watching and listening to stand up shows
had ramen noodles and chicken
nuthin (get it?)
chill. wish i didn't have to work too but hey at least i still have a job

Tekken 7
valorant streams trying to get a beta drop
coke zero
no idea yet
I got a taiko drum controller that's supposed to arrive in almost 30 days so I'm excited for that

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still a few servers

ACNH even though my island is shitty rn, at least I got my least favorite villager to leave! thinking about getting the touryst on sale
those lofi chillhop 24/7 streams on yewtube
wife is makin some gnocchi and ground turkey stew with peas and carrots, we'll see how it goes
eh but will probably take some xannies later to go along with the beer

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Whiskey bacon burger with boneless honey bbq sauce.
Chonky girls.
Pretty good.

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Persona V Royale. It's my first Persona game, liking it so far.
Ozark Season 2
To whatever I'm playing or watching.
Ansel Adams: A Biography
Beer, have a nice sampler pack from a local brewery.
For 30 seconds after spending 20 minutes looking for something good.
Relaxed. Have a bit of a headache though.

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What's good, anons? Best thread of the week right here. Mostly a repost from earlier today...
Apex Legends, Metro Exodus. I was skeptical about the latter but I'm at the Volga now and loving exploring the map. Nothing better than taking down the bandits one by one with the pneumatic rifle.
The Simpsons
Fake Doctors, Real Friends, Zach Braff and Donald Faison's podcast about Scrubs. Pretty kino.
The Soul of an Octopus
Pulled pork sammie
7/10. In a bit of a funk with the pandemic shit but thankful my family is alright and I can work from home. I'm also grateful I have a group of bros to chill with an play games at night, definitely helping to keep me sane.

>Doom Eternal
How you digging it, user? I finished it on Nightmare earlier this week myself, thought it was pretty damn good.

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Is Red Dead Online worth playing alone? I heard there's some type of campaigned tied to it.

Going to either save it or pay off my car so I can actually own a decent car.

FF7R and Grandia 2
The good the bad and the ugly
Nothing in particular. Just random stuff
Chicken tendies
Orange soda
Annabel Redd
Loving FF7R

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Radiant Historia
Tower of God
Its 2AM here but I'm about to make myself some salmon and fried potatoes lmao
My sleep schedule is absolutely fucked
Comfy. Gonna read some more Tower of God after I'm done making my meal.
I also feel good about making progress with my backlog/tracker program. Just need to finetune the GUI and add some more functions such as editing and deleting a row or rows.


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there are servers for BC2 but holy fuck do I get my shit pushed in when I play.

>what happened to your best friend?
They haven't been online in a month and last time we talked they were feeling pretty sad

retard most of the 'chat' in these threads is talking about what porn they're gonna watch

RLM, Company Man, Defunct land, and 90s xmen
Shepard's pie
Water and dr pepper
Persona boys
A little better still kinda exhausted mentally after the fucking clusterfuck of stress I had yesterday

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Devil survivor 2 record breaker or starting a new total warhammer 2 campaign. Not sure which.
Gonna watch Tiger king since it sounds fun.
Some Pekka Pohjala right now.
Got chill cooking on the stove.
Tea. But I have some leftover ginger liqueur for later.
Maybe not.
Not so bad really. It's beena long week though and i've wanted to get some writing done but haven't had the time for it. not like I write anything important anyways though. but i've been enjoying my time with quarantine by also doing some miniature painting.
How are you liking Historia? And wait, Tower of god has an anime/animated show? Since when?
How's FF7R? And you like orange soda so you are based in my book.
Is this your first time playing Persona 5? I'm sorry to hear you're feeling stressed. Watching 90s xmen is a blast from the past though.
If you like P5R I recommend an SMT game after you play it, IV is fun.

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reposting from other thread

I've been playing all sony exclusives that i missed.
100%ed god of war and it was just ok, bloated with unnecessary shit
>Horizon zero dawn is good for the most part so far but the side missions are not well thought out. imagine going into a level 8 side mission and having to fight a level 18 machine without any way to go back unless you restart the game. had t cheese that shit for half an hour.
Uncharted 4 is really good but i dislike the mp focus on how the aim affects the single player, so now i am just using auto aim and killing everything i see. made the game way more fun.
Cutie honey, 2016 i think. Also the konosuba movie
gorillaz new track, Aeris, and a bunch of anime openings
nothing yet but ill try to study japanese again.
Spaghetti and meatballs
sundown, most of his thicc porn is pretty good. i also found his pixiv recently
Alright, everything is going well in my new job that i recently got and allows me to work from home. It came in a good time because my mom had to close her business and my father was fired so i a the only one with income right now.

I also decided to go back into learning japanese and to save money to attend a post-graduate course in UX/;UI design. I feel that is something that looks cool and that i need to better myself as a front end developer.

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sounds like a comfy night

Something on Netflix later
K.K singing in my plaza in NH
Did it twice already, /ss/
meh, I'm happy to be stuck at home instead of wageslaving, but I feel I should do something more with my free time than vidya and fapping.

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There might be a few faggots who devolve into this, yeah, but just ignore them. If you want people to have meaningful discussions here, lead the charge and start responding to anons with similar interests. These threads are one of the only places safe from obvious falseflagging and wojack shit, which is reason enough they exist.
Or you could keep being a bitching little faggot entering threads he doesn't like just to be contrarian. Up to you.

