How do you deal with this, Yas Forums?

How do you deal with this, Yas Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>playing multiplayer games


How do I deal with facebook-tier memes posters like yourself?

I don't have friends

Don't care lol, multiplayer is for utter retards.

Join the opposing team and win

>not just being a soloq chad
what the fuck is wrong with you ?

Just fucking cope

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queue into their games and kill them

>people try to add me to a group
>never respond
Like I'd hang out with a bunch of nerds.

Get other friends, mate. If they never let you in their group then keep your distance.

>playing with anyone else
there's a far greater chance of your teammates are fucking retarded chimps than there is of them actually being useful. Stick to solo games, or when playing MP just do your thing without getting too assmad when you inevitably lose because you're not able to carry the entire team

If they're full, they're full. If they don't want you to join but are being bitches and can't tell you direct, who gives a shit about 'em?

Right, it should be "y'all"

You're friends don't swap teammates in and out so that everyone has a go?

quit playing faggot ass squad games retard

go play a good FPS like quake or doom

"I'm trans"
>ummm okay come on in!

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Invite all the others to your game. Be the Alpha.

just spam the thread with cunnies until its deleted

>simple as
What the hell is wrong with zoomers?

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What a faggot.

brain damage

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Cool Twitter meme

By not being a troglodyte that plays MP games

Why do accents trigger autists so much?

I'm the main guy of the group, without me no one plays together anyway. You should consider finding people who actually want to play with you

>tfw from texas
>tfw y'all has been co-opted by blue check twitter users attempting to sound urban by mimicking ebonics
>tfw now I can't say y'all anymore

Feels bad

>he associates "y'all" and "simple as" with zoomers
You just outed yourself as a zoomer that thinks he's a boomer.

Aw man I hate seeing him like this

It's not an accent, it's y'all, not ya'll

By not being a faggot

Jesus christ that image

I wanna kill all ledditfag

I'm sorry user.

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I know your pain fellow Texbro. As long as you are actually speaking out loud, "y'all" gets a pass, if said in your Texas accent. If you're just typing it on the internet, though, people are going to call you either black or retarded.

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Stop being insecure.
You'll feel better

just stay in the chat and play doom until they rage hard enough to kick their fifth and you can join
simple as


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>A: "Yo yo wassup guys"
>B: "We have a full lobby, Maybe user wants to take a break?"
>me: o-ok

Probably my favorite thing about being an invader in Dark Souls.
>Generally you don't have help, have to rely on yourself
>Teams not able to form, you are very lucky to get assistance in the form of a co-invader
>Still become friends with different bro-invaders, get to know eachother
>Invade by myself, fighting a 4 man squad (basically impossible alone.)
>Manage to hold them off for a few minutes, just basically staying alive
>See BRO-invader on friends list comes into session
>My brain "Bro, Bad Hombre just invited. You are about to wipe these scrubs 2v4, quality over quantity and make them look like absolute clowns

That's why I love Souls dude. Always playing alone but, I chill in parties with my bros and hangout.

I hated that for GTA, CoD, other FPS games you NEED a good squad or team, otherwise you're just playing with squeakers and people that fucking suck and will drive you insane. Souls is like, not having to deal with any of that but still getting the satisfaction of playing with friends

'ate niggers
`ate zoomers
`ate twitter
simple as.

>keep wanting to invite firends to play through some sven coop maps or hl2 coop in gmod
>got the whole hosting thing figured out, all the addons in one, simple to download and ready to go pack for maximum convinence
>keep remembering I've tried over the last decade a couple times and they always drop it or aren't interested
>I guess I'll just play more far cry 5 since they keep asking me to

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Souls is a shit game fuck off zoomer

>words and phrases that have been around forever are suddenly bad because now younger people use them

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Your "friends" are retards if they do this, break it off for your own sake.

This is why you have no friends.

NC here, shit pisses me off too

We're all gonna make it.

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>My brain "Bro, Bad Hombre just invited. You are about to wipe these scrubs 2v4, quality over quantity and make them look like absolute clowns

>This is why you have no friends.

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>playing online multiplayershit
Do zoomers even PLAY singleplayer games?

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me: "naw i am good"
team: take a break user

>try Battlefield multiplayer
>get into tank as machine gunner
>tank stops
>twenty seconds later, get psn message from spic burger driver asking me to get the fuck out of the tank

Is this normal behavior? I'm not into that kind of games.


also extremely based

You seem to have lots of experience in having no friends. No (You) because I'm not your friend.

Nothing wrong with y'all Texas bro, autists always hate it when you type in an accent. They shite on me for saying arse, lad and ye

>I don't have friends

add fuckloads of people and use the lfg functions
if people are fags/shit i just leave

>Another toomer varient

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>see Steam friend playing fighting game
>ask if he wants to play some sets
>"sorry playing someone already"

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Shitter spotted

>you have been kicked from the server

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Honestly I prefer playing alone, my favorite thing is in games like Arma, sometimes you can just be on your own team and I get to be full autistic chaotic neutral setting traps around picking people off. One of the most fascinating things to observe is how 2 opposing teams react to the wrench in the works that is me. A notable problem people need to be aware of yet it would make no sense to have the entire team go after me when there i s a whole other team trying to kill you. I like being the weird outlier, the madlad, the legend.

Fitting in is for chumps.

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The bitch in this pic is gonna turn 35 this september llool

>me: "Hey friend we have space for two more, do you want in?"
>maybe next time
>logs into some other multiplayer game
>next time comes around
>"maybe next time"
>logs into different game