Sonic works better when he doesn’t talk

Sonic works better when he doesn’t talk.

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he talked in the OVA though
in fact I liked that voice, suited him.

Yas Forums works better when you don't post

He always talked

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i want more sonic and eggman dialogue

The art direction for the Mario IP has been dogshit boring since the Gamecube and the Sonic IP since Unleashed. It's like both companies hit their stride with CG renders and decided to just keep rehashing forever and ever. Like if you're going to use an artstyle for 10 years straight at least have it be something cool looking like Mario Hoops.

Same with his fanbase

Your mother works better when she isn't screaming at the top of her lungs when I'm fucking her brains out.

> hahaha hello fellow boomers current Sonic is trash amirite hahaha

current Sonic is perfectly fine, it's the writers that are fucking it up. His pre-2010s characterization was really really good

Guys, guys, he's not shitting on modern Sonic, he's shitting on the fugly ugly Sonic renders that miss the point of the fluid designs, which Uekawa fully knew how to use to their fullest potential.
I'm a classicfag, but THIS is what I think of when I think Sonic.

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It depends on what he's saying, he's fine when he's a free-spirited ass and not leaning too heavily into "baldy nosehair".

eat shit baiting classicp*do

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op is a retard

Ben > Ryan > Roger > Martin > Jaleel > Jason
But all of them are still great

>OP works better if he doesn't post
It's the same everyday...

chili dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shitty bait thread for Yas Forumsmblr, go back.

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Why do you fags make like 10 sonic threads a day whining about the same shit?

Permission to attempt to save this shitbucket of a thread?

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somebody lay it on me, are chili dogs unironically good?
Because I distinctly remember eating one as a kid because Sonic liked them but I vomited hard immediately afterwards. Never ate another one since then.

I liked that art style. The poses were always weird as fuck though

Sonic is great no matter what he does!

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because I want to vent my sexual frustration about not fucking Blaze the Cat it makes me mad everyday that she isnt real

Well that's really fucking cool.

I like them but only in moderation. Like once every one or two months type thing.

This looks fun but will absolutely filter the fuck out of 97% of the fan base


Thanks, bruh. I've been at it for about 4 evenings now. Let me know if you have any questions.
True, but I'm hoping that more that just the denizens of /sthg/ pick it up and give it a try. The current plan is to have something out by the time the next SAGE rolls around.

>American cartoon is canon
Dumb retards.

VR sanic would be a neat premise provided the people playing don't get motion sickness

Ryan = Martin > Later Jason > Ben = Jaleel > Early Jason >>> Roger

Just stay to /sthg/. No one knows you here and Yas Forums hates namefags like Boco.

>he's shitting on the fugly ugly Sonic renders that miss the point of the fluid designs
I mean, there's always the sonic channel official art. Also that art worked at the time because it was supposed to resemble urban graffiti which isn't as cool as it was in the late 90's-early 2000s anymore.
Also the renders work well in cinematics like in Unleashed's opening cutscene.

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>which isn't as cool as it was in the late 90's-early 2000s anymore.
Well maybe for you

No, I love that shit but most people don't really give a fuck about that kind of art anymore which is why everything nowadays looks so minimalistic and bland.

I guess you're right, which really sucks honestly

>urban graffiti which isn't as cool as it was in the late 90's-early 2000s anymore
Is anything really considered cool nowadays? It kind of feels like everything that used to be cool is now out-of-date or try-hard and nothing has taken its place.

The voices work if the dialogue's writing fits with the context. Roger in the Boom show for example works perfectly because Sonic is meant to be more laid-back and not giving a shit about anything.

This, and it stands true with each voice actor too. Ryan's a hotheaded free spirit, Jason's a mellower justice-oriented hero, Roger's a laid-back cynic.
*blocks your path*

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I actually like Jason best in Sonic X where he's more sassy and shit, for some reason he doesn't feel as energetic in the games to me

i didnt know sonic speaked chinese

We're living in the irony era. Nothing is cool anymore.

He's at his best in Black Knight, but I know what you mean. I actually really liked Sonic X aside from self-insert Chris

For me, it's edgy Sonic.

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DIMPS > Yuji Moronaka

It's weird how it looks like you have more of a control and grasp over moving fast than you would in a traditional 3rd person sonic game.

I don't know why people hate it so much honestly

The answer is Chris, it's always Chris. It's genuinely a feat that a single character managed to bring down a show for two whole seasons.

When will Sonic Underground get a continuation?

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I still think those aesthetics are cool and don't give a fuck if they're outdated. By that logic, the Mona Lisa is outdated art.

>Sonic smashing his head against the badniks

He talks in Sonic CD which is canon. Eat shit and die faggot

Why do you want to take away his Japanese voice?


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>Not soap shoes

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they are good

Just don't bombard it with cheese, that's probably the reason you vomited


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