>shepard's pie

hgnnnghh if I was back in england all I'd do is go to the pub and order an all day breakfast and shepard's pie and guzzle down carling or maybe a decent ale if they had one

Black Angels
Giantess shit
Pretty dandy
I could use a SFV sparring partner
Man, I remember saying to myself that I would learn to play DF once I finished a bunch of roguelikes about 10 years ago. How's your fort?
Star Trek Voyager how is the show? Is the bad rep unwarranted?

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>How's FF7R? And you like orange soda so you are based in my book.
As someone who has beaten the original 7 four times, I think it's fantastic so far. I came in with low expectations and expecting to still be disappointed, but it blew it all out of the water. The gameplay is so fun and I love how every character feels unique to play. Story wise its definitely meant for people who have played the original already though.

need for speed mw2 2005, csgo
bob dylan, daft punk and some intial d ost
pretty good, just finished up a fishing season, so I can finally sit home and be lonely as usual

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I'm liking it a lot. Currently going back to find all the secrets. Finished it on UV but will probably got back and do a Nightmare run. Kinda bummed out Invasion mode isn't out, that looks like more fun than the battle mode.

england hates you


*best intro music starts playing*

I notice those "Why are you here?" threads dried up pretty quick.

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Nier Automata, keep getting lost on those pesky sidequests, fun game though, very relaxing OST.
Gurenn Lagann, kinda not getting the hype tho.
Vaporwave playlist on youtube
Sahara Wataru
Bored, this quarantine made me miss my family, doesnt help that they all have birthdays on the same week, having somewhat of an artist block but that's probably just me being lazy

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Nice. I wanted to pick it up but I forgot to cancel my amazon preorder for it so i'm getting it tuesday it seems. I can wait a few days.

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>How are you liking Historia? And wait, Tower of god has an anime/animated show? Since when?
I'm only 10 hours in but I'm really enjoying it so far. Love the whole change history by going back and forth in time plot the game has.
And I really enjoy the characters, combat system and OST.
And yeah, Tower of God got an anime this season. You should check it out, it's really good.

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Ni No Kuni 2
Hi Score Girl II
burger king
diet coke
too depressed to do that
a bit down and empty. When will this quarantine end?

Voyager borders on really great to the point where it has some of the best episodes of Star Trek to downright retarded so I'm loving it.

I had no idea it was getting one. I read a bit of the comic but was dealing with some shit at the time so I never caught up with it. I'll check out the anime then because the comic seemed great.

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Animal Crossing NH. I want a full museum so bad and I've only just begun.
Started Tower of God and Bojack Horseman season 4 - both excellent
Some trap shit
Lonely. My roommate is mad at me for being a drunken butthole lately, but I just went from working 50 hours 5 days a week to 40 hours 4 days a week due to corona so I'm kinda celebrating the free time. He's also my best friend and I don't want to lose him over stupid shit. His bday is also coming soon, gotta find a good "don't hate me" present

>last day of the cherry-blossom event.
FUCK I just started selling them to make space in my box
>Gorillaz and The Strokes
>And best friend is gone.
Sorry user. What happened?

What country user? Here in MA a lot of people got laid off.

How does Voyager compare to other treks? I'm big on TNG but tepid on getting into the later series

>Liquor store line
Where are you located?

Homosexuals are GAY

A shot across the bow every now and then is fair to make sure people are actually talking to eachother and not just blogposting imo

>Gurenn Lagann
How many eps in are you?

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the midlands disagree

I definitely recommend playing through DeSu 2 record breaker in the meantime. It's one of the best SMT games. Have fun when your FF7 copy comes!

Oh i'm having fun with Desu 2 so far. I just got a new PC earlier this week though so I wanna try TWW2 on a non shit PC and with an SSD though. Its a hard choice.

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Soulcailbur Vi, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Tomb Raider ll
King of the hill, I'm gonna watch some walking dead too later,
007 sound system and tycho
Some reese's pieces
V8 pomegranate blueberry
Nothing lol

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How much of Gurren Lagann has been spoiled for you? Shit gets real pretty quick. If the big thing early on doesn't get you I don't think the second big thing will change much. It's one of my favorites of all time though.


Yeah, I bought all the classic Doom games on Switch and I'm plaything through them on that.

I stopped around episode 8 iirc. I know about Kamina since he's in every Yas Forums thread about sad anime moments but I'm still hoping I can get more enjoyment out of the show

I've been marathoning Voyager too.

Some Gears 5 Gridiron, maybe some Animal Crossing

Some streamer playing State of Decay 2

Some Rap

Burgers with the in laws

Mountain Dew

No need

Pretty worried I won't get to finish paramedic school, with the Covid shit. We'll see.

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War Thunder
Bannerlord lets plays
homemade chicken sandwiches
too tired
tired because i worked 13 hours today

my answer hereWatch DS9 then Voyager. Voyager is kinda like TOS because they go to uncharted space and some episodes are truly the best but some are fuckin dumb. My favorite episode is this really depressing one where this upbeat space cat man dies then he gets brought back to life so he gets suicidal but this little girl pulls him out of his depression because she makes him realize that it's about the little moments like reading her a bedtime story or checking the closet for monsters.

desu I had a similar amount of spoiling and I remember it really picking up after episode 13. The finale is glorious.

I'm editing a card video of my girlfriend I opening Jojo cards
Tower of God. Really really vanilla show far. Looks nice though. Sort of.
Frozen shit dinner
Vanilla Coke
Good! I just wish Yas Forums had an editing board.

